The University of Hong Kong (HKU) prepares students to become globally minded thinkers and leaders by providing them the best international education.
Currently, HKU ranks:
27th in the world overall;3rd globally for our international outlook;1st in Hong Kong.
Some of our programmes are amongst the best in the world:
1st in Dentistry for the 2nd consecutive years,7th in Education,9th in Civil and Structural Engineering,10th in Architecture,10th in Linguistics,and 10th in Social Policy and Administration.
HKU’s flexible cross-discipline learning approach allows you to customize programmes to suit your own interests. You may select your own unique combination of majors, minors and electives offered by our 10 faculties, and also to choose from a variety of innovative Common Core Courses offered by many faculties that are open to all students, which allows you to pursue interests and knowledge outside your discipline.
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) offers a broad range of postgraduate programmes leading to master's and doctoral degrees.
Taught postgraduate (TPg) programmes at HKU are coursework-based degrees, ranging from one to four years in length and accepting both full-time and part-time applicants. HKU provides flexible learning options for you to develop and enrich your professional skills and knowledge for career advancement. HKU taught postgraduate programmes have attracted around 9000 students from Hong Kong, Mainland and other parts of Asia, as well as students from Europe, Australia, Africa, North and South America.
HKU offers Research postgraduate (RPg) degrees, i.e. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and 3-year and 4-year Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), in a wider range of subjects under the Faculties of Architecture, Arts, Business and Economics, Dentistry, Education, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Science and Social Sciences.
You may choose from the following research postgraduate programmes in both full-time and part-time modes:
Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
3-year Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
4-year Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Joint PhD Programme between HKU and King's College London
Joint Educational Placement for PhD between HKU and the University of Toronto
Joint Education Programme for PhD between HKU and Southern University of Science and Technology
HKU supports its researchers well financially through Hong Kong PhD Fellowships, University Postgraduate Fellowships and Postgraduate Scholarships. MPhil and PhD students are also eligible for various financial support for academic conference and travel.
3.Faculity of Architecture
The Department of Architecture was first introduced into the University in 1950, under the Deanship of Professor R. Gordon Brown. The first five-year Degree of Bachelor of Architecture was awarded in 1955. In 1958, Professor W. G. Gregory was appointed Dean until the School was amalgamated into the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture in the same year. Professional recognition of the degree was granted by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) in 1961 and joint visitations ran parallel with the Commonwealth Architects Association (CAA), the Architect’s Registration Council of the United Kingdom (ARCUK) and the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA). CAA recognition was received in 1968. Graduate studies in architecture resulted in the first PhD and MPhil degrees being awarded in 1969 and 1970 respectively.
Structural shifts within the school in the intervening years reflected the increased complexities and specialization of the studies of architecture and building within the city. A consequence of this was the establishment of two branches, namely Architecture and Building. In 1975, the five-year undergraduate Bachelor of Architecture (BArch) was reconfigured into two three-year undergraduate degrees – these were the Bachelor of Architectural Studies (BA) and the Bachelor of Science in Building Studies (BS). The first BA and BS degrees were conferred in 1970 and 1978 respectively. Professional post-graduate two-year Bachelor of Architecture degree and a one-year Bachelor of Building degree were offered after the completion of the three-year undergraduate degree. The Bachelor of Building degree was recognized by both the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS).
建筑学院最先于1950年被引入香港大学, 当时担任系主任的是R.戈登·布朗教教授。第一个五年制建筑学学士学位于1955年颁发。1958年,W. G.格雷戈里教授担任院长。同年,建筑学院被并入工程与建筑学院。学位的职业认证由英国皇家建筑师协会于1961年完成。英国皇家建筑师协会并驾齐驱的还有英联邦建筑师协会、英国建筑师注册委员会和香港建筑学学会。英联邦建筑师协会的认证于1968年完成。建筑学研究生阶段的学习分别在1969年和1970年授予第一批博士学位和硕士学位。
名字 | 身份或成就 |
孙中山 | 中华民国国父、中国国民党创始人,中国民主革命的先行者 |
卫奕信 | 前香港总督 |
张爱玲 | 中国现代女作家 |
朱光潜 | 中国现代美学的开拓者和奠基者之一 |
范上达 | 香港大学李嘉诚医学院外科学系系主任,肝脏移植权威,有“换肝之父”之称 |
庄月明 | 香港富商李嘉诚的表妹兼发妻 |
马时亨 | 前香港商务及经济发展局局长 |
许鞍华 | 香港著名女导演 |
黄沾 | 香港著名作家、词曲家 |
林夕 | 原名梁伟文,华语乐坛著名词作家 |