Several competitive scholarships with varied amounts are available for students wishing to study at Hokkaido University. Below are a selection of scholarships that you can apply for prior to leaving your home country. Whether securing prior to enrollment or after starting studying here at Hokkaido University, in the years 2012-2013, around 48% of Hokkaido University’s International Students were receiving some form of scholarship.
Japanese Government
The Japanese Government (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, or “Monbukagakusho”) offers scholarships you can apply for before arriving in Japan. Here are methods to secure a ‘Monbukagakusho Scholarship’.
Receive a recommendation to MEXT from the Japanese Embassy or Consular Office in your country. To receive a recommendation, you need to pass a primary screening conducted by the local embassy with cooperation from your country’s government. For more details, inquire at your local Japanese Embassy or Consular Office.
Students coming to Hokkaido University can also apply through our University. Application is made through your prospective advisor. University recommendation is only available to Graduate Level Research students. Undergraduate Students are ineligible to apply.
Special Grant Programfor prospective international students seeking Doctoral degrees. Applicants are eligible to apply to become Research Assistants and have their tuition fees waived. To obtain this special grant, applicants must have excellent academic records and be able to prove how their research can contribute internationally in their chosen field.