A good prank for most university's is to print up a bunch of fake leaflets advertising a non-existent restaurant that has cheap eats and offers free food with the coupons printed on the leaflets. Most colleges have a student union , so the leaflets can be dropped off there and pinned up on various bulletin boards around campus.
When this is done, you can sit back and watch the marks wandering around looking for their free lunches.
2.Go Fish, Goldfish
When you are at someone's house and they are having a party or people over, go to their main bathroom and put about a dozen goldfish in their toliet. This prank is hilarious because people won't know what to do. They either go to the bathroom and flush the fish or they let them stay in there until someone scoops them out and they will end up with a dozen goldfish!
3.Sticky Glue
You'll need a little bit of lightly sticky glue for this one--I suggest simply using a glue stick and smearing it. Put the glue on someone's seat--imagine the trouble they'll have getting up!
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