The current semester fee is NOK 785 per semester.
The semester fee includes the following:
Revenue to The Student Association (SiBu/SiV): NOK 450
VAT for paper (copies, use of paper in class etc.): NOK 315 on all four campuses
The Student Parliament at HBV has decided to introduce a voluntary payment of NOK 20 for Students' and Academics' International Assistance Fund (SAIH): www.saih.noStudents may choose whether they will support SAIH. NOK 20 may, in case of not supporting SAIH, be deducted from the amount on the invoice.
Deadlines for paying you semester fees (does not apply for exchange students):
-September 15 for the fall semester
-January 15 for the spring semester
It is required that the payment of the semester fees is done electronically. If you don’t hold a Norwegian bank account, transfers may be made from your deposit account. In order to generate the invoice, go to StudentWeb, then “payment” to see the amount and KID number (personal identification of YOUR payment)