National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB)
In the United States, most state registration boards require a degree from an accredited professional degree program as a prerequisite for licensure. The National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB), which is the sole agency authorized to accredit U.S. professional degree programs in architecture, recognizes three types of degrees: the Bachelor of Architecture, the Master of Architecture, and the Doctor of Architecture. A program may be granted a 6-year, 3-year, or 2-year term of accreditation, depending on the extent of its conformance with established educational standards.
Doctor of Architecture and Master of Architecture degree programs may consist of a pre-professional undergraduate degree and a professional graduate degree that, when earned sequentially, constitute an accredited professional education. However, the pre-professional degree is not, by itself, recognized as an accredited degree.
Yale University, School of Architecture offers the following NAAB-accredited degree program:
M. Arch. (pre-professional degree + 108 credits)
M. Arch. (non-pre-professional degree + 108 credits)
Next accreditation visit: 2019
M.Arch. I
The School’s Master of Architecture I program is for students holding undergraduate liberal arts degrees, such as a B.A. or B.S., who seek their first professional architectural degree. This program leads to a degree of Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) and typically requires three years of full-time residency.
M.Arch. II
The Master of Architecture II program is for students holding a professional degree in architecture (B.Arch., or its equivalent) who seek a second, master’s-level degree in this discipline and who are interested in developing a stronger theoretical basis for their understanding of the field. This program leads to a degree of Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) and typically requires two years of full-time residency.
The Master of Environmental Design program is a two-year research-based program of advanced architectural studies culminating in a written thesis or independent project. This full-residency program leads to a degree of Master of Environmental Design (M.E.D.). This is a nonprofessional degree and does not fulfill prerequisites for licensure.
The five-year doctoral program prepares candidates for careers in university teaching, cultural advocacy and administration, museum curatorship, and publishing. It aims chiefly, however, to educate teachers capable of effectively instructing future architects in the history of their own field and its manifold connections with the culture at large.
Joint Degrees
The school offers a variety of joint degrees including an M.Arch/M.B.A. with the Yale School of Management, an M.Arch/M.E.M. with the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, and an M.Arch/M.E.D.