UWA is a research-intensive university and one of the internationally recognised Australian Group of Eight that also comprises the University of Queensland, The University of Sydney, The University of New South Wales, Australian National University, The University of Melbourne, Monash University and The University of Adelaide. These universities are regarded as the nation’s leading research and comprehensive institutions.In a recent Federal Government ranking of the quality of Australian university research, ERA 2012, UWA ranked higher than any other WA university in the quality of its academic research and was the only WA university ranked at or above the world average in all research areas.According to Thompson-Reuters ISI Web of Knowledge, UWA has more highly cited scholars than most other Australian universities. Highly cited scholars are considered to be within the top 200 academics worldwide in their field – UWA has 11.UWA attracts the highest level of research income of any Western Australian university with more than 70 per cent of all national competitive funding to the state coming to UWA.Over the years the University has acquired an international reputation for excellence and enterprise. It is regarded as one of Australia's top research institutions, attracting researchers of world standing across the range of disciplines, with international leaders in many diverse fields.
西澳大学是一所研究型密集型大学,也是澳大利亚八国集团之一,澳大利亚八国集团包括昆士兰大学、悉尼大学、新南威尔斯大学、澳大利亚国立大学、墨尔本大学、莫纳什大学和阿德莱德大学这些大学被视为国家领先的研究和综合性机构。在最近的联邦政府对澳大利亚大学研究质量排名中,西澳大学在其学术研究质量中排名高于任何其他西澳大学,并且是所有研究领域唯一排名世界平均水平的WA大学。根据Thompson-Reuters ISI知识网络,西澳大学比其他大多数澳大利亚大学更有引用的学者。高度引用的学者被认为是在全球前200名学术界的领域--西澳大学有11个。西澳大学吸引了西澳大学最高水平的研究收入,其中有70%以上的所有国家竞争性资金来自向美国国务院。多年来,大学在卓越和企业方面获得了国际声誉。被认为是澳大利亚最顶尖的研究机构之一,吸引了世界各地学科领域的研究人员与国际领导人在许多不同领域。
Research results
World-first hypertension treatment a success
Researchers at The University of Western Australia have taken a step forward in the fight against high blood pressure after the first human trials of a ground-breaking treatment produced successful results.Professor Markus Schlaich holds the Dobney Chair in Clinical Research and has been part of a global effort to effectively treat resistant hypertension at Royal Perth Hospital.The cutting-edge procedure targets carotid bodies, the tiny organs found on either side of the neck, which regulate the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.The procedure guides a catheter through the femoral vein in the groin up to the neck and ends adjacent to the carotid body. The device then specifically targets the organ with short ultrasound energy pulses, rendering it ineffective.Professor Schlaich said exposing a carotid body to ultrasound could permanently lower blood pressure in patients who failed to respond to medication or lifestyle changes.“We know that patients with uncontrollable high blood pressure will often have an overactive carotid body, so we’re looking to silence it or at least reduce its activity,” Professor Schlaich“The therapeutic ultrasound can emit waves of energy that travel through tissue and target the organ of interest.”Cardiovascular disease is an enormous burden on health and society, with more than30 per cent of Australians affected by high blood pressure and more than 8.5 million deaths each year worldwide, directly attributable to uncontrolled blood pressure.78-year-old patient Agnes Johnson had suffered from high blood pressure for 30 years and was the first person in Australia to undergo the procedure in 2016.After the treatment, Mrs Johnson said her blood pressure dropped from 220 over 90 to a more manageable 140 over 80 mmHg.“The medications I tried kept making me sick so having this done was of huge benefit to me. The procedure was fine, I had no side effects and now I feel much better,” she said.Professor Schlaich said the world-first catheter based approach had been performed on 29 patients in Australia and Europe and he hopes to have the procedure readily available around the world in three to four years.“There is clear evidence to demonstrate that if you manage to reduce blood pressure you can dramatically reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke,” he said.“This approach won’t be used for everyone with hypertension but it could be a great approach for those patients whose blood pressure cannot be controlled with medication or lifestyle changes.”Professor Markus Schlaich will discuss the latest trends and treatment for high blood pressure at a free event taking place during UWA Research Week.
西澳大利亚大学的研究人员在第一次人为的破坏性治疗试验取得了成功的结果之后,向高血压的斗争迈出了一大步。Markus Schlaich教授担任Dobney临床研究主席,并且是全球努力在皇家珀斯医院有效治疗耐药性高血压的一部分。尖端程序针对颈动脉体,颈部两侧发现的微小器官调节心血管和呼吸系统。该过程引导导管穿过腹股沟中的股静脉直到颈部并且邻近颈动脉体终止。然后,该装置专门针对具有短超声能量脉冲的器官,使其无效。Schlaich教授说,将颈动脉体暴露于超声波可能会永久性降低未能对药物或生活方式改变作出反应的患者的血压。“我们知道,无法控制的高血压患者通常会出现过度活跃的颈动脉体,所以我们希望将其沉默或至少减少其活动。”Schlaich教授说。“治疗性超声波可以发射通过组织的能量波,并瞄准感兴趣的器官。”心血管疾病是对健康和社会的巨大负担,超过30%的澳大利亚人受到高血压的影响,全世界每年有超过850万人死亡,直接归因于不受控制的血压。78岁的患者Agnes Johnson患有高血压30年,是澳大利亚在2016年接受手术的第一人治疗后,约翰逊夫人说,她的血压从90度下降到超过80毫米汞柱的更易控制的140。“我试过的药物让我生病,所以做这件事对我来说是非常有益的。这个程序很好,我没有副作用,现在我感觉好多了,“她说。Schlaich教授说,澳大利亚和欧洲的29名患者已经进行了世界首例基于导管的方法,他希望在三到四年的时间里能够在世界各地开展手术。“有明确的证据表明,如果您设法降低血压,您可以大大降低心脏病发作和中风的风险,”他说。“这种方法不会用于患有高血压的每个人,但对于那些血压无法用药物或生活方式改变控制的患者,这种方法可能是一种很好的方法。”Markus Schlaich教授将在UWA研究周期间举行的自由活动中讨论最新趋势和高血压治疗。
Computer algorithm links facial masculinity to autism
A link between masculine facial features and autism has been discovered by researchers from The University of Western Australia, Telethon Kids Institute and Princess Margaret Hospital for Children.The first-of-its-kind study used 3D photogrammetry to examine whether pre-pubescent boys and girls with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) displayed more masculine features compared to those without the condition. The research has been published today in Scientific Reports by the Nature Publishing Group.Genetic factors are known to play a major role in ASD however there is growing evidence that hormonal factors also influence development of the condition.A computer algorithm designed by UWA researchers was used to generate a gender score for a sample of 3D facial images to create a scale ranging from very masculine to very feminine. The gender scores were based on an analysis for 11 facial features such as breadth of a person's nose, distance between the outer corners of the eyes, upper lip height and width of the mouth and were compared between an autistic group and a control group. A total 113 girls and 102 boys who were not autistic and 20 girls and 54 boys who were autistic were involved in the study. For each sex, increased facial masculinity was observed in the ASD group compared to the control group.Further analysis revealed that increased facial masculinity in the group with autism correlated with more social communication difficulties as measured on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale.UWA Research associate Syed Zulqarnain Gilani, from UWA’s School of Computer Science and Software Engineering said the extent of facial masculinity/femininity varied from one individual to another.“We have developed an algorithm to measure this variation using 3D images of people, which calculates a metric for each face, which we refer to as the gender score,” Mr Gilani said.“When we applied this algorithm to 3D faces of children diagnosed with an ASD, the results and trends were fascinating.”The study is the first to report that the faces of boys and girls with ASD are more masculinised than the faces of typically developing children, according to research associate Diana Tan, from UWA’s School of Psychological Science.“In our previous research, we found that a more masculinised facial profile was associated with increased exposure to prenatal testosterone,” Ms Tan said.“The current findings highlight a possible connection between prenatal testosterone and ASD.“A facial characteristic that is unique to ASD provides potential biological markers for this condition. In the long run, we hope to further explore the possibility for 3D facial images to be used as a complementary diagnostic tool to aid in the early identification of ASD.”
西澳大利亚大学的Telethon儿童研究所和玛格丽特玛嘉烈医院的研究人员发现了男性面部特征与自闭症之间的联系。首例同类研究使用3D摄影测量来检查与没有病情的人相比,自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)的前柔毛男孩和女孩是否显示出更多的男性特征。这项研究今天在“自然出版集团科学报告”上发表。已知遗传因素在ASD中起主要作用,但越来越多的证据表明激素因子也影响病情的发展。由西澳大学研究人员设计的计算机算法用于为3D面部图像样本生成性别分数,以创建从非常男性化到非常女性化的尺度。性别分数基于对11个面部特征(例如人的鼻孔宽度,眼睛外角之间的距离,上唇高度和嘴宽)的分析,并在自闭症组与对照组之间进行比较。研究中共有113名女孩和102名不自闭症男孩,20名女孩和54名男孩自闭症参与。对于每个性别,与对照组相比,在ASD组中观察到增加的面部阳性。进一步的分析显示,自闭症组中面部男性气质的增加与自闭症诊断观察量表上的社交沟通困难相关。来自UWA的计算机科学和软件工程学院的UWA研究员Syed Zulqarnain Gilani表示,面部男性气质/女性气质从一个人到另一个人的程度不同。Gilani先生说:“我们已经开发了一种使用人脸3D图像来测量这种差异的算法,它计算出每个面部的指标,我们称之为性别分数。“当我们将这种算法应用于诊断为ASD的儿童的3D面孔时,其结果和趋势令人着迷。”根据UWA心理科学学院研究员Diana Tan的研究,这项研究是第一个报告说,ASD的男孩和女孩面孔比通常发育中的儿童的面孔更加男性化。谭女士说:「在以前的研究中,我们发现一种更加男性化的面部特征与增加暴露于产前睾酮有关。“目前的研究结果突出了产前睾酮和ASD之间的可能联系。“ASD独有的面部特征为这种病症提供了潜在的生物学标记。从长远来看,我们希望进一步探索3D面部图像作为补充诊断工具的可能性,以帮助早期识别ASD。“
Faulty gene linked to obesity in adults
Groundbreaking new research linking obesity and metabolic dysfunction to a problem in the energy generators in cells has been published by researchers from the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research and The University of Western Australia.The study, published in Science Advances, found that reduced function of a gene that impacts the breakdown of fats resulted in adult-onset obesity and fatty liver.Head of the Mitochondrial Medicine and Biology Laboratory at the Perkins, Professor Aleksandra Filipovska, said the study provided new knowledge that would enable the development of specific drugs and treatments to overcome the impact of obesity on normal body function.“Our new model is helping us test drugs that can lessen the burden of obesity and fatty liver disease,” Professor Filipovska said.Lead researcher Kara Perks said that in normal metabolism fat and carbohydrate in our diets was broken down to produce the energy that our bodies required by the cellular energy plants, known as mitochondria“Our study showed that a fault in a mitochondrial gene had major impacts on normal metabolic function,” Ms Perks said.“If mitochondria are compromised or damaged, the breakdown of fat and carbohydrates is poorly regulated, which can lead to adult-onset obesity.“We investigated the impact of mitochondrial dysfunction, in relation to a specific gene known as PTCD1, required for energy production and the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates.“Healthy adults will have two copies of the PTCD1 gene, but we looked at what happens when there is only one copy, and we learned that PTCD1 is vital for the breakdown of fats and energy production. When one copy of this gene is lost, it results in obesity, fatty liver and ultimately heart disease.“Our research also showed that PTCD1 affects the way that mitochondria are formed, impacting their shape and making them less connected with each other.”Excess weight and obesity are major risk factors for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, some musculoskeletal disease and cancers. The prevalence of obesity among Australians and most western societies has been increasing for the past 30 years, and this research offers useful insight into one genetic cause of obesity.
Harry Perkins医学研究所和西澳大利亚大学的研究人员发表了关于肥胖与代谢功能障碍与细胞能量发生器问题的突破性新研究。该研究发表在“ 科学进步”中,发现影响脂肪分解的基因的功能降低导致成人发病的肥胖和脂肪肝。帕金斯线粒体药物和生物学实验室主任Aleksandra Filipovska教授说,该研究提供了新的知识,可以开发特定的药物和治疗方法,以克服肥胖对正常身体功能的影响。Filipovska教授说:“我们的新模式正在帮助我们测试可以减轻肥胖和脂肪肝疾病负担的药物。首席研究员Kara Perks表示,正常代谢中,我们饮食中的脂肪和碳水化合物被分解,以产生我们的身体所需的能量,被细胞能量植物称为线粒体。Perks女士说:“我们的研究表明,线粒体基因的错误对正常代谢功能有重大影响。“如果线粒体受损或受损,脂肪和碳水化合物的分解调节不良,这可能导致成人发病的肥胖。“我们研究了线粒体功能障碍对于能量产生和脂肪和碳水化合物分解所需的PTCD1特异性基因的影响。“健康成年人将有两份PTCD1基因,但是我们研究了只有一份拷贝时会发生什么,我们了解到,PTCD1对于脂肪和能量产生的破坏至关重要。当该基因的一个拷贝丢失时,会导致肥胖,脂肪肝和最终的心脏病。“我们的研究还表明,PTCD1影响线粒体形成的方式,影响其形状,并使它们彼此连接较少。”超重和肥胖是心血管疾病,糖尿病,一些肌肉骨骼疾病和癌症的主要危险因素。 澳大利亚人和大多数西方社会的肥胖患病率在过去30年间一直在增加,这项研究提供了对一种肥胖遗传因素的有用见解。
Crawley Campus
From its extensive art collections and theatre venues to its wealth of sporting, cultural, alumni and social groups, the University is a leading intellectual and creative resource to the communities it serves.The University's affiliated residential colleges lie north of the campus. You can explore the campus through the UWA Virtual Universe or the campus map.UWA’s distinctive mix of heritage architecture and contemporary buildings contain state-of-the-art teaching and research facilities, lecture and performance theatres, tutorial spaces, studios and subject-specific laboratories, creating the perfect learning environment.Situated on the Swan River in Crawley, UWA is one of Australia’s most picturesque campuses. At UWA you are surrounded by leafy green spaces with open courtyards and plenty of room to study, catch up with friends or relax outdoors in Perth’s moderate climate.UWA consistently rates highly in student feedback surveys as offering an exciting, vibrant atmosphere. Shop, play, eat, be entertained – there’s a whole village on campus including:banking,Co-op Bookshop and second-hand bookshop,child care,cafés,computer shop,Guild shop and newsagency,hairdresser,travel agency.market day every Tuesday,art galleries, museums, performance theatres and outdoor cinema,recreation centre, swimming pools, tennis and squash courts and a health and fitness centre,optometrist, medical centre, pharmacy, dentist and physiotherapist.
大学从其广泛的艺术收藏和戏剧场馆到其丰富的体育、文化、校友和社会团体,是为其服务的社区提供领先的知识和创意资源。大学附属住宅学院位于校园北部。您可以通过西澳大学Virtual Universe或校园地图探索校园。西澳大学的遗产建筑和当代建筑的独特组合包含最先进的教学和研究设施、讲座、演出剧场、教学空间、工作室和专题实验室,创造完美的学习环境。位于克劳利天鹅河的西澳大学是澳大利亚最美丽的校园之一。在西澳大学,您被绿树成荫的绿色空间四周环绕,开放式庭院和充足的学习空间,赶上朋友或在珀斯温和的气候下放松身心。西澳大学在学生反馈调查中始终如一地高度评价,提供令人兴奋的充满活力的气氛购物、玩耍、吃饭、娱乐 -。校园里有一个整个村庄,包括:银行、合作书店和二手书店、育儿、咖啡馆、电脑店、公会商店和报刊、理发师、旅行社、每个星期二的市场日、美术馆、博物馆、剧院、户外电影院、娱乐中心、游泳池、网球场和壁球场、健康和健身中心、验光师、医疗中心、药房、牙医和理疗师。
UWA Claremont
Just a few minutes from the main Crawley Campus is the University’s Claremont site.UWA Claremont is home to:The Australian Music Examination Board (AMEB),,Confucius Institute,Centre for Muslim States and Societies,International Skills and Training Institute in Health.Centre for English Language Teaching,UWA Claremont is also where you will find Taylor's College, which provides foundation courses for international students.,The original buildings were home to the State's first post-secondary teaching institution which opened in 1902 – Claremont Teachers College. The college later became the Western Australian College of Advanced Education.The campus is located on the corner of Princess Road and Goldsworthy Road in Claremont.UWA Claremont.
距离克莱蒙特校区只有几分钟的路程,就是大学的克莱蒙特大学(Claremont)大学。西澳大学克莱蒙特校区包括以下设施:澳大利亚音乐考试委员会(AMEB)、孔子学院、穆斯林国家和社会中心、国际卫生技能和培训研究所、英语教学中心、UWA Claremont也在那里找到泰勒学院,为国际学生提供基础课程。原有的建筑物是国家第一个在1902年开设的高等教育机构 - 克莱蒙特教师学院的所在地。该大学后来成为西澳大学高等教育学院。校园位于克莱尔蒙特公主路和戈尔斯沃思路的拐角处。
UWA Albany
UWA has a regional campus in the south-coast town of Albany - a four-and-half-hour drive from PerthThe friendly and close-knit UWA Albany community includes the:UWA Albany Centre,,Centre of Excellence in Natural Resource Management,Rural Clinical School (Albany),UWA Perth International Arts Festival,In 2005, Curtin University of Technology joined UWA in Albany to provide additional courses to the local community.At the UWA Albany Centre you can experience all that regional Western Australia has to offer while studying at university. A supportive, welcoming community at the UWA Albany Centre provides the perfect alternative to a big-city campus.Centre of Excellence in Natural Resource Management undertakes targeted, cost-effective and innovative research that makes a significant and recognised contribution to addressing Australia's natural resource management problems.The Rural Clinical School of WA (Albany) offers clinical placements in a regional town to medicine students in their penultimate year from UWA and University of Notre Dame Australia.PIAF brings international, national and local artists together for world-class entertainment experiences in the Great Southern.UWA Albany offers a diverse range of stimulating options to become involved in, including sporting and social activities, public lectures and arts events.The Friends of UWA Albany provides a way for members of the community to show support for and to be involved in UWA activities in Albany.
西澳大学在南部海岸的奥尔巴尼镇有一个区域性校园,距离珀斯四个半小时车程。友好和紧密的西澳大学奥尔巴尼社区包括:西澳大学奥尔巴尼中心、自然资源管理优秀中心、农村临床学校(奥尔巴尼)、西澳大学珀斯国际艺术节。2005年,科廷科技大学与奥尔巴尼的西澳大学加入,为当地社区提供更多课程。在西澳大学奥尔巴尼中心,您可以体验西澳大利亚在大学学习期间提供的所有地区。西澳大学奥尔巴尼中心的一个支持热情的社区是大城市校园的完美选择。自然资源管理卓越中心进行有针对性,具有成本效益和创新性的研究,为解决澳大利亚自然资源管理问题作出了重大和公认的贡献。在西澳的农村临床学院 (奥尔巴尼)提供在区域城镇医学生临床实习,从西澳大学和圣母大学澳大利亚的倒数第二年。奥尔巴尼校区将国际、国内和当地艺术家聚集在一起,在大南部进行世界一流的娱乐活动。西澳大学奥尔巴尼校区提供各种各样的刺激选择,包括体育和社会活动、公共讲座和艺术活动。在西澳大学阿尔巴尼的朋友提供了一种方式为社会成员以示支持和参与在奥尔巴尼西澳大学活动。
中国在澳大利亚乃至大洋洲创办的第一所孔子学院就设在该校的克莱蒙特校区。2005年成立的西澳大学孔子学院通过教授汉语、提供各类文化培训及开展其他与中国有关的各类活动,推广传播中国文化,加强该州与中国的联系。2007年,该院被授予“先进孔子学院”的称号。西澳大学已经和中国的香港大学、香港中文大学、清华大学、北京大学、复旦大学、上海交通大学、浙江大学、南京大学、山东大学、兰州大学、哈尔滨工业大学、中国矿业大学、南京农业大学等学校建立了密切的合作。联合研究的项目涉及能源、人口老龄化等许多两国共同关注的话题。2007年,西澳大学与上海交通大学签署备忘录。两校师生在生命科学与医学方面有密切的交流,互换学生。 2006年,西澳大学生命科学院与上海市科协签署备忘录。
The consistently high entry (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) scores for UWA mean that the University’s undergraduate cohort is the most academically talented of any West Australian university and generally is recognised as being of the highest quality in Australia.In the Federal Government’s annual Graduate Destination Surveys, UWA graduates consistently rank as the most employable in Western Australia. According to the survey, our graduates are employed at a greater rate than any other university graduates in Western Australia.In the last 60 years, students at UWA have been awarded 57 Rhodes scholarships.
We count among our graduates:
former Prime Minister, the Hon. Bob Hawke
Australian Ambassador to the United States and former Deputy Prime Minister, the Hon. Kim Beazley
Federal Government ministers, the Hon. Stephen Smith and the Hon. Christopher Evans and many current and past Federal Members of Parliament
Nobel Prize winners Professor Barry Marshall and Emeritus Professor Robin Warren
the Hon. Justice Robert French, Chief Justice of the High Court
Academy Award winner Shaun Tan
Premier, the Hon. Colin Barnett and every WA Premier since 1988 as well as many State Members of Parliament and ministers
five of the last six Australian Ambassadors to China
and thousands of other leaders across all fields of human endeavour and community activity.
科林·巴内特(Colin Barnett),总理先生以及自1988年以来的每一位华盛顿总理以及许多议员和部长的议员。