
  Graduate School applicants are required to submit valid test scores to be considered for admission. International applicants must meet the English language proficiency requirements and may be required to submit TOEFL/IELTS test scores. All score reports must be received by the application deadline.

  GRE (Graduate Record Examination)

  Applicants are required to submit valid General Test scores from Educational Testing Service (ETS). GRE scores expire after five years from the original examination. All scores must be valid through December 31. The University will not accept expired or self-reported test scores, or copies of test reports. We do not accept partial test scores. A student who chooses to respond to only one section of the test per sitting is testing under different circumstances than those who took all three sections of the test on one test date. Refer to the Fields of Study for specific department requirements to determine if a subject test is required. Although the Graduate School does not have a minimum score requirement, each department may set their own.

  Effective August 1, 2011 ETS changed the format of the GRE General test. As long as your scores are valid we will accept them regardless of the new or old format.

  If the name entered on your test report is different than the name on your application, your test scores will NOT match. If there is a discrepancy with your name, please email gsadmit@princeton.edu(link sends e-mail).

  If you only have one name, please enter it in BOTH the first and last name fields. We cannot accept punctuation as a name. For example, you cannot enter a period for your name.

  When registering to take the GRE, you must request that your scores be sent to Princeton University using institution code 2672. Department codes are not used at Princeton and are not required by ETS. Allow several weeks for test scores to reach us. Graduate Admission will update your submitted application checklist when the scores are received.

  All score reports must be received by the application deadline. All tests must be taken no later than three weeks before the deadline to ensure your official score reports arrive in time.

  The computer-based test (CBT) is offered on a monthly basis.

  The paper based test (PBT) is only offered in February, October and November, plan accordingly.

  If you will be taking a subject test, it must be taken by October 24, 2015. This test is only offered in paper format in September, October and April, plan accordingly.

  An application is considered incomplete without these scores.

  For more information about the GRE(link is external) you can contact Educational Testing Service(link is external) at 609-771-7670 or 866-473-4373, complete their contact form(link is external) or email(link sends e-mail) them directly.

  GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test)

  Applicants applying to the finance department may submit valid GMAT scores in place of GRE scores. GMAT scores expire after five years from your original test date. All scores must be valid through December 31. The University will not accept expired or self-reported test scores, or copies of test takers reports. Although the Graduate School does not have a minimum score requirement, the department may have set its own.

  When registering to take the GMAT, you must request that your scores be sent to Princeton University using program code 2672 or WC1-L5-59. Graduate Admission will update your submitted application checklist when the scores are received.

  All score reports must be received by the application deadline. All tests must be taken no later than three weeks before the deadline to ensure your official score reports arrive in time.

  GMAT is offered on a monthly basis.


















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  Graduate School applicants are required to submit valid test scores to be considered for admission. International applicants must meet the English language proficiency requirements and may be required to submit TOEFL/IELTS test scores. All score reports must be received by the application deadline.

  GRE (Graduate Record Examination)

  Applicants are required to submit valid General Test scores from Educational Testing Service (ETS). GRE scores expire after five years from the original examination. All scores must be valid through December 31. The University will not accept expired or self-reported test scores, or copies of test reports. We do not accept partial test scores. A student who chooses to respond to only one section of the test per sitting is testing under different circumstances than those who took all three sections of the test on one test date. Refer to the Fields of Study for specific department requirements to determine if a subject test is required. Although the Graduate School does not have a minimum score requirement, each department may set their own.

  Effective August 1, 2011 ETS changed the format of the GRE General test. As long as your scores are valid we will accept them regardless of the new or old format.

  If the name entered on your test report is different than the name on your application, your test scores will NOT match. If there is a discrepancy with your name, please email gsadmit@princeton.edu(link sends e-mail).

  If you only have one name, please enter it in BOTH the first and last name fields. We cannot accept punctuation as a name. For example, you cannot enter a period for your name.

  When registering to take the GRE, you must request that your scores be sent to Princeton University using institution code 2672. Department codes are not used at Princeton and are not required by ETS. Allow several weeks for test scores to reach us. Graduate Admission will update your submitted application checklist when the scores are received.

  All score reports must be received by the application deadline. All tests must be taken no later than three weeks before the deadline to ensure your official score reports arrive in time.

  The computer-based test (CBT) is offered on a monthly basis.

  The paper based test (PBT) is only offered in February, October and November, plan accordingly.

  If you will be taking a subject test, it must be taken by October 24, 2015. This test is only offered in paper format in September, October and April, plan accordingly.

  An application is considered incomplete without these scores.

  For more information about the GRE(link is external) you can contact Educational Testing Service(link is external) at 609-771-7670 or 866-473-4373, complete their contact form(link is external) or email(link sends e-mail) them directly.

  GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test)

  Applicants applying to the finance department may submit valid GMAT scores in place of GRE scores. GMAT scores expire after five years from your original test date. All scores must be valid through December 31. The University will not accept expired or self-reported test scores, or copies of test takers reports. Although the Graduate School does not have a minimum score requirement, the department may have set its own.

  When registering to take the GMAT, you must request that your scores be sent to Princeton University using program code 2672 or WC1-L5-59. Graduate Admission will update your submitted application checklist when the scores are received.

  All score reports must be received by the application deadline. All tests must be taken no later than three weeks before the deadline to ensure your official score reports arrive in time.

  GMAT is offered on a monthly basis.







