The Costs of Living
Of course, the cost of living largely depends on your personal needs and life style. For your guidance, here some average monthly figures (based on experience) on the cost of living during a study visit in Cologne:
Important: The costs of living in Cologne (minimum 791 Euro per month) are very high.
The composition of the costs of living in Cologne (summer semester 2009):
rent | € 330,00 |
food | € 147,00 |
clothing | € 50,00 |
learing aid | € 35,00 |
semester contribution * | € 214,00 |
health insurance | € 70,00 |
communication (tel., internet) | € 43,00 |
recreation/culture/sports | € 82,00 |
No tuition fee is charged.
* At the beginning of the semester, you will have to pay a student social fee. This fee can vary, but currently it is set at approximately 214,00 Euros. Unlike a regular student fee, your contribution goes to support the social establishments on the university, such as the student cafeterias and student dorms.
Your contribution also helps to finance the university's vast sports program and pays for a semester pass (Semesterticket), which allows you to use the public transportation system in Cologne and its surroundings (the area of North Rhine-Westphalia) for free during the semester.
It is extremely difficult to find accommodations in Cologne. There are currently more than 71,000 students studying in Cologne and only 4,600 rooms available in student dormitories—with very long wait lists! It is almost impossible to find a room once the semester starts and the International Office can only be of little assistance. You should definitely try to secure a room with the help of friends and acquaintances before you arrive in Germany. Do not expect to be able to find a room at the last minute!
Hotels / Youth Hotels
During your first days in Cologne, you may have to stay in a hotel or youth hotel while you search for permanent accommodations. The Cologne Tourist Information Office (KölnTourismus) can assist you in finding a suitable hotel or youth hostel. Their address is: Kardinal-Höffner-Platz 1, 50667 Köln (across from the Cologne Cathedral). You cannot contact the Cologne Tourist Information Office by telephone!
Financial Support
Finances play a central role when you plan a course of study at the University of Cologne. There are many different establishments and organisations to which you can apply as a foreign or graduate student for individual grants or scholarships. The standards are very different, but in the majority of cases the deciding factor is academic potential and not financial need.