The Finance Program is designed for students interested in understanding what factors influence the supply and demand for various financial tools. Finance can be considered from two different perspectives: 1) financial managers concerned with identifying and valuing different investment choices and how they should be financed and 2) investors and managers determining how to use different financial securities (e.g., shares, and bonds), financial instruments (e.g., derivatives) and assets (e.g., real estate) to meet their objectives. The Finance group offers courses designed to emphasize the development, refinement, and extension of the theoretical and empirical structures necessary for students to make these decisions.
To help prepare students for some of the most common careers pursued by Ivey students after graduation, a number of streams have been identified: Commercial Banking, Investment Banking, Portfolio Management, and Wealth Management.
The Finance faculty have won many teaching and research awards allowing the Finance courses to provide students with both the necessary awareness of the major issues facing financial managers and the skills to address these issues.
Wayne Adlam, Lecturer
George Athanassakos, Professor
Louis Bielmann, Lecturer (part-time)
Walid Busaba, Associate Professor
Craig Dunbar, Associate Professor
Stephen Foerster, Professor
Chuck Grace, Lecturer
Jim Hatch, Professor Emeritus
Michael King, Associate Professor
Frank Li, Assistant Professor
Amos Nadler, Assistant Professor
Saurin Patel, Assistant Professor
Alessandro Previtero, Assistant Professor
Mark Reesor, Adjunct Research Professor
Felipe Restrepo, Assistant Professor
Rick Robertson, Associate Professor
Stephen Sapp, Associate Professor
John Schmitz, Assistant Professor (part-time)
Robert White, Professor Emeritus
Larry Wynant, Professor Emeritus