UCAS application
If you want to study at Oxford, you need to apply a year before the start date of your course by completing the online application form at www.ucas.com. Applications open in early September, and the deadline is 6pm UK time on 15 October every year.
You will need to provide information about yourself, including a personal statement where you talk about your interest in the subject or subjects you’re applying for (see course listings). There is also a place where a teacher or advisor needs to give you a reference. This is all submitted through an online form – no additional references, transcripts, or certificates are required or accepted.
Most people apply to Oxford before they have finished their final year of school or college. If this is the case for you, then your referee will need to provide you with predicted grades – where they say what they expect you to achieve in your A-levels (or equivalent qualifications).
You may also need to register for a test or send in written work, depending on your chosen course.
There is no separate Oxford application form, unless you are applying for:
Accelerated Medicine
If you have a science degree and are applying for the four-year Accelerated Medicine course, you must complete a supplementary application form, in addition to the UCAS application, to be submitted by 15 October.
Choral and Organ Awards
If you want to apply for a choral or organ award, you must complete an additional online application form by 1 September.
Written work
After you have submitted your application (and usually before the end of October), the college considering your application will get in touch to tell you how you should submit your written work. Most colleges will ask you to post your written work (unfolded), although some will accept it electronically. We can't return written work, so do make sure to keep a copy.
You need to complete a cover sheet for each piece of work that you submit.
What to send
You should send written work that demonstrates your analytical, reasoning, language and writing skills, as appropriate for your chosen degree course. It must be original school or college work, marked by a teacher, and not re-written or corrected in any way. It may be typed or handwritten – as long as it is legible – and photocopies are acceptable. Individual course pages give more information about the best type of work to send and how long it should be, but no course will accept work longer than 2,000 words.
If you are not sure what to send, or if you are concerned that you do not have suitable written work, you should contact the college that is considering your application.
Extended essays
Extended essays for the International Baccalaureate, Extended Projects, or other longer pieces of work which exceed the 2,000 word limit are not acceptable as submitted written work. However, you may like to submit an extract from an extended essay. Also, if you mention your essay in your personal statement, tutors may like to discuss this with you at interview if your application is shortlisted.
All written work must be in English (except where required for Modern Languages). International students whose work is in a language other than English are asked to submit both the original work and their own translation into English.
Subject | Is written work required? |
Archaeology and Anthropology | Yes. See Archaeology and Anthropology for details. |
Biochemistry | No |
Biological Sciences | No |
Biomedical Sciences | No |
Chemistry | No |
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History | Yes. See Archaeology and Ancient History for details. |
Classics | Yes. See Classics for details. |
Classics and English | Yes. See Classics and English for details. |
Classics and Modern Languages | Yes. See Classics and Modern Languages for details. |
Classics and Oriental Studies | Yes. See Classics and Oriental Studies for details. |
Computer Science | No |
Computer Science and Philosophy | No |
Earth Sciences (Geology) | No |
Economics and Management (E&M) | No |
Engineering Science | No |
English and Modern Languages | Yes. See English and Modern Languages for details. |
English Language and Literature | Yes. See English Language and Literature for details. |
European and Middle Eastern Languages (EMEL) | Yes. See European and Middle Eastern Languages for details. |
Fine Art | Portfolios must be delivered to the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art by 6pm on Friday 6 November 2015. See Fine Art for details of what to send and the Ruskin School of Art website for information on how to submit your portfolio. |
Geography | No. |
History | Yes. See History for details. |
History (Ancient and Modern) | Yes. See History (Ancient and Modern for details. |
History and Economics | Yes. See History and Economics for details. |
History and English | Yes. See History and English for details. |
History and Modern Languages | Yes. See History and Modern Languages for details. |
History and Politics | Yes. See History and Politics for details. |
History of Art | Yes. See History of Art for details. |
Human Sciences | No |
Law | No |
Materials Science | No |
Mathematics | No |
Mathematics and Computer Science | No |