Fee status
Tuition fees apply for every year of study. How much you pay will depend on whether you're a Home/EU or Overseas/Islands (non-EU) student. This is known as your 'fee status'.
The College assesses your fee status after it has received your application. The criteria we use to assess this is based on UK Government legislation.
Tuition fees 2015–16
Our tuition fee for 2015–16 is £9,000 per year for Home and EU undergraduates.
The fees for overseas students will vary depending on what you are studying.
Please make sure that you check the right category for your fee status on our fees table.
Reduced fees may apply for years spent studying abroad or in industry/undertaking research.
If you are not sure which Faculty the department you are interested in belongs to, please see our list of faculties and departments.
The fees for 2016–17 will be published in the summer of 2015 so please check back then for the latest fee information.
Undergraduate Programmes
The fees for Home/EU students are controlled by the UK Government according to the funding model under which the student started their course of study, these fees will increase annually by an amount linked to inflation and approved by Parliament; fees for subsequent years of study may be higher than the fee listed here. Students who repeat years of study or transfer into the College either to undertake an intercalated degree or as the result of a 'false start' will remain subject to the funding model under which they started their initial course of study.
The fees for continuing Overseas students will increase annually by the RPI value in the September of the calendar year prior to the session commencing; fees for subsequent years of study may be higher than the fee listed here.
Year Abroad
| Home/EU | Islands/Overseas |
Replacement Year | £ 1,350.00 | 100% of relevant fee |
Additional Year | £ 1,350.00 | 15% of relevant fee |
Year in Industry/Research
Placement Type | Home/EU | Islands/Overseas |
Erasmus | £ 900.00 | 10% of relevant fee |
Non-Erasmus | £ 900.00 | 10% of relevant fee |