Best Student Cities in Australia
2016 QS Best Student Cities ranking: 2nd
The 2016 edition of the QS Best Student Cities index sees Melbourne hold onto second place, thanks to its good selection of universities, and strong scores in the “student mix”, “employer activity” and “desirability” categories.
Seven universities in Melbourne are featured in the QS World University Rankings® 2015/16, the highest-ranked of which is the University of Melbourne at 42nd in the world – second only to Australian National University on the Australian leaderboard.
Known as Australia’s cultural capital, Melbourne regularly tops lists of the world’s most liveable cities, and is full of all the attractions that make the Australian lifestyle so appealing – including beautiful beaches, nightlife and a fair proportion of sunny days.
If you’re a genuine culture sponge, you’ll be pleased to know that Melbourne’s range of museums is world class, and the city’s cultural calendar is full all year round. If you’re into comedy or live music, Melbourne also has much to offer, from world-famous annual comedy festivals to grungy gig venues packed with students looking for a good time. To wind down, the city offers cool rooftop bars, chic cafés and tasty restaurants serving world cuisine.
Within the QS Best Student Cities index, Melbourne boasts the highest score in the “student mix” category, which is calculated based on the relative size and diversity of each city’s student population, as well as levels of social inclusion and tolerance. Melbourne also scores very highly for “employer activity” and “desirability”, categories which respectively look at the city’s institutions from the point of view of employers and the overall quality of living to be had in the city.
The only factor Australian cities tend to stumble on is affordability, due to relatively high tuition fees and high living costs, and this applies to Melbourne alongside its country-mates. But for high standards of living and incredible natural surroundings, Melbourne is a tough city to beat.
QS ranked universities
University of Melbourne; Monash University; Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT); Deakin University; La Trobe University; Swinburne University of Technology; Victoria University
More about Melbourne
Number of universities ranked by QS | 7 |
Top ranked institution | University of Melbourne (42nd in the world) |
Population | 4,442,919 |
Students (% of total population) | 5.0% (based on ranked institutions) |
International students | 30.0% (of students at ranked institutions) |
Average tuition fees | US$23,800 |
Global Liveability Ranking | 1st (out of 140) |
Mercer Cost of Living rank | 47th (out of 214) |
Cost of a Big Mac | US$3.92 |
Cost of an iPad | US$427.66 |
Numbeo safety rank | 185th (out of 446) |
Numbeo pollution rank | 263rd (out of 300) |
Transparency International score | 9th (out of 177) |
墨尔本大学; 莫纳什大学; 皇家墨尔本理工大学(RMIT); 迪肯大学; 拉筹伯大学; 斯威本科技大学; 维多利亚大学
| 7 |
| 墨尔本大学(世界排名第42位) |
| 4,442,919 |
| 5.0% (根据进入排名的大学的学生人数计算出的) |
| 30.0%(根据进入排名的大学的学生人数计算出的) |
| 23,800美元 |
| 第1位 (总共有140个城市) |
| 第47位 (总共有214个城市) |
| 3.92美元 |
| 427.66美元 |
| 第185位 (总共有446个城市) |
| 第263位 (总共有300个城市) |
| 第9位 (总共有177个城市) |
2016 QS Best Student Cities ranking: 4th
Welcome to Sydney, home of five universities featured within the QS World University Rankings® 2015/16 and one of the best student cities in the world, according to the QS Best Student Cities index.
Although beaten by Melbourne as Australia’s leading student city , Sydney holds its position of 4th best city for students. The reasons for this are numerous, but largely due to its high scores in the “student mix”, “desirability” and “employer activity” categories. The only area in which Sydney receives a lower score is affordability, due to Australia’s relatively high international tuition fees and substantial living costs. But it’s easy to see why so many international students find ways to cover the costs; the combination of education and lifestyle Sydney offers certainly makes for a compelling mix.
As well as being Australia’s financial and economic hub, Sydney is known for the stunning panorama of its harbor, iconic opera house, large selection of green spaces within the city, and proximity to beaches which are among the most paradisiacal not just in Australia but anywhere in the world. It’s also been ranked one of the 10 most liveable cities on the planet by both Mercer and The Economist.
Sydney currently has five universities included in the QS World University Rankings®, led by theUniversity of Sydney at 45th in the world and followed by the University of New South Wales at joint 46th.
QS ranked universities
University of Sydney; University of New South Wales (UNSW); University of Technology, Sydney (UTS); Macquarie University; Western Sydney University
More about Sydney
Number of universities ranked by QS | 5 |
Top ranked institution | University of Sydney (45th in the world) |
Population | 4,840,000 |
Students (% of total population) | 3.4% (based on ranked institutions) |
International students | 25.0% (of students at ranked institutions) |
Average tuition fees | US$27,100 |
Global Liveability Ranking | 7th (out of 140) |
Mercer Cost of Living rank | 31st (out of 214) |
Cost of a Big Mac | US$3.92 |
Cost of an iPad | US$427.66 |
Numbeo safety rank | 192nd (out of 446) |
Numbeo pollution rank | 241st (out of 300) |
Transparency International score | 9th (out of 177) |
悉尼大学; 新南威尔士大学(UNSW); 悉尼科技大学(UTS); 麦考瑞大学; 西悉尼大学
进入QS世界大学排名的大学数量 | 5 |
所有大学中排名第一位的大学 | 悉尼大学(世界排名第45位) |
人口数量 | 4,840,000 |
学生数量(在总人口数的百分比%) | 3.4%(根据进入排名的大学的学生人数计算出的) |
国际学生数量 | 25.0% (根据进入排名的大学的学生人数计算出的) |
平均学费数额 | 27,100美元 |
全球宜居指数排名 | 第7位 (总共有140个城市) |
美世生活成本调查排名 | 第31位 (总共有214个城市) |
购买一个巨无霸的价格 | 3.92美元 |
购买一台iPad的价格 | 427.66美元 |
Numbeo安全等级排名 | 第192位 (总共有446个城市) |
Numbeo人口数量排名 | 第241位 (总共有300个城市) |
透明国际得分排名 | 第9位 (总共有177个城市)
2016 QS Best Student Cities ranking: 17th
Having entered the QS Best Student Cities in the 2014 edition, Australia’s national capital consolidates its place in the 2016 release, climbing this year from 21st to 17th. It’s one of seven Australian cities represented in the QS Best Student Cities index, alongside Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and Gold Coast.
Like all of these Australian entries, Canberra scores very well in the “student mix” category, reflecting its large and internationally diverse student population. As the home of Australia’s highest ranked university, Australian National University (ANU), (ranked joint 19th in the QS World University Rankings® 2015/16), it’s unsurprising to find the city has proven attractive to students from around the world.
Canberra’s second strongest score is in the “desirability” category, and while it may be one of Australia’s few major settlements which is not within walking distance of the beach, Canberra does have plenty of natural attractions – including its own (man-made) lake right in the city center, and numerous nature reserves all around.
QS ranked universities
Australian National University (ANU); University of Canberra
More about Canberra
Number of universities ranked by QS | 2 |
Top ranked institution | Australian National University (joint 19th in the world) |
Population | 381,000 |
Students (% of total population) | 6.2% (based on ranked institutions) |
International students | 29.0% (of students at ranked institutions) |
Average tuition fees | US$21,200 |
Global Liveability Ranking | --- |
Mercer Cost of Living rank | 65th (out of 214) |
Cost of a Big Mac | US$3.92 |
Cost of an iPad | US$427.66 |
Numbeo safety rank | 100th (out of 446) |
Numbeo pollution rank | 298th (out of 300) |
Transparency International score | 9th (out of 177) |
堪培拉得分第二高的类别是“合意性”,这里可能是澳大利亚的几个主要定居点,虽然不能步行去海滩,堪培拉有大量的自然景点——包括在城市中心的格里芬湖喷泉,即为纪念库克船长上岸200周年而建的“库克船长纪念喷泉”(CAPTAIN COOK MEMORIAL JET)水柱高达 140 米,极为壮观,以及周围众多的自然保护区。
堪培拉作为政府驻地、以及国会大厦和许多外交官邸的所在,坐落在Burley Griffin湖两岸,是个时髦的现代化城市。地处风景宜人和树木青葱的心脏地带,周围遍布着澳大利亚最引人入胜的乡村,堪培拉的确是个与众不同的城市。宽敞的规划街道,令人难忘的现代化建筑,以及自然环境的优势都是那么明显。和其它大的城市用许多公园点缀相反,堪培拉恍如一个建在花园里的城市。这个澳大利亚最大的内陆城市的中央是一个11公里长的湖,它看上去好像是天然形成的一样。其实,35公里长的湖岸是挖出来的,这个人工湖是设计师格里芬引以自豪的设计中的一个重要部分。
澳大利亚国立大学; 堪培拉大学
进入QS世界大学排名的大学数量 | 2 |
所有大学中排名第一位的大学 | 澳大利亚国立大学(世界大学排名并列第19位) |
人口数量 | 381,000 |
学生数量(在总人口数的百分比%) | 6.2% (根据进入排名的大学的学生人数计算出的) |
国际学生数量 | 29.0% (根据进入排名的大学的学生人数计算出的) |
平均学费数额 | 21,200美元 |
全球宜居指数排名 | --- |
美世生活成本调查排名 | 第65位 (总共有214个城市) |
购买一个巨无霸的价格 | 3.92美元 |
购买一台iPad的价格 | 427.66美元 |
Numbeo安全等级排名 | 第100位 (总共有446个城市) |
Numbeo人口数量排名 | 第298位 (总共有300个城市) |
透明国际得分排名 | 第9位 (总共有177个城市) |
2016 QS Best Student Cities ranking: joint 18th withAuckland
Brisbane has climbed five places in this year’s QS Best Student Cities ranking. With three major universities in a city of just over two million, this Australian metropolis has one of the highest student ratios of any city in the index – but this doesn’t mean it is just a student bubble.
An up-and-coming city that has seen rapid growth in recent years following the Australian ‘resources boom’, Brisbane is the third-largest city in Australia and the largest economy between Sydney and Singapore. It is also a popular tourist destination, due in part to its location next to the Gold Coast, which includes some of the world’s most famous beaches.
Like many Australian cities, Brisbane offers an ideal mix for students seeking a balance between urban and outdoor lifestyles. Stunning beaches, a sunny climate and a sporting culture coexist with a cosmopolitan down-town area offering a trendy nightlife and arts scene.
This appealing environment is reflected in very high scores in the “student mix” and “desirability” categories of the QS Best Student Cities index. On the other hand, as is the case for the nation’s other cities, high international tuition fees mean Brisbane has a relatively low score for affordability.
With the University of Queensland ranking among the top 50 universities in the world, and two more universities in Brisbane ranked within the top 330, the city offers top-notch education in a wide range of disciplines.
QS ranked universities
University of Queensland (UQ); Queensland University of Technology (QUT); Griffith University
More about Brisbane
Number of universities ranked by QS | 3 |
Top ranked institution | University of Queensland (joint 46th in the world) |
Population | 2,280,000 |
Students (% of total population) | 3.9% (based on ranked institutions) |
International students | 21.0% (of students at ranked institutions) |
Average tuition fees | US$24,100 |
Global Liveability Ranking | 18th (out of 140) |
Mercer Cost of Living rank | 66th (out of 214) |
Cost of a Big Mac | US$3.92 |
Cost of an iPad | US$427.66 |
Numbeo safety rank | 173rd (out of 446) |
Numbeo pollution rank | 266th (out of 300) |
Transparency International score | 9th (out of 177) |
昆士兰大学; 昆士兰科技大学; 格里菲斯大学
进入QS世界大学排名的大学数量 | 3 |
所有大学中排名第一位的大学 | 昆士兰大学(世界大学排名并列第46位) |
人口数量 | 2,280,000 |
学生数量(在总人口数的百分比%) | 3.9% (根据进入排名的大学的学生人数计算出的) |
国际学生数量 | 21.0% (根据进入排名的大学的学生人数计算出的) |
平均学费数额 | 24,100美元 |
全球宜居指数排名 | 第18位 (总共有140个城市) |
美世生活成本调查排名 | 第66位 (总共有214个城市) |
购买一个巨无霸的价格 | 3.92美元 |
购买一台iPad的价格 | 427.66美元 |
Numbeo安全等级排名 | 第173位 (总共有446个城市) |
Numbeo人口数量排名 | 第266位 (总共有300个城市) |
透明国际得分排名 | 第9位 (总共有177个城市) |