

  Millions of words are to be told you, my father, but I have no idea where to start. In my heart, deep respect, affection and appreciation towards you are really beyond words of description…

  You are always like a mighty mountain, carrying the world on your shoulders. You are always like a broad river, embracing all happiness and sorrow to your bosom. You are always like a solid bridge, assisting me to go through tribulations and hardships. You are always like a firm boat, taking me across all the storms and waves in life…

  As a father, you are successful, for you have brought your two daughters into successes envied by others. As a husband, you are admirable, for you have been taking good care of your tender wife all the year round. As a son, you are famous and adorable, for you have been so kind to your parents and your wife’s that everyone around turned up their thumbs on you. And as a doctor, you are regretless, for all the folks in the town think highly of your medical techniques and ethics. But how could you be so miserable with your own son?


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