If you are thinking of studying at ANU and you require accommodation you need to apply by completing the online accommodation application between 20 August and 6 January for first semester and full-year applications, or between 1 April and 8 June for second semester applications.
Full-year and first semester applications
Applications for 2016 full-year and semester one accommodation are open between 20 August and 6 January. All applications for accommodation are considered at the same time, we do not work on a first come, first served basis, we look at all applications equally.
If you are not a guaranteed applicant you should also consider other accommodation options which you can find at http://www.anu.edu.au/study/accommodation. Second semester applications open on 1 April.
About offers
Offers are made on a rolling basis and can arrive right up to the time that classes are starting, so even if you receive an early round academic offer you might not receive your accommodation offer until later.
Domestic students
After UAC offers have been released, we start sending out emails offering accommodation along with information on how to accept an offer. As this happens on an ongoing basis it may not be immediately after your academic offer is made.
You must accept your offer of accommodation within 48 hours of receiving it otherwise the accommodation offer will lapse. Offers are sent via email so you must keep a close eye on your emails (including junk folders).
International students
International students offers for accommodation are made on a rolling basis after acceptance of your academic offer and you have paid your program fee deposit to study at ANU.
You must accept your academic offer by 17 January for first semester and full-year applications, or by 23 June for second semester in the year your studies will commence. This includes paying your program fee deposit.
You must accept your offer of accommodation within 48 hours of receiving it otherwise the offer will lapse.
Important things to remember
You should apply for accommodation before you are offered an academic place at ANU, even if you aren't sure if you are coming to ANU
Your preference for a particular student residence will be considered but is not guaranteed, the guarantee only applies to being offered a bed at an ANU approved residence
An accommodation offer may be for a residence different to your selected preference and costs may vary (eg you may have preferenced a catered residence but you may be offered self-catered)
University accommodation includes all Lodges, Colleges, Halls and any other ANU approved accommodation facility
Accommodation offers will be made via email, make sure you check your email regularly
You cannot apply directly to the student residences, one application covers all University accommodation
Applications are free and there is no obligation to accept an accommodation offer
Late applications are not accepted
Step 1
Review the registration & application dates
Semester 1 | Semester 2 | |
Guaranteed applicants | Open - 20 August Close - 6 January | Open - 1 April Close - 8 June |
Non-guaranteed applicants | Open - 20 August Close - 6 January | Open - 1 April Close - 15 June |
Step 2
Decide which residence is for youWhen submitting your application you must select a preference. You should refer to residences to view each accommodation location to see which one will suit you best. It is a good idea to attend Open Day which is held in late August if you can, that way you can go on a tour around all of the residences which will help you to choose.
Step 3
Register & applyYou will need to register and then continue through to submit an application, as this is a two step process. Once you have registered you will receive a confirmation email, you can then continue through the application process until you press submit.
Please note - your application is not complete until it has been submitted, and must be done within the specified dates above.
Medical and special requirements
If you have ever suffered from or currently have a condition which may now, or in the future, impact your living arrangements please specify details below. Failure to do so will mean that your condition cannot be considered and/or taken in to account for room allocation. Disclosure of your situation after submission of your application will not be considered for room types and lifestyle choices. Medical documentation may be required to support your claim.
Disclosure of your condition in this section will remain completely confidential and will only be used for the purposes outlined above, and will not impact negatively on your application for accommodation.