
  Eligibility for Admission

  International Student

  Applicants must be non-Korean citizens with non-Korean parents.

  Freshmen Application: Applicants should be those who are (expected to be) high school graduates of regular education system in South Korea or overseas, or who are deemed to have completed a high school (or its equivalent) or a higher educational institution as set by the law.

  Transfer Application: Applicants must have an academic record of at least two years (four semesters) in a regular undergraduate program, and earned more than half of the required credits to graduate from their home universities.

  ※ Transfer students will be admitted as second or third year students. This is decided by the committee of the department to which students apply.

  ※ In case of a two or three year college, only those who have graduated can apply to a transfer program.

  ※ Applicants who hold dual nationality including Korean citizenship are ineligible to apply as international students.

  ※ If an applicant or the applicant’s parents do NOT hold foreign nationalities by birth, then, the applicant must show a proof for their renunciation or loss of Korean nationality in pursuit of another nation’s citizenship. (Note: in this case, the applicant must have acquired his/her foreign nationality before entering high school)

  ※ Any school qualification exams taken in Korea or overseas, home-schooling, online courses, or language school for the level of primary-to-higher education are not deemed as regular school curriculum.

  Requirements for Freshmen Admissions

  General Requirements

  - Applicants must meet at least one of the following requirements:

  ① Achieving level 4 or higher in the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK)

  ② Completing level 4 Korean Language course in the Korean Language and Culture Program (KLCP) at the University of Seoul.

  ③ Those who do not meet the Korean proficiency requirements (① or ②) may be admitted if they meet one of the following requirements (Note: only for the departments which do NOT specify any requirements for Korean language proficiency)

  Applicants who

  1) have achieved level 3 in TOPIK

  2) have completed (or are expected to complete) level 3 Korean language course in KLCP at the University of Seoul, OR

  3) are approved to have the Korean proficiency equivalent to the above criteria by the Dean of the Institute of International Cooperation and Education.

  Those who are conditionally admitted shall have a limit to the number of credits to earn until they complete level 4 in KLCP at the University of Seoul or pass TOPIK level 4. (It is mandatory to register for KLCP courses until they meet the requirement)

  ※ If they pass TOPIK level 4 or complete the level 4 Korean language course before a class registration period of a semester, then, the credit limit policy shall be inapplicable.

  ※ It is international students’ responsibility to pay the registration fee for Korean language course

  Departmental Requirements for Freshmen Admissions

  - Students applying for the departments below must meet BOTH general and departmental requirements

  International Relations/Mathematics

  - Applicants must submit the certificates proving the following requirements:

  ① TOPIK level 4 or higher

  ② Standardized English proficiency test score (at least one test):

  TOEIC 500 or higher, TOEFL IBT 59 or higher, TOEFL CBT 170 or higher, TOEFL PBT 497 or higher, TEPS 430 or higher, or IELTS 5.0 or higher.

  Korean Language and Literature/Chinese Language and Culture/Korean History

  - Applicants must submit TOPIK level 4 or higher.

  Environmental Engineering

  - Applicants must submit TOPIK level 5 or higher

  Electrical and Computer Engineering/Materials Science and Engineering/Statistics

  - Applicants must submit a certificate of standardized English proficiency test score (at least one test):

  TOEIC 500 or higher, TOEFL IBT 59 or higher, TOEFL CBT 170 or higher, TOEFL PBT 497 or higher, TEPS 430 or higher, or IELTS 5.0 or higher.


  - Applicants must submit a portfolio (No exception, free-form)

  Portfolio- based in-depth interview and performan

  Visual Design

  Applicants submit:

  1. certificate of completion in art-related department or institute for more than one year (optional), and

  2. portfolio in free form (MANDATORY and non-returnable)

  Performance test: fundamental moulding deign (quarto paper)

  Portfolio- based in-depth interview and performance

  Industrial Design

  Applicants submit:

  1. certificate of completion in art-related department or institute for more than one year (optional), and

  2. portfolio in free form (MANDATORY and non-returnable)

  Performance test: basic 3D idea sketch (quarto paper / 2 hours)

  Portfolio- based in-depth interview and performance


  - Audition for each major (see annex)


  Environmental Sculpture

  Applicants submit:

  1. certificate of completion in art-related department for more than one year (optional), and

  2. portfolio in free form (MANDATORY / in A3 size or smaller)

  Performance test: the same theme and the same time allowance as needed for Korean students’ admissions in the same year)

  Portfolio- based in-depth interview and performance test

  Requirements for Transfer Admissions

  General Requirements - Applicants must meet one of the following requirements.

  ① Achieving level 4 or higher in the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK)

  ② Completing level 4 Korean Language course in the Korean Language and Culture Program (KLCP) at the University of Seoul.

  ③ Being approved to have Korean proficiency equivalent to the above criteria by the Dean of the Institute of International Cooperation and Education

  Departmental Requirements for Transfer Students

  - Students applying for the departments below must meet BOTH general and departmental requirements

  International Relations

  - Applicants must submit the following certificates:

  ① TOPIK level 4 or higher

  ② Standardized English proficiency test score (at least one test):

  TOEIC 500 or higher, TOEFL IBT 59 or higher, TOEFL CBT 170 or higher, TOEFL PBT 497 or higher, TEPS 430 or higher, or IELTS 5.0 or higher


  - Applicants must submit the following certificates:

  ① TOPIK level 4 or higher

  ② Standardized English proficiency test score (at least one test):

  TOEIC 500 or higher, TOEFL IBT 59 or higher, TOEFL CBT 170 or higher, TOEFL PBT 497 or higher, TEPS 430 or higher, or IELTS 5.0 or higher.

  ③ Majors in Science and Engineering from previous universities.

  Korean Language and Literature/Chinese Language and Culture/ Korean History

  - Applicants must submit certificate of TOPIK level 4 or higher.

  Environmental Engineering

  - Applicants must submit a certificate of TOPIK level 5 or higher.


  - Applicants must submit a certificate of standardized English proficiency test score (at least one test):

  TOEIC 500 or higher, TOEFL IBT 59 or higher, TOEFL CBT 170 or higher, TOEFL PBT 497 or higher, TEPS 430 or higher, or IELTS 5.0 or higher.

  Electrical and Computer Engineering/Materials Science and Engineering

  - Applicants must submit the following certificates:

  ① Majors in Science and Engineering from previous universities.

  ② Standardized English proficiency test score (at least one test):

  TOEIC 500 or higher, TOEFL IBT 59 or higher, TOEFL CBT 170 or higher, TOEFL PBT 497 or higher, TEPS 430 or higher, or IELTS 5.0 or higher

  Chemical Engineering

  - Applicants must submit certificates proving their majors in Science and Engineering from previous universities.


  - Portfolio (mandatory, free-form)

  Portfolio- based in-depth interview and performa nce test


  - Auditions for each major

  Vidual Design

  - Applicants submit:

  1. certificate of completion in an art-related department or institute for more than one year (optional), and

  2. portfolio in free form (MANDATORY and non-returnable)

  Performance test: fundamental moulding design (quarto paper)

  Portfolio- based in-depth interview and performa nce test

  Environmental Sculpture

  - Applicants submit:

  1. certificate of completion in an art-related department for more than one year (MANDATORY) and

  2. portfolio in free form (MANDATORY, in A3 size or smaller, free-form)

  Performance test: the same theme and the same time allowance as for Korean freshmen admissions in the same year)

  Portfolio- based in-depth interview and performa nce test











丹麦留学申请指南2021年 留学生去丹麦要满足哪些要求










韩国首尔大学本科申请条件 还需要准备哪些申请材料

