
  答案:C。该题为文章主旨题,考察文章中心。该篇文章属于问题解决型文章,前5段均在说美国法律职业存在的问题,最后一段提出了解决措施“allowing non-lawyers to own shares in law firms would reduce costs and improve services to customers, by encouraging law firms to use technology and to employ professional managers to focus on improving firms’ efficiency.”。因此,该篇属于问题解决型文章,选C。其他几个选项均为文中的个别细节,以偏概全。

  Text 3

  The US$3-million Fundamental physics prize is indeed an interesting experiment, as Alexander Polyakov said when he accepted this year’s award in March. And it is far from the only one of its type. As a News Feature article in Nature discusses, a string of lucrative awards for researchers have joined the Nobel Prizes in recent years. Many, like the Fundamental Physics Prize, are funded from the telephone-number-sized bank accounts of Internet entrepreneurs. These benefactors have succeeded in their chosen fields, they say, and they want to use their wealth to draw attention to those who have succeeded in science.

  What’s not to like? Quite a lot, according to a handful of scientists quoted in the News Feature. You cannot buy class, as the old saying goes, and these upstart entrepreneurs cannot buy their prizes the prestige of the Nobels, The new awards are an exercise in self-promotion for those behind them, say scientists. They could distort the achievement-based system of peer-review-led research. They could cement the status quo of peer-reviewed research. They do not fund peer-reviewed research. They perpetuate the myth of the lone genius.

  The goals of the prize-givers seem as scattered as the criticism.Some want to shock, others to draw people into science, or to better reward those who have made their careers in research.

  As Nature has pointed out before, there are some legitimate concerns about how science prizes—both new and old—are distributed. The Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences, launched this year, takes an unrepresentative view of what the life sciences include.But the Nobel Foundation’s limit of three recipients per prize, each of whom must still be living, has long been outgrown by the collaborative nature of modern research—as will be demonstrated by the inevitable row over who is ignored when it comes to acknowledging the discovery of the Higgs boson. The Nobels were, of course,themselves set up by a very rich individual who had decided what he wanted to do with his own money. Time, rather than intention, has given them legitimacy.

  As much as some scientists may complain about the new awards, two things seem clear. First, most researchers would accept such a prize if they were offered one. Second, it is surely a good thing that the money and attention come to science rather than go elsewhere, It is fair to criticize and question the mechanism—that is the culture of research, after all—but it is the prize-givers’ money to do with as they please. It is wise to take such gifts with gratitude and grace.




  31.The Fundamental Physical Prize is seen as

  [A]a symbol of the entrepreneurs’s wealth.

  [B]a possible replacement of the Nobel Prize.

  [C]an example of bankers’ investment.

  [D]a handsome reward for researchers.

  答案:A为细节题。根据题干中的Fundamental Physics Prize可以定位到第一段,但除此之外就没有其他细节提示信息了,所以我们只能根据几个选项去定位,分别根据选项中的entrepreneurs、Nobel Prize、investment、reward去定位,在第一段末句找到了与A选项相一致的句子,则判定A选项正确。

  32.The phrase “to sign on”(Line 3,Para.2) most probably means

  [A]the profit-oriented scientists.

  [B]the founders of the new award.

  [C]the achievement-based system.

  [D]peer-review-led research.

  答案:B 为细节题。根据题干中的critics定位到第三段,可知第二段没有出题,从第三段第二句可以得出本道题的正确选项,who have made their careers in research即为B选项中的The founders。

  33.What promoted the chancellor to develop his scheme?

  [A]controversies over the recipients’ status.

  [B]the joint effort of modern researchers.

  [C]legitimate concerns over the new prize.

  [D]the demonstration of research findings.

  答案: D 为细节题。本道题如果从题干中看更像是例证题,但题目中说道the case involves即问例子本身,所以为一道细节题。我们在第四段倒数第三句中找到了Higgs boson,定位到本句可以得知nature of modern research---as well as demonstrated by……即为本道题正确答案。

  34.According to Paragraph 3, being unemployed makes one one feel

  [A]Their endurance has done justice to them.

  [B]Their legitimacy has long been in dispute.

  [C]They are the most representative honor.

  [D]History has never cast doubt on them.

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