今天,在他们奋起反抗压迫的60年后,我们缅怀6月17日的东德(East German)英雄。当柏林墙终于倒塌时,他们的梦想得以实现。他们的力量和他们的激情,他们永恒的榜样提醒我们,无论有多么强大的军队和多么有权威的政府,决定是否被一堵墙限定,还是将其拆毁取决于公民的选择。(掌声)
And we're now surrounded by the symbols of a Germany reborn. A rebuilt Reichstag and its glistening glass dome. An American embassy back at its historic home on Pariser Platz. (Applause。) And this square itself, once a desolate no man's land, is now open to all. So while I am not the first American President to come to this gate, I am proud to stand on its Eastern side to pay tribute to the past. (Applause。)
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