
2015-08-21 15:32:44 孙文麟 彩虹人行道彩虹人行横道同性恋


  Castanet reports that a Kelowna woman will stop at nothing to have the freshly-painted, rainbow-colored crosswalks removed. The crosswalks appeared two weeks ago after a street and utilities upgrade, and Nancy Enns is prepared to go all the way up to the Supreme Court of Canada, if necessary.

  When the crosswalks were first introduced, the city issued a press release that read, “Residents will notice that the pedestrian crossings vary from more traditional traffic markings and are painted in the colors of the rainbow. Crosswalks like these celebrate diversity and can be found in several cities across Canada and North America, including Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, and Philadelphia.”

  “It’s a lifestyle I don’t support,” Enns says. “It’s a flag, it represents a lifestyle.”

  She’s demanded the city remove the rainbow-colored crosswalks immediately.

  “Even if I did support it,” Enns says, “it’s discriminatory in the sense that if I am going to support that lifestyle in that manner, I am going to have to support every lifestyle. Where does that end? It’s discriminatory against other lifestyles.”

  She’s since contacted the city and asked that the crosswalks be repainted white like every other crosswalk in the city. Her request has been forwarded to city council.

  “I got a letter back giving their excuses for why it’s there,” Enns says. “I thought it was very insulting,” said Enns.

  Mayor Colin Basran’s response reads:

  “By painting the crosswalk in rainbow colours, we took this as an opportunity to demonstrate inclusivity in a visual manner. Promoting inclusivity is not a cause but rather a statement about being an accepting and open community, conveying the message that all are welcome, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. The City encourages residents of Kelowna to be inclusive, accepting and welcoming and I truly believe people deserve the right to live in the community and be the people they were born to be, free of discrimination.

  “We will not be painting over the rainbow crosswalk with white paint.”


  “Council has opened up a whole can of worms,” Enns says. “They don’t know what they’re doing. This is not good. This could go to a lot of places they don’t want to go. That’s going to cost the taxpayer. This is going to cost money. I don’t think I’m alone here…”







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