1.Faculty of Catholic Theology
The Faculty of Catholic Theology of the University of Vienna was founded on the 21st of February 1384 and is the oldest theological faculty in the German-speaking world.
Currently there are about 1,200 students from 30 different countries studying at the Faculty of Catholic Theology.
Students can choose between 11 different degree programmes (Bachelor-, Master-, Diploma-, Doctoral- and PhD-programmes).
About 70 scientists do research and teaching at the Faculty. The Faculty is organised in seven institutes, 15 departments and four main research fields.
The Faculty of Catholic Theology participates in three interdiscilinary research platforms and two research-centers established at the University of Vienna.
The Library of the Faculty of Catholic and Protestant Theology currently offers approximately 350,000 volumes, making it one of the largest theological Libraries in Central Europe.
2.Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics
Economic scholarship has a proud tradition of more than 250 years at the University of Vienna. The Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics has, in the course of time, grown to be one of the most renowned research and educational institutions in Europe. This standing has been achieved because we are open to new developments, as stated in the current motto of the University.
The main responsibilities of the Faculty have traditionally been teaching and research. These tasks will remain our main focus, but the Faculty has recently espoused a third mission, that is, to influence society. It does so, for example, by transferring knowledge to society, by providing expert advice and opinion, and by engaging in dialogue with our various and diverse stakeholders.
Excellence in research is the basis of our high-quality teaching in business administration, international business, economics, finance, and statistics. We provide our approximately 4000 students with the opportunity to work with distinguished researchers already early on during their studies. Excellence in research also forms the basis for exchange with alumni as well as for discussions with our stakeholders in the economy, society and state.
3.The Faculty of Computer Science
The Faculty of Computer Science is one of 15 faculties at the University of Vienna, Austria. It is a principal centre for teaching and research in computer science and business informatics in Austria.
The Faculty of Computer Science offers a wide range of studies and awards including Diploma, Master, Bachelor and Doctorate. The Faculty is mainly involved in the studies on Computer Science (Informatik) and Business Informatics (Wirtschaftinformatk), but provides services for many other studies including Business Administration (Betriebswirtschaftslehre), Statistics (Statistik), and Economics (Volkswirtschaft).
The Faculty of Computer Science maintains one new location on Währinger Strasse 29 in the 9th district of Vienna.
The Faculty of Computer Science employs, about 170 staff-members and over 2,000 students, both full- and part-time, are affiliated with the Faculty and its research groups.
The Faculty of Computer Science is home of twelve research groups, the Computer Science Didactics and Learning Research Center and takes part in the research platform Computational Science Center.
The Faculty of Computer Science runs several research projects in the field of computer science and business informatics funded by national, european and international agencies and industry. The institutes have established strategic partnerships with partners from academia and industry.
计算机科学学院在维也纳第九区的Währinger Strasse 29 号有新的办学地点。
4.Faculty of Social Sciences
The Faculty of Social Sciences is one of currently 15 faculties and four centers of the University of Vienna. It engages in both research and teaching, which are considered inseparable constituents of higher education. The Faculty is a place of tertiary and continuing education, giving students the opportunity to specialise in a wide range of disciplines and thematic areas. Pursuing a critical reflection on and analysis of the structures and problems of present-day society is key to research at the Faculty.
The Faculty’s research contributes significantly to finding answers to academic questions of great social relevance, and thus to fulfilling the social function and responsibility of both the University and science in general. To this end, the Faculty engages in well-established intra- and interdisciplinary research areas as well as innovative multidisciplinary research, cooperating across different subjects within the Faculty, as well as with other faculties and international, national and local research institutions. Pursuing a critical reflection on the structure and problems of present-day society is among the guiding principles of its research activities.
Students of the Faculty of Social Sciences study in bachelor's, master's and doctoral programmes in Political Science, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Communication, Sociology, which partially are among the largest degree programmes in Europe, as well as in master's programmes in Nursing Science, Gender Studies and Science and Technology Studies.
5.Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy
Our Faculty is a high performer in both research and teaching, and home to 24 professorships. The scientists of the Faculty are grouped around four key research areas: “Cosmos”, “Earth”, “Environment”, and “Anthroposphere”. Students receive a thorough and hands-on education guided by committed staff. The Faculty offers a multitude of exciting assignments in research, teaching, and administration. The Faculty is committed to increase the number of women in scientific positions.
The Faculty consists of the following subunits:8 departments,StudiesServiceCentre,and Dean’s Office.
6.Faculty of Life Sciences
The Faculty of Life Sciences unites sixteen Departments, four Core Facilities, and two Large-Instrument Facilities. Research focuses on Organismal Systems Biology, Ecology (Functional Ecology, and Botany and Biodiversity Research), Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Nutritional Sciences To stimulate interdisciplinary research within the Faculty of Life Sciences and between other faculties, Key Research Areas, Research Platforms, and -Clusters and Research Networks have been established and will be further consolidated.
Managerial functions are assigned to the Dean's team. The Dean's team is supported administratively by the Dean's office.
The directors of Study Programmes organise courses and supervise all study-related and organisational issues. They are supported by the Studies Service Centre. The Studies Service Centre of Life Sciences serves as a student information centre at faculty level for all questions concerning degree programmes and graduation.
7.Faculty of Mathematics
Firmly rooted in a long tradition, the faculty of mathematics nowadays is an active European center of research and teaching. Its activities include a wide variety of mathematical topics as part of an impressive list of study programs at Vienna University. Our faculty regularly achieves high scores in international university rankings: Most recently, we were ranked 36th in the 2014 Shanghai subject ranking.
Our faculty offers the full spectrum of study programs leading up to the academic degrees of Bachelor, Master, Ph.D. We are committed to continuously improving the quality of our teaching and provide a stimulating learning environment. Our faculty is involved in a number of structured doctoral programs (5 doctoral programs funded by the FWF, and one Marie Curie initial training network). Our faculty also offers the teacher education program for future high school teachers, and is committed to teacher training; in particular, the faculty also offers workshops for high school teachers on a regular basis.
名字 | 身份或成就 |
伦纳 | 奥地利政治家、前总理和总统 |
瓦尔德海姆 | 前联合国秘书长、奥地利共和国前任总统 |
西诺瓦茨 | 历史学家、奥地利前总理 |
多普勒 | 物理学家 |
孟德尔 | 遗传学家 |
弗洛伊德 | 精神分析创始人 |
兰茨泰纳 | 奥地利病理学家、免疫学家、诺贝尔奖金获得者 |
贝尔 | 德国生物学家 |
艾尔文·薛定谔 | 诺贝尔物理学家得主 |