
  Current Cost for Academic Year 2015-2016

Undergraduate In-State Out-of-State
Per Credit $205.57 $618.87
30 Credits $6,167.10 $18,566.10
Athletic Fees $20.00 $20.00
Health Fees $187.38 $187.38
Parking Fees $181.40 $181.40
Panther ID (one-time fee) $15.00 $15.00
Total Matriculation for Fall & Spring $6,776.45 $19,588.75

  Florida and Non-Florida Residents Tuition Fee and Financial Assistance Estimator for Continuing and New Undergraduate or Continuing and New Graduate Students Fall-2015 and Spring/Summer-2016 Terms

New Undergraduate Student Continuing Graduate Student New Graduate Student
  • You are a first time admitted degree-seeking student to Florida International University.

  • You are a non-degree seeking student.

  • You are a FIU undergraduate admitted to a new degree program Fall-2007 term or thereafter.

  • You are a former student who is readmitted after an absence of two or more terms, excluding military withdraw.
  • You are a degree-seeking student admitted prior to Fall-2006 term.

  • Your continuing status ends upon receipt of a degree Spring-2007 term or thereafter.

  • Your continuing status also ends when you begin a degree program requiring a new application.
  • You are a first time admitted degree-seeking student to Florida International University Fall-2006 term or thereafter.

  • You are a non-degree seeking student.

  • You are a FIU graduate admitted to a new degree program Fall-2006 term or thereafter.

  • You are a former student who is readmitted after an absence of two or more terms, excluding military withdraw.

  The following is a breakdown of the per credit hour tuition amounts for both continuing and new students, and either a Florida or Non-Florida resident during the 2015-2016 academic year.

Per Credit Hours Resident Non-Resident
Tuition - Resident $ 105.07 $ 105.07
Tuition - Differential $ 52.29 $ 52.29
Tuition - Non Resident - $ 393.62
Financial Aid $ 5.25 $ 5.25
Financial Aid - Non Res - $ 19.68
Capital Improvement $ 6.76 $ 6.76
Activity & Service $ 14.85 $ 14.85
Athletic $ 8.49 $ 8.49
Women Athletic $ 0.30 $ 0.30
Athletic Fee Football $ 7.31 $ 7.31
Technology Fee $ 5.25 $ 5.25
Total Tuition $ 157.36 $ 550.98
Total Fees $ 48.21 $ 67.89
Total Per Credit Hour $ 205.57 $ 618.87
Prior to Fall 2006 Fall 2006 or After
Per Credit Hours Resident Non-Res Resident Non-Res
Tuition - Resident $ 362.71 $ 362.71 $ 379.95 $ 379.95
Tuition - Non Resident - $ 520.05 - $ 520.05
Financial Aid $ 18.13 $ 18.13 $ 18.99 $ 18.99
Financial Aid - Non Res - $ 26.00 - $ 26.00
Capital Improvement $ 6.76 $ 6.76 $ 6.76 $ 6.76
Activity & Service $ 14.85 $ 14.85 $ 14.85 $ 14.85
Athletic $ 8.49 $ 8.49 $ 8.49 $ 8.49
Women Athletic $ 0.30 $ 0.30 $ 0.30 $ 0.30
Athletic Fee Football $ 7.31 $ 7.31 $ 7.31 $ 7.31
Technology Fee $ 18.13 $ 18.13 $ 18.99 $ 18.99
Total Tuition $ 362.71 $ 882.76 $ 379.95 $ 900.00
Total Fees $ 73.97 $ 99.97 $ 75.69 $ 101.69
Total Per Credit Hour $ 436.68 $ 982.73 $ 455.64 $ 1,001.69
College of Law
Prior to Fall 2006 Fall 2006 or After
Per Credit Hours Resident Non-Res Resident Non-Res
Tuition - Resident $ 566.48 $ 566.48 $ 593.49 $ 593.49
Tuition - Non Resident - $ 437.61 - $ 437.61
Financial Aid $ 28.32 $ 28.32 $ 29.67 $ 29.67
Financial Aid - Non Res - $ 21.88 - $ 21.88
Capital Improvement $ 6.76 $ 6.76 $ 6.76 $ 6.76
Activity & Service $ 14.85 $ 14.85 $ 14.85 $ 14.85
Athletic $ 8.49 $ 8.49 $ 8.49 $ 8.49
Women Athletic $ 0.30 $ 0.30 $ 0.30 $ 0.30
Athletic Fee Football $ 7.31 $ 7.31 $ 7.31 $ 7.31
Technology Fee $ 28.32 $ 28.32 $ 29.67 $ 29.67
Total Tuition $ 566.48 $ 1,004.09 $ 593.49 $ 1,031.10
Total Fees $ 94.35 $ 116.23 $ 97.05 $ 118.93
Total Per Credit Hour $ 660.83 $ 1,120.32 $ 690.54 $ 1,150.03
Semester Fees (All Students)
Health Fee $ 93.69
Athletic Fee $ 10.00
Other Fees (All Students)
Parking (Fall/Spring) $ 90.70
Parking (Summer) $ 84.58
Orientation Fee $ 35.00
Payment Plan Charge $ 15.00
FIU Collections Fee $ 25.00
Student ID $ 10.00
ID Replacement $ 15.00
Diploma Replacement $ 10.00
Late Payment Fee $ 100.00
Late Registration Fee $ 100.00
Surcharges (Only Undergrad)
Repeat Surcharge $ 177.94
Excess Hour Surcharge $ 105.07





















