

  A. Basic Qualifications

  ❍ Students must satisfy one of the following conditions:

  - Both parents are native-born foreigners with foreign nationality.

  - Korean Nationals residing abroad or Foreigners who completed entire education abroad and that education system is equivalent to Korea’s 12-year educational system or university curriculum.

  - Entrusted students assigned by the Ministry of Education.

  - Marriage migrants who are naturalized citizens.

  B. Academic Qualifications


  (1) You have received or expect to receive a bachelor's degree in Korea or abroad.

  (2) You have an academic qualification that is regarded equivalent to above(1) according to Korean law.


  (1) You have received or expect to receive a master's degree in Korea or abroad.

  (2) You have an academic qualification that is regarded equivalent to above(1) according to Korean law.

  Integrated Master’s-Doctoral Program

  (1) You have received or expect to receive a bachelor's degree in Korea or abroad. 《Integrated I》

  (2) You have earned (will earn) 15 credits or more in a Master’s program at PNU. 《Integrated II》

  ▶ You should earn more than 15 credits no later than February 2017.

  ▶ Applicants of (2) cannot apply to different major for your Master’s program.

  ※University degrees should be accredited by the Ministry of Education in your home country.

  Notes on Qualifications

  1. When you apply for a master’s degree, regardless of your major for your bachelor's degree, you can apply for any department you want.

  2. When you apply for a doctoral degree, if the major is different from your master's degree, you have to obtain a recommendation letter from the head of the department to which you are applying for 【Form 3】(Exception: interdisciplinary programs ).

  3. Applicants to Integrated II (for changing degree program) have to obtain a recommendation letter from your own department. 【Form 3-1】

  4. If you haven’t received the degree yet, you should receive that degree no later than February 2017.

  5. Applicants to an Integrated Master’s-Doctoral program should satisfy the Applicant Qualifications stated above.

  C. Language Requirement (Applicants should satisfy at least one of following standards below):

  ① TOPIK: Level 3 or above (Applicants who have completed the Level 3 or higher language course at PNU’s International Language Institute are considered qualified.)

  ※ Department of History: TOPIK Level 4 or above or completed level 4 or higher language course at PNU’s International Language Institute

  ② English: TOEFL PBT 550 (CBT 210, iBT 80), IELTS 5.5, TEPS 550, TOEIC 675 or above

  ※ Valid Date: After October 13, 2014

  ③ Language requirement exemption letter from supervisor-to-be or department head【Form 4】

  ④ Exception of Language requirement: Global Korea Scholarship students, Students offered scholarship by foreigner governments

  Selection Procedures

  A. The main method of evaluation is reviewing of application documents. There is no interview but the relevant academic department may contact the student by phone (including video-conference call) or email to check the applicant's academic ability.

  B. Evaluators in each department assess previous education, financial status, study plan and personal statement and make a judgment concerning overall academic ability to decide on whether student will be admitted.

  ※ Entrusted students assigned by the Ministry of Education: Evaluation of documents and Interview

  Application Fee

  - KRW 60,000 or USD$70

  ※ Online Application: The application is completed only after you pay the application fee.

  ※ There is no refund once the application is made. (KRW 30000 will be refunded to disqualified applicants.)











丹麦留学申请指南2021年 留学生去丹麦要满足哪些要求













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  A. Basic Qualifications

  ❍ Students must satisfy one of the following conditions:

  - Both parents are native-born foreigners with foreign nationality.

  - Korean Nationals residing abroad or Foreigners who completed entire education abroad and that education system is equivalent to Korea’s 12-year educational system or university curriculum.

  - Entrusted students assigned by the Ministry of Education.

  - Marriage migrants who are naturalized citizens.

  B. Academic Qualifications


  (1) You have received or expect to receive a bachelor's degree in Korea or abroad.

  (2) You have an academic qualification that is regarded equivalent to above(1) according to Korean law.


  (1) You have received or expect to receive a master's degree in Korea or abroad.

  (2) You have an academic qualification that is regarded equivalent to above(1) according to Korean law.

  Integrated Master’s-Doctoral Program

  (1) You have received or expect to receive a bachelor's degree in Korea or abroad. 《Integrated I》

  (2) You have earned (will earn) 15 credits or more in a Master’s program at PNU. 《Integrated II》

  ▶ You should earn more than 15 credits no later than February 2017.

  ▶ Applicants of (2) cannot apply to different major for your Master’s program.

  ※University degrees should be accredited by the Ministry of Education in your home country.

  Notes on Qualifications

  1. When you apply for a master’s degree, regardless of your major for your bachelor's degree, you can apply for any department you want.

  2. When you apply for a doctoral degree, if the major is different from your master's degree, you have to obtain a recommendation letter from the head of the department to which you are applying for 【Form 3】(Exception: interdisciplinary programs ).

  3. Applicants to Integrated II (for changing degree program) have to obtain a recommendation letter from your own department. 【Form 3-1】

  4. If you haven’t received the degree yet, you should receive that degree no later than February 2017.

  5. Applicants to an Integrated Master’s-Doctoral program should satisfy the Applicant Qualifications stated above.

  C. Language Requirement (Applicants should satisfy at least one of following standards below):

  ① TOPIK: Level 3 or above (Applicants who have completed the Level 3 or higher language course at PNU’s International Language Institute are considered qualified.)

  ※ Department of History: TOPIK Level 4 or above or completed level 4 or higher language course at PNU’s International Language Institute

  ② English: TOEFL PBT 550 (CBT 210, iBT 80), IELTS 5.5, TEPS 550, TOEIC 675 or above

  ※ Valid Date: After October 13, 2014

  ③ Language requirement exemption letter from supervisor-to-be or department head【Form 4】

  ④ Exception of Language requirement: Global Korea Scholarship students, Students offered scholarship by foreigner governments

  Selection Procedures

  A. The main method of evaluation is reviewing of application documents. There is no interview but the relevant academic department may contact the student by phone (including video-conference call) or email to check the applicant's academic ability.

  B. Evaluators in each department assess previous education, financial status, study plan and personal statement and make a judgment concerning overall academic ability to decide on whether student will be admitted.

  ※ Entrusted students assigned by the Ministry of Education: Evaluation of documents and Interview

  Application Fee

  - KRW 60,000 or USD$70

  ※ Online Application: The application is completed only after you pay the application fee.

  ※ There is no refund once the application is made. (KRW 30000 will be refunded to disqualified applicants.)
