
  Fellowship for Undergraduate Students

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate students
Individuals who pass the fellowship student exam
Amount Exemption from all first-year expenses to be paid, except enrolment fees and ancillary fees
Faculty of Law/Economics/Business Administration/Foreign Languages/Human Sciences: ¥1 million/year
Faculty of Science/Engineering:¥1.2 million/year
*Students living away from home are granted a further ¥600,000/year in living assistance
Duration Generally four years

  Scholarship for International Students

Type Exemption
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate and graduate school students
Privately funded international students who are recognized as having an outstanding academic record and character but for whom pursuing studies is difficult due to financial reasons
Amount Amount corresponding to 30% of annual tuition fees for the faculty/graduate school in which the student is enrolled
Students with a superior academic record receive an additional amount corresponding to 20% of annual tuition fees
Duration Limited to the year in which it is obtained (students may re-apply)

  Scholarship for Outstanding University Activities

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate students
Individuals who have achieved outstanding performance in the area of academics, literature, social activity, or sports
Amount Varies according to the nature of the activity
Duration One time only
(It is possible to re-apply in the case of outstanding performance in different areas of activity)

  Scholarship for Specified Qualifications and Career Development

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate students
(1) Individuals who pass the certified public accountant or tax accountant examination while enrolled and also have outstanding academic results
(2) Individuals who have passed the test for general position employment for national public servants or an equivalent-level civil service examination and been offered a position and also have outstanding academic results
(3) Individuals who achieve a TOEFL score of 590 or higher or a TOEIC score of 850 or higher while enrolled and also have outstanding academic results
Amount (1), (2)¥300,000
Duration One time only
(Students may re-apply for different categories or if they pass different examinations in (1))

  Scholarship for Overseas Activities

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate and graduate school students
(1) Participants of Short-Term Overseas Study, etc.
(2) Dispatch Exchange Students
(3) Incoming Exchange Students
Please contact the International Center for questions concerning applications for (2) and (3)
Amount (1) ¥50,000
(2) and (3) depend on the exchange location and nature of the activities
Duration One time only while enrolled (varies according to rules in selection guidelines)

  Fellowship for Graduate School Students

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Graduate school students (first-year Master‘s or Doctoral program students)
Exemplary individuals who wish to become university professors and have outstanding academic results and character
Amount Amount corresponding to academic expenses
Duration First-year Master's program students: generally five years
First-year Doctoral program students: generally three years

  Fellowship for School of Law Students

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Graduate school students (School of Law)
New students: individuals with outstanding entrance examination results
Current students: individuals with outstanding academic results for one academic year
Amount (1) ¥1 million + academic expenses
(2) ¥1 million
(3) ¥500,000
*Varies according to academic results
Duration Limited to the year in which it is obtained (students may re-apply)

  Graduate School Scholarship for KU Graduates

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate students (4th year) *This scholarship is for students preparing to advance to graduate school.
Individuals with an outstanding record and character who will graduate from Kanagawa University and pursue graduate studies at the same university here but for whom pursuing studies is difficult due to financial reasons.
If selected as a candidate, it is necessary to complete the application procedure after entering graduate school.
Amount Amount corresponding to 30% of annual tuition fees for the graduate school in which the student plans to enroll.
Duration Limited to the year in which it is obtained

  Graduate School Scholarship for Research and Social Contribution

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Graduate school students
(1) Individuals who have a well-defined research plan, are making continued efforts toward achieving it, and are recognized as possessing outstanding research capacities
(2) Individuals who have achieved outstanding performance in their academic field and whose thesis, literary/art work, etc., is deemed of significant value to society
(3) Individuals who attend and give presentations at academic conferences held in Japan or abroad
Amount Varies according to the nature of the student’s activities and performance, as well as the social merit of those activities
Duration Limited to the year in which it is obtained (students may re-apply)

  Murahashi and Frontier Club Fund Scholarship

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate students (first- and second-year)
Graduate school students (first-year Master’s program, first-year Doctoral post-doctoral program, first-year pre-Law -School of Law
Individuals who are highly motivated to study and have outstanding academic results and character, but for whom pursuing studies is difficult due to financial reasons
Amount ¥400,000
Duration Limited to the year in which it is obtained (students may re-apply)

  KU Encouragement Scholarship

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate and graduate school students Individuals who devote themselves to their studies and student life in various learning environments
Amount ¥100,000
Duration Limited to the year in which it is obtained (students may re-apply)

  KU Supporters Association Scholarship

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate students
Individuals who have a desire to study but for whom pursuing studies is difficult due to financial reasons; individuals who have not received a supporters benefit association scholarship or other benefit scholarship
Amount ¥200,000
Duration Limited to the year in which it is obtained

  Kyuryokai(Alumni Association) Scholarship

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate students, generally in fourth year
Individuals for whom it has become difficult to continue their studies due to a sudden change in household finances resulting from a natural disaster or other accident, the death of a support provider, etc.
Amount Amount corresponding to 50% of amount to be paid, such as academic expenses to be paid in installments
Duration Limited to the year in which it is obtained

  Kyuryokai(Alumni Association) Graduate School Scholarship

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Graduate school students
Individuals who are enrolled in graduate school at Kanagawa University following graduation from this university, who are recognized as having an outstanding academic record and character, and who have well-defined future intentions
Amount Graduate School of Law/Economics/Business Administration/Foreign Languages/History and Folklore Studies:¥300,000
Graduate School of Science/Engineering:¥400,000
School of Law:¥500,000
Duration Limited to the year in which it is obtained (students may re-apply)

  Kyuryokai(Alumni Association) Loan Program

Type Loan (interest-free)
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate students and graduate school students
System that enables students to apply as needed in case of temporary hardship.
Generally, loans are interest-free and returned while still enrolled in studies.
Amount ¥10,000-¥300,000 (covering academic fees)
Duration After repayment is complete, students may re-apply for another loan























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  Fellowship for Undergraduate Students

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate students
Individuals who pass the fellowship student exam
Amount Exemption from all first-year expenses to be paid, except enrolment fees and ancillary fees
Faculty of Law/Economics/Business Administration/Foreign Languages/Human Sciences: ¥1 million/year
Faculty of Science/Engineering:¥1.2 million/year
*Students living away from home are granted a further ¥600,000/year in living assistance
Duration Generally four years

  Scholarship for International Students

Type Exemption
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate and graduate school students
Privately funded international students who are recognized as having an outstanding academic record and character but for whom pursuing studies is difficult due to financial reasons
Amount Amount corresponding to 30% of annual tuition fees for the faculty/graduate school in which the student is enrolled
Students with a superior academic record receive an additional amount corresponding to 20% of annual tuition fees
Duration Limited to the year in which it is obtained (students may re-apply)

  Scholarship for Outstanding University Activities

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate students
Individuals who have achieved outstanding performance in the area of academics, literature, social activity, or sports
Amount Varies according to the nature of the activity
Duration One time only
(It is possible to re-apply in the case of outstanding performance in different areas of activity)

  Scholarship for Specified Qualifications and Career Development

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate students
(1) Individuals who pass the certified public accountant or tax accountant examination while enrolled and also have outstanding academic results
(2) Individuals who have passed the test for general position employment for national public servants or an equivalent-level civil service examination and been offered a position and also have outstanding academic results
(3) Individuals who achieve a TOEFL score of 590 or higher or a TOEIC score of 850 or higher while enrolled and also have outstanding academic results
Amount (1), (2)¥300,000
Duration One time only
(Students may re-apply for different categories or if they pass different examinations in (1))

  Scholarship for Overseas Activities

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate and graduate school students
(1) Participants of Short-Term Overseas Study, etc.
(2) Dispatch Exchange Students
(3) Incoming Exchange Students
Please contact the International Center for questions concerning applications for (2) and (3)
Amount (1) ¥50,000
(2) and (3) depend on the exchange location and nature of the activities
Duration One time only while enrolled (varies according to rules in selection guidelines)

  Fellowship for Graduate School Students

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Graduate school students (first-year Master‘s or Doctoral program students)
Exemplary individuals who wish to become university professors and have outstanding academic results and character
Amount Amount corresponding to academic expenses
Duration First-year Master's program students: generally five years
First-year Doctoral program students: generally three years

  Fellowship for School of Law Students

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Graduate school students (School of Law)
New students: individuals with outstanding entrance examination results
Current students: individuals with outstanding academic results for one academic year
Amount (1) ¥1 million + academic expenses
(2) ¥1 million
(3) ¥500,000
*Varies according to academic results
Duration Limited to the year in which it is obtained (students may re-apply)

  Graduate School Scholarship for KU Graduates

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate students (4th year) *This scholarship is for students preparing to advance to graduate school.
Individuals with an outstanding record and character who will graduate from Kanagawa University and pursue graduate studies at the same university here but for whom pursuing studies is difficult due to financial reasons.
If selected as a candidate, it is necessary to complete the application procedure after entering graduate school.
Amount Amount corresponding to 30% of annual tuition fees for the graduate school in which the student plans to enroll.
Duration Limited to the year in which it is obtained

  Graduate School Scholarship for Research and Social Contribution

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Graduate school students
(1) Individuals who have a well-defined research plan, are making continued efforts toward achieving it, and are recognized as possessing outstanding research capacities
(2) Individuals who have achieved outstanding performance in their academic field and whose thesis, literary/art work, etc., is deemed of significant value to society
(3) Individuals who attend and give presentations at academic conferences held in Japan or abroad
Amount Varies according to the nature of the student’s activities and performance, as well as the social merit of those activities
Duration Limited to the year in which it is obtained (students may re-apply)

  Murahashi and Frontier Club Fund Scholarship

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate students (first- and second-year)
Graduate school students (first-year Master’s program, first-year Doctoral post-doctoral program, first-year pre-Law -School of Law
Individuals who are highly motivated to study and have outstanding academic results and character, but for whom pursuing studies is difficult due to financial reasons
Amount ¥400,000
Duration Limited to the year in which it is obtained (students may re-apply)

  KU Encouragement Scholarship

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate and graduate school students Individuals who devote themselves to their studies and student life in various learning environments
Amount ¥100,000
Duration Limited to the year in which it is obtained (students may re-apply)

  KU Supporters Association Scholarship

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate students
Individuals who have a desire to study but for whom pursuing studies is difficult due to financial reasons; individuals who have not received a supporters benefit association scholarship or other benefit scholarship
Amount ¥200,000
Duration Limited to the year in which it is obtained

  Kyuryokai(Alumni Association) Scholarship

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate students, generally in fourth year
Individuals for whom it has become difficult to continue their studies due to a sudden change in household finances resulting from a natural disaster or other accident, the death of a support provider, etc.
Amount Amount corresponding to 50% of amount to be paid, such as academic expenses to be paid in installments
Duration Limited to the year in which it is obtained

  Kyuryokai(Alumni Association) Graduate School Scholarship

Type Grant
Target Students/ Summary Graduate school students
Individuals who are enrolled in graduate school at Kanagawa University following graduation from this university, who are recognized as having an outstanding academic record and character, and who have well-defined future intentions
Amount Graduate School of Law/Economics/Business Administration/Foreign Languages/History and Folklore Studies:¥300,000
Graduate School of Science/Engineering:¥400,000
School of Law:¥500,000
Duration Limited to the year in which it is obtained (students may re-apply)

  Kyuryokai(Alumni Association) Loan Program

Type Loan (interest-free)
Target Students/ Summary Undergraduate students and graduate school students
System that enables students to apply as needed in case of temporary hardship.
Generally, loans are interest-free and returned while still enrolled in studies.
Amount ¥10,000-¥300,000 (covering academic fees)
Duration After repayment is complete, students may re-apply for another loan