(in Korean Currency, Won)College | 계열(해당학과) | Tuition |
Humanities | 인문, 사회(일반) | 1,801,000 |
인문, 사회(민속무용학과) | 2,044,000 | |
Social Sciences | 인문, 사회(전 학과) | 1,801,000 |
Natural Sciences | 자연 | 2,180,000 |
공학(컴퓨터과학과) | 2,333,000 | |
Business Administration | 인문, 사회(전 학과) | 1,801,000 |
Engineering | 공학(전 학과) | 2,333,000 |
Agriculture and Life Science | 인문, 사회(식품자원경제학과) | 1,801,000 |
자연 | 2,180,000 | |
공학(생물산업기계공학과, 지역환경 기반공학과, 애그로시스템공학부) | 2,333,000 | |
Law | 인문, 사회(법학과) | 1,801,000 |
Education | 인문, 사회 | 1,801,000 |
자연, 체육 | 2,180,000 | |
예능 | 2,376,000 | |
Veterinary Medicine | 수의(수의예과) | 2,671,000 |
수의(수의학과) | 3,100,000 | |
의과대학 | 의학(의예과) | 3,126,000 |
의학(의학과) | 3,310,000 | |
Nursing | 자연(간호학과) | 2,180,000 |
Marine Science | 인문,사회(수산경영학과) | 1,801,000 |
자연 | 2,180,000 | |
공학 | 2,333,000 | |
약학대학 | 약학(약학과) | 3,126,000 |
※ Tuition is subject to change every year and slightly different for each department.
※ 위 금액은 입학금(168,000원)이 포함된 금액임.
There are three sources of scholarships available to Gyeongsang National University (GSNU) students: GSNU scholarships &support programs, foundation scholarships, and Korean government scholarships. International students should probably first consider Korean government scholarships since there are several designed specifically for international students.
Tuition Waivers
Tuition waivers are given on a semester-by-semester basis to selected students who display exceptional scholastic ability and have financial need. Students must be recommended by their advising professor. All exchange students are eligible for a tuition waiver.
Work-study Programs
On-campus jobs are offered to selected students with financial need. The program pays students 100,000 won a month for 40 hours a month or 10 hours a week. Students must be recommended by their advising professor.
Student Loans
Interest-free loans, which partially cover tuition costs, are provided to selected students. Students are allowed a certain grace period after graduation to repay their loans.
English Emmersion Camp
English emmersion camp held by School of Language Education offer volunteer work to help foreign teachers hired in English Camp. The Camp pays students 400,00 won for one month and offer dormitory free of charge. English camp is held every summer and winter vacation respectively.
University-administered Foundations:
GSNU administered seven scholarship foundations. Many of these are foundation scholarship These foundations and a description of their scholarships are as follows:
GSNU Scholarship Foundation
This foundation provides loan scholarships to selected needystudents who have a grade-point average of 4.0 an above and the recommendations of their advising professors. The scholarship covers tuition for one year.
GSNU Research Scholarship Foundation
This foundation provides scholarships to students who are recommended by their college dean and who have a grade-point average of 3.5 or above. The scholarship is 500,000 won a semester.
Heo Yeong Chung Research Scholarship Foundation
This foundation provides scholarships to students who have passed one of the five government examinations to winners of the Korean National Science Fair, and to students with a grade-point average of 3.0 who are also acting as the head of their family. The scholarship ranges from 300,000 to 1 million won. Students should be recommended by the deans of their colleges.
Yuk Cheon Research Scholarship Foundation
This foundation provides scholarships and research grants to GSNU students and professors. Possible recipients include GSNU students planning to study at a GSNU exchange university overseas for six months or longer, students who have passed on of the five government examinations, winners of one of Korea's nationwide competitions, and students with financial hardship.
Hee-ju Scholarships
These scholarships are giving to nursing students who display scholastic excellence and are recommended by the Nursing Department head. The Executive Training Program Alumni Scholarships: These scholarships are given to elected students who display high academic achievement and outstanding personal qualities. Selected students receive 500,000 won each.
The Female Educator's Training Program Alumni Scholarships
These scholarships are given to selected students who display high academic achievement and outstanding personal qualities
Private-administered Foundations
There are a large number of private foundations that offer scholarships to GSNU students. Interested students should contact the GSNU Office of Admission & Scholarship for more information.