Check the eligibility and admission criteria
For applying you need to fulfill the following eligibility criteria:
A) Educational Background: Bachelor level degree in a relevant field of study
An applicant may apply to master's degree studies if she/he has completed a first degree (normally a bachelor’s degree) in a relevant field of study from an institution of higher education, entitling her/him to apply for master’s degree studies in her/his home country.
Applicants who are graduating after the application deadline of January 29th, 2016 can apply for admissions before having received the degree certificate. Applicants are supposed to state the expected date of graduation in the application form and submit a proof of graduation by July 31st, 2016 to the University of Lapland.
B) Language Requirements: Good command of English language
A good command of the English language is required to study at the University of Lapland and applicants must demonstrate proficiency when applying. To see the complete list of approved methods and tests for demonstrating language proficiency and the scores required, go to the Demonstrating Language Proficiency section and check the Programme-specific requirements on the programme page (links provided in the right side bar).
Eligibility and admission criteria for the Master's degree programmes are informed on the pages of the programme you are applying for (the links above).
If you fulfill these criteria, you can proceed with filling in the Application Form.