In order to study at the University of Leicester, your written and spoken English must be good enough that you will fully understand, and benefit from, your degree course (please note that we have slightly different requirements forPhD students).
You can demonstrate your English language ability in any one of these ways:
Education in English: You attended secondary (high) school or university in a country approved by the University as teaching in the medium of English.
IELTS: The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is the world’s most popular English language proficiency test for higher education. Every degree page on our website specifies a minimum IELTS score.
Other tests and qualifications: Use this table to see whether the score or mark you achieved matches the IELTS score for your chosen degree course. Please note that, to be valid, any test must have been taken within the past two years.
Please note: you do not need submit a Secure English Language Test (SELT) in order to study a degree course at the University of Leicester.
Improving your English in Leicester
If you do not currently meet our requirements, there are two ways that you can improve your English language skills at Leicester before starting your degree. Either a pre-sessional language course at our English Language Teaching Unit (ELTU) or a foundation course at the Leicester International Study Centre will enable you to meet our English language requirements.
Each ELTU course consists of 21 hours of intensive language training per week in small, international classes (maximum 16 students, but usually no more than 12). Your current language level will determine how many weeks you spend on the course.
Tier 4 visa language requirements
If you need a Tier 4 visa to study in the UK, you will also need to meet the English language requirements for that, which are set by the UK Government.
Not sure if you meet our English Language requirements? Please contact either (for undergraduate courses) or (for postgraduate courses) and our staff will be happy to advise you.
Important: If there is any doubt about your English language ability, the University of Leicester reserves the right to require you to achieve a satisfactory score in a recognised English language test, or to pass a test of competence, set and marked by our English Language Teaching Unit.
Please note: the English Language and Tier 4 visa requirements are different for Pre-sessional courses. Please see the English Language Teaching Unit website for further information.