1,每一个成就是否会带来新的挑战?(Does every achievement bring with it new challenges?)
2,接受群体的价值观会认可人们避免对他们自己的思想和行为负责吗?(Does accepting the values of a group allow people to avoid taking responsibility for their own thoughts and actions?)
3,鼓励不一致和不同意见的群体是否比不鼓励那样做的群体运行得更好?(Do groups that encourage nonconformity and disagreement function better than those that discourage it?)
忠诚是种美德,是在我们生活中的每一个方面都是需要鼓励的。所以,我们对我们的家庭、团队、学校和国家都要忠诚。但是,很常见的是忠诚变得盲目:自动地将自己标识归属一个团体,并且接受其价值观作为自己的价值观,我们以此来避免对自己的思想和行为负责。(Loyalty is a virtue that is encouraged and rewarded in every aspect of our lives. We are, therefore, loyal to our families, our teams, our schools, and our countries. But too often loyalty is blind: by automatically identifying ourselves with a group and accepting its values as our own, we avoid taking responsibility for our own thoughts and actions.)