Special Entrance Exam for International Students
Category | Application Period | Exam Date | Announcement of Results | |
| Category A | Sep.28 through Oct.9, 2015 | Oct. 24, 2015 | Oct. 29, 2015 |
Category B | Nov. 16 through 27, 2015 | Dec. 12, 2015 | Dec. 17, 2015 | |
Category C | Jan. 18 through 27, 2016 | Feb. 13, 2016 | Feb. 18, 2016 |
1. Exam Subjects (General)
For Those Living in Japan:
Japanese (written exam), an interview and a short passage to be read aloud
・Written exam
Category A: Exam conducted by the university
Category B: Exam conducted by the university or rated according to applicant’s score on the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students(EJU).
Category C: Exam conducted by the university or rated according to applicant’s score on the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students(EJU).
・Short passage to be read aloud
For the Department of Japanese, Department of Chinese, Department of Economics, and Faculty of Real Estate Sciences, the passage read aloud will be in Japanese.
For the Department of English and Department of Hospitality & Tourism Management, the passage read aloud will be in English.
2. For Those Living Outside of Japan (Prearrival Entrance Exam [Category B]):
EJU scores from the following sections: Japanese and either “Japan and
the World” or mathematics (course 1)
A statement of the reason for applying to the university needs to be submitted(to be completed in Japanese).
3. Acceptable EJU Scores
Category B: EJU taken in November 2013, June/November 2014, or June 2015
Category C: EJU taken in June/November 2014 or June/November 2015
Note: The applicant’s score from each section of the EJU will be converted
to 100 points, and his or her essay in Japanese will be used to make a general assessment of his or her qualification.
2. Application Requirements (General)
・Individuals of non-Japanese nationality who will be 18 years of age or older as of March 31, 2016
・Individuals who have completed or expect to complete 12 years of school education in a foreign country by March 31, 2016, or have been deemed by the minister of education, culture, sports, science, and technology to have the equivalent level of qualification
・If you are enrolled or have been enrolled in a Japanese-language school or vocational school, you are required to have an attendance rate of 85% or more (decimals will be truncated) during your term of enrollment at the school.
Note: Students whose native language is English or Chinese may not apply to the Department of English or Department of Chinese, respectively.