* Tuition and Fees
A. Entrance fee (for 1st semester only) : KRW 1,131,000
B. Tuition (per semester)
Humanities, Social Science 4,988,000
Interaction Science 5,912,000
Science/Sports 5,939,000
Energy Science 1,131,000 6,366,000 7,497,000
Engineering/Biotechnology, Bioengineering/Art 6,794,000
Management of Technology 7,467,000
Pharmacy 1,131,000 6,842,000 7,973,000
Medicine 7,799,000
Department of Medical Device Management & Research 7,680,000
* Scholarships for International Students
○ 1st semester: 25% ~ 30% of the tuition fee (according to the entrance test results)
○ 2nd semester: 30% ~ 50% of the tuition fee (according to the SKKU scholarship)
※ Must be recommended by a professor at SKKU and must meet SKKU scholarship regulations.
○ Up to 100% of the tuition fee can be provided as a scholarship depending on the result of the applicant’s scholarship evaluation conducted by the department (college).