Tuition and application fee
University of the Arts Helsinki does not collect tuition fees. Students pay the annual student union membership fee (approximately €100), which entitles them to student discounts.
However, as a change from previous years, in 2016 applicants to Finnish higher education institutions (universities, polytechnics/universities of applied sciences [UAS]) who are applying based on a qualification completed outside the EU/ETA -area will be charged an application fee of 100€. The fee concerns applicants to Bachelor’s and Master’s level studies.
Costs of living
Applicants should note that the university does not offer housing or free meals. Students are responsible for managing their costs of living. A student union membership entitles students to sizeable discounts, which help alleviate some costs of living, such as public transportation and meals at school cafeterias.
Students from non-EU/EEA countries have to apply for residence permits, which are issued based on documents of available funds (appr. €7,000/year).
Applicants should also note that the University does not offer any scholarships.