
  Tuition Costs Domestic

  To help you estimate your annual tuition fees and costs, set out below are the approximate fees and other costs you are likely to incur if you are enrolled in one year of full-time study.

  Pre-degree Programmes

  The following approximate tuition fees are based on one semester (full-time study) consisting of four papers.

Programme Tuition fee ($NZ)
Certificate of University Preparation $2,940.00


  The following approximate annual tuition fees for domestic students are based on 120 points (full-time study) for study in 2017 (1.0 EFTS).

Degree Tuition fee ($NZ) 1-year-full-time
Arts $5,897.00
Business Anlaysis - Financial $6,335.00
Communication Studies $6,335.00
Computer Graphic Design $6,786.00
Computing and Mathematical studies $6,786.00
Electronic Commerce $6,335.00
Engineering $7,286.00
Environmental planning $6,786.00
Laws $6,335.00
Management Studies $6,335.00
Maori and Pacific Developemnt $5,879.00
Media and Creative technologies $5,879.00
Music $6,786.00
Science $6,786.00
Science (technology) $6,786.00
Social Sciences $5,879.00
Social Work $6,786.00
Sport and Leisure Studies $5,879.00
Teaching (Primary) $5,879.00
Tourism $6,335.00

  Tuition Costs International

  To help you estimate your annual tuition fees and costs, set out below are the approximate fees and other costs you are likely to incur if you are enrolled in one year of full-time study.

  All amounts listed are in New Zealand dollars.

  Pre-degree programmes

Qualification One Year tuition fees
Certificate of Attainment in Foundation Studies $19,650
Certificate of University Preparation $9,825


Qualification One Year tuition fees (120 points)
Bachelor of Arts
Anthropology $23,235
Education Studies $23,235
English $23,235
Ethics $23,235
Geography $29,470
History $23,235
International Languages and Cultures $23,235
Linguistics $23,235
Mathematics $27,975
Music $29,470
Philosophy $23,235
Political Science $23,235
Psychology $29,470
Screen and Media Studies $23,235
Studies in Religion $23,235
Theatre Studies $23,235
Writing Studies $23,235
Maori and Pacific Development $22,790
Maori Cultural Studies/Tikanga Maori $22,790
Maori Language/Te Reo Maori $22,790
Maori Media and Communication $22,790
Bachelor of Business Analysis
Accounting $25,865
Economics $25,865
Finance $25,865
Bachelor of Communication Studies
Leadership Communication $25,865
Marketing $25,865
Public Relations $25,865
Bachelor of Computer Graphic Design $27,975
Bachelor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
Computer Science $27,975
Mathematics $27,975
Bachelor of Education
Early Childhood $22,790 - $26,730
Primary $22,790 - $26,730
Secondary $22,790 - $26,730
Bachelor of Economic Commerce
Accounting $25,865
Applied Computing $25,865
Electronic Business $25,865
Leadership Communication $25,865
Marketing $25,865
Public Relations $25,865
Strategic Management $25,865
Supply Chain Management $25,865
Bachelor of Engineering $32,331
Bachelor of Entrepreneurship $25,865
Bachelor of Environmental Planning $29,470
Bachelor of Laws $27,165
Bachelor of Management Studies
Accounting $25,865
Agribusiness $25,865
Economics $25,865
Electronic Business $25,865
Finance $25,865
Hospitality Management $25,865
Human Resource Management $25,865
International Management $25,865
Leadership Communication $25,865
Marketing $25,865
Public Relations $25,865
Strategic Management $25,865
Supply Chain Management $25,865
Tourism Management $25,865
Bachelor of Maori and Pacific Development
Maori and Pacific Development $22,790
Maori Cultural Studies/Tikanga Maori $22,790
Maori Language/Te Reo Maori $22,790
Bachelor of Media and Creative Technologies
Creative Practices $23,235
Creative Technologies $23,235
Design Media $23,235
Screen and Media Studies $23,235
Maori Media and Communication $22,790
Bachelor of Music $29,470
Bachelor of Science
Animal Behaviour $29,680
Biochemistry $29,680
Biological Sciences $29,680
Biotechnology $29,680
Chemistry $29,680
Earth Sciences $29,680
Electronics $29,680
Environmental Planning $29,680
Environmental Sciences $29,680
Materials and Processing $29,680
Physics $29,680
Psychology $29,470
Computer Science $27,975
Mathematics $27,975
Statistics $27,975
Bachelor of Science (Technology)
Animal Behaviour $29,680
Biochemistry $29,680
Biological Sciences $29,680
Biotechnology $29,680
Chemistry $29,680
Earth Sciences $29,680
Electronics $29,680
Environmental Planning $29,680
Environmental Sciences $29,680
Materials and Processing $29,680
Physics $29,680
Bachelor of Social Sciences
Anthropology $23,235
Economics $23,235
Education Studies $23,235
Environmental Planning $29,680
Ethics $23,235
Geography $23,470
History $23,235
Human Development $23,235
Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management $23,235
Labour Studies $23,235
Linguistics $23,235
Maori and Pacific Development $22,790
Maori Cultural Studies/Tikanga Maori $22,790
Philosophy $23,235
Political Science $23,235
Population Studies $23,235
Psychology $29,470
Public Policy $23,235
Social Policy $23,235
Sociology $23,235
Studies in Religion $23,235
Tourism Studies $25,870
Women's and Gender Studies $23,235
Bachelor of Social Work $23,235
Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies $22,790
Bachelor of Teaching
Early Childhood $22,790 - $26,730
Primary $22,790 - $26,730
Secondary $22,790 - $26,730
Qualified and Registered Teachers $22,790 - $26,730
Bachelor of Tourism $25,865





















