Eight out of 355 cardiac arrest patients who do not immediately wake up after hospitalisation, have benefited from being cooled down to a temperature of 33°C for as long as 48 hours. However, this does not provide researchers from Aarhus University and elsewhere with evidence to conclude that 48-hour cooling is preferable to the typical 24 hours when it comes to preventing brain damage. The level of uncertainty is too high and the difference too small to reach this conclusion.A five per cent difference in favour of the 48 hours. This is the result of a study from Aarhus University that has spent several years examining the possible benefits of cooling down patients suffering cardiac arrest to 33°C for 48 hours, instead of the 24-hours that is standard practice in most places.The study is a step on the road to clarifying how best to prevent cardiac arrest patients from ending up with severe brain damage. However, the results are not statistically significant. The researchers are therefore unable to conclude that the longer cooling period is the best way to reduce the risk of permanent brain damage. On the other hand, it is very unlikely that a long cooling period makes things worse – the opposite is most likely the case."We cannot rule out that there is a smaller clinical benefit of cooling down patients for two days, and the indications are that patients under the age of sixty in particular may benefit from the extra 24 hours. But a statistically significant result will require a randomised and blinded study with 3,000 contributing patients, and we do not have the opportunity to undertake such a study," says Professor Hans Kirkegaard from the Research Center for Emergency Medicine at the Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University. He has spent eight years on the randomised and blinded study, which includes 355 out of hospital cardiac arrest patients aged 18 to 80, who have been admitted to ten different intensive care units in six different countries.Time-consuming and extensive."It is an extensive study involving a lot of preparation in relation to preparing and aligning practice in the participating countries, which in addition to Denmark include Norway, Finland, Estonia, Germany and Belgium. More than three years passed from the first patient being included in 2013 until we registered the final one in the summer of 2016. We have also stipulated a range of requirements for the suitability of patients in the study," adds Hans Kirkegaard about the study, which has just been published in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).Half of the participating patients were cooled down to a temperature of 33°C upon arrival at the hospital and for the next 24 hours, which is already the norm in most places. The other half were also cooled down to a temperature of 33°C on arrival, but instead for a period of 48 hours. Both groups were subsequently warmed half a degree at a time until they reached the body's normal temperature of 37 degrees over an eight-hour period.The researchers then followed the survivors and after six months measured how they were managing in relation to what is known as a CPC Score, which is an incremental scale from 1 to 5. CPC stands for Cerebral Performance Category Score and the scale describes the spectrum from: ‘A return to normal cerebral function and normal living' (1); to 'Some disability but sufficient function for independent activities of daily living’ (2); to ‘Severe disability, limited cognition, inability to carry out independent existence’ (3); to 'Coma', often simply referred to as a vegetative state; and finally, to ‘Brain death’ (5). In the research project, CPC scores of 1 and 2 are combined in a positive outcome – with the above-mentioned five per cent advantage in favour of the 48 hours – while scores of 3,4 and 5 are included in the study as a negative result.Ice used in the old days,It has been common knowledge for many years that cooling down the body after cardiac arrest can reduce the degree of brain damage. The practice of cooling down patients is also used in maternity wards, where new-born babies who have not received sufficient oxygen during birth are often cooled for as long as 72 hours. In practice, patients are cooled down either by placing them in special thermo suits that have cold water circulating through them, or by placing a catheter in a vein before circulating cold salt water through this to keep the body temperature down.In the old days, the method was simply to cover the person with ice particularly around the groin and neck areas, which is where the large arteries lie just beneath the skin.According to Hans Kirkegaard, there are of course side effects associated with cooling down people. Some catch pneumonia and others arrhythmia, which is an irregular heart rhythm for as long as the cooling lasts.Putting the side effects into perspective,"One of the three PhD studies affiliated with the research project has also registered an impact on the ability of the blood to coagulate, but no increased bleeding with the longer cooling. Though I must stress that what we are working to minimise is permanent brain damage," says Hans Kirkegaard. He also adds that the research project has documented a very high percentage of patients who have received chest compressions from bystander during the crucial minutes before the ambulance arrived."This has definitely contributed to a very low mortality rate, which is 27 per cent in the 48-hour group and 34 per cent in the other group. Another factor that contributes to the low mortality rate is that most patients undergo an examination and, if necessary, treatment of their coronary arteries immediately after arriving at the hospital," says Hans Kirkegaard.
在355名心脏停搏患者中,有8人在住院后并没有立即醒来,他们已经从体温降至33度,这种状况持续了48小时。然而,这并没有为奥胡斯大学和其他地方的研究人员提供证据,证明48小时的冷却比24小时的预防大脑损伤更可取。不确定性的程度太高差异太小无法得出结论。在48小时内,有5%的差异。这是来自奥胡斯大学的一项研究的结果,该研究花了数年时间,研究了将心脏停搏的患者降温至33个小时的可能益处,而不是24小时,这是大多数地方的标准做法。这项研究是在阐明如何最好地防止心脏停搏患者最终导致严重脑损伤的道路上迈出的一步。然而,这些结果在统计上并不显著。因此,研究人员不能得出这样的结论:较长的冷却时间是减少永久性脑损伤的最好方法。另一方面,长时间的冷却时间不太可能使事情变得更糟——相反的情况很可能是这样。“我们不能排除在两天内给病人降温的临床好处,而且有迹象表明,60岁以下的病人可能会受益于额外的24小时。”但是统计上的显著结果将需要一项随机的、盲的研究,有3000名患者,我们没有机会进行这样的研究,”奥胡斯大学临床医学研究中心的Hans Kirkegaard教授说。他花了8年时间进行随机和盲研究,其中包括从18岁到80岁的医院心脏停搏患者中的355人,这些患者在6个不同国家接受了10个不同的重症监护病房。耗时的和广泛的,“这是一项广泛的研究,涉及准备和调整参与国的准备工作,包括挪威、芬兰、爱沙尼亚、德国和比利时。”2013年的第一个病人被包括在2013年,直到2016年夏天我们才注册了最后一个病人。我们还为研究中病人的适应性提出了一系列的要求”Hans Kirkegaard补充说,这一研究刚刚发表在美国医学协会(JAMA)杂志上。在到达医院后的24小时内,有一半的患者被冷却到33摄氏度的温度,这在大多数地方已经是正常的了。另外一半的温度在到达时也降到了33摄氏度,而不是48小时。这两组人在一段时间内都被加热了0.5度,直到他们在8小时内达到了37度的正常体温。研究人员随后对幸存者进行了跟踪调查,并在6个月后测量了他们与所谓的“中国共产党分数”的关系,这是一种从1到5的增量规模。中国共产党代表的是大脑的表现类别得分,该量表的范围从“回归到正常的大脑功能和正常生活”(1);“有残疾,但有足够的日常生活独立活动的功能”(2);“严重的残疾、有限的认知、无法独立生存的能力”(3);“昏迷”,通常指的是植物人状态;最后,“脑死亡”(5)。在研究项目中,中国共产党的1和2合并在一个积极的结果,上述优势的48小时内百分之五——虽然成绩3,4和5都包括在这项研究作为一个负面的结果。旧时代的冰,多年以来,人们都知道,在心脏停搏后,身体降温可以降低脑损伤的程度。在产科病房中也使用了冷却病人的方法,在分娩过程中没有获得足够氧气的新生婴儿通常会在72小时内冷却。在实际操作中,病人会被冷却下来,要么把他们放进特制的热服中,让冷水循环通过,要么通过把导管放在静脉里,然后再循环冷却盐水,以此来保持体温下降。在过去,这种方法只是简单地覆盖住在腹股沟和颈部区域的人,这是大动脉在皮肤下面的地方。根据Hans Kirkegaard的说法,当然有一些副作用,与人的冷却有关。一些人会感染肺炎和其他心律失常,这是一种不规律的心率,只要冷却持续。将副作用放到一个角度,该研究项目的三个博士研究之一也对血液凝固的能力产生了影响,但随着时间的延长,没有增加出血。尽管我必须强调,我们正在努力减少的是永久性的大脑损伤,”Hans Kirkegaard说。他还补充说,该研究项目记录了在救护车到来前的关键时刻,有相当多的病人从旁观者那里接受了胸部按压。“这无疑是导致死亡率非常低的原因之一,在48小时组中,这一比例为27%,而另一组为34%。另一个导致低死亡率的因素是,大多数病人都接受了检查,如果有必要的话,在到达医院后立即治疗冠状动脉。”Hans Kirkegaard说。
It cannot be said that red clover alone reduces menopause symptoms, but a recently published Danish study finds that fermented-red clover extract effectively prevents hot flushes, hormonal swings and bone loss. Bucking the trend of usual research tradition the study has delivered a strong seal of approval to an innovative Danish Red Clover producer.The vast majority of women in the menopause are familiar with the status of Red Clover as an herbal medicine that soothes hot flush symptoms and hormonal fluctuations. This holds true, new research shows, if the red clover is taken in a fermented form. Fermented Red Clover extract is demonstrated to decrease significantly both the number and severity of daily hot flushes.The study also found that the extract prevents the normally accelerated menopausal bone loss affecting one in three women over the age of 50 (e.g. results showed treatment blunted bone loss in the spine completely). These findings are very promising as the benefits take place without any of the side effects of traditionally proscribed hormone therapies that increase the risk of cancers and cardiovascular diseases.The above is the most important information from the scientific article ”Combined Red Clover isoflavones and probiotics potently reduce memopausal vasomotor symptoms”, that researchers at the Dept. of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine under the Dept. Clinical Medicine at Aarhus University/ Aarhus University Hospital have published in the journal PLOS one.The study lead Professor Per Bendix Jeppesen has previously presented partial unpublished data to the media. These findings have rapidly been miss-reported to mean “Red Clover works”, which as Per Bendix Jeppesen and his colleague Ph.D. Max Norman Tandrup Lambert explain, “is an oversimplification that is very close to being incorrect”.Fermentation making the difference,“It is the fermentation process of the Red Clover extract that makes the difference, as the lactic acid fermentation increases the bioavailability of the bioactive estrogen-like compounds (known as isoflavones or phytoestrogens) that Red Clover has in abundance,” explains Max Norman Tandrup Lambert.“The challenge with isoflavones is that they can be difficult to digest as they naturally occur in the plant bound to sugar molecules which prevent absorption. Hence, a large proportion of the isoflavones that are consumed (e.g. as a pill or capsule) can pass through the intestine without entering circulation. This problem is bypassed when the Red Clover extract undergoes a fermentation process. To be technical the process separates the sugar molecules from the isoflavones, thereby increasing bioavailability,” explains Max Norman Tandup LambertFree advertising?Max and Per Bendix Jeppesen are aware that the research findings inadvertently provide an invaluable seal of approval to an ecological farmer and business owner Michael Mohr Jensen, who has patented the production process of the fermented Red Clover extract. Michael Mohr Jensen sells the product from his private company “Herrens Mark” on Fyn. Presumably, the goal from the researchers perspective is to promote research that can help women in the menopause that also has a commercial side.“That characterization does not apply to me,” says Per Bendix Jeppesen. “For me, when I can see that research has a realistic use practically I get extra curious. The fact that the research we have contributed has direct practical application is a great positive, it doesn’t happen enough even with all the universities talking about becoming more business orientated and the necessity of collaboration with businesses,” says Per Bendix Jeppesen.Interestingly, it was Michael Mohr Jensen who contacted Per Bendix Jeppesen to ask if he and other researchers from the Dept. of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine would investigate his hypothesis regarding fermented Red Clover extract as a healthier alternative to traditional estrogen therapy proscribed by doctors. In the ensuing collaboration it was Per Bendix Jeppesen and Max Norman Tandrup Lambert that advised the farmer in fine-tuning his Red Clover extract to improve the gastro-intestinal uptake of the active isoflavone compoundsNo error prone “self-reports”The fermentation development was a success and the results are now tested in Max Norman Tandrup Lambert’s Ph.D. project – a study that recruited 130 women with menopause symptoms, of which 60 were selected based on criteria of at least five severe hot flushes per day and blood tests (including FSH, that indicates the “stage” of menopause).“The women were separated into two groups of 30, so 30 drank 150ml Red Clover extract per day for 12 weeks, whilst the other 30 drank a masked placebo product. After 12 weeks we tested again and were speechless about the data. There was a much greater effect than we had hoped for.” Says Max Norman Tandrup Lambert.Per Bendix Jeppesen also emphasizes that the research project has avoided relying only on “self reports”, which can be a considerable source of error in investigations into whether a treatment works. For example in this study the women’s’ hot flush symptoms were measured using a so called ‘skin conductor’, a device that is applied to the underside of the wrist that can determine the number hot flush events and their severity objectively based on sweat secretion. Similarly, the effect of the Red Clover extract on bone health has been tested via so-called DXA scans of the spine and hips.
All measurements are taken in the same way before and after 12 weeks of treatment; this enhances the credibility of the findings, as menopause symptoms are particularly difficult to measure.
不能说红三叶草会降低更年期症状,但最近发表的丹麦研究发现,红三叶草提取物有效地预防了潮红、荷尔蒙波动和骨质流失。与传统研究传统的趋势不同的是,这项研究给丹麦一家创新的红三叶草生产商带来了强烈的认可。更年期的绝大多数女性都很熟悉红三叶草的地位,它是一种能舒缓潮热症状和激素波动的草药。新的研究表明,如果红色的三叶草以一种发酵的形式出现,这是正确的。发酵的红三叶草提取物可以显著降低每天的潮红的数量和严重程度。该研究还发现,这种提取物能阻止正常的更年期骨质疏松影响到50岁以上女性的三分之一(例如,研究结果显示,治疗在脊椎中完全减少了骨质疏松)。这些发现很有希望,因为这些益处在没有任何传统的被禁止的激素疗法的副作用的情况下,会增加患癌症和心血管疾病的风险。以上是科学文章中最重要的信息:“结合红三叶草异黄酮和益生菌,可以有效减少血管收缩症状”,奥胡斯大学/奥胡斯大学医院的内分泌科和内科医学部的研究人员在公共科学图书馆综合杂志上发表了这篇文章。这项研究的负责人Per Bendix Jeppesen此前曾将部分未发表的数据提交给媒体。这些发现很快被错误地报道为“红色的三叶草”,正如Bendix Jeppesen和他的同事博士所解释的那样,“这是一种过度简化非常接近于不正确”。发酵生产的区别,Max Norman Tandrup Lambert解释说:“这是红三叶草提取物的发酵过程,这是一种不同的发酵过程,因为乳酸发酵会增加生物活性雌激素的化合物(被称为异黄酮或植物雌激素)的生物活性。”“异黄酮的挑战在于,它们很难消化,因为它们自然发生在与糖分子结合的植物中,而糖分子阻止吸收。因此,大量的异黄酮(如药片或胶囊)可以通过肠道而不进入血液循环。当红三叶草提取物经过发酵过程时,这个问题就被忽略了。Max Norman Tandup Lambert解释说:“从技术上说,这一过程将糖分子与异黄酮分离,从而增加了生物的可用性。”马克斯和Per Bendix Jeppesen意识到,研究结果无意中为一位生态农民和企业主Per Bendix Jeppesen提供了一种无价的认可,他已经获得了发酵的红三叶草提取物的生产过程。Michael Mohr Jensen在他的私人公司“Herrens”上销售了这款产品。从研究者的角度来看,这一目标的目的是为了促进能够帮助绝经期女性的研究,这些女性也有商业方面的一面。Per Bendix Jeppesen说:“这一特性对我来说并不适用。”“对我来说,当我看到这项研究有实际用途时,我就会变得格外好奇。Per Bendix Jeppesen说:“我们所做的研究有直接的实际应用,这是一个非常积极的事实,即使所有的大学都在讨论如何变得更加商业化,以及与企业合作的必要性,但这还不够。”有趣的是,Michael Mohr Jensen和他的同事们联系了他,询问他和其他来自内分泌科和内科的研究人员是否会调查他关于发酵的红三叶草提取物的假设,这是一种更健康的替代传统的雌激素治疗方法。在接下来的合作中,每一名Bendix Jeppesen和Max Norman Tandrup Lambert都建议农民对他的红三叶草提取物进行微调,以改善活性异黄酮化合物的胃肠道吸收。不容易出错“自我报告”,发酵的发展是成功的,结果现在测试在马克斯·诺曼Tandrup兰伯特博士项目——一个研究招募了130名女性更年期症状,其中60例根据标准选择每天至少5个严重的潮热和血液检查(包括FSH,表明更年期)的“舞台”。“这些女性被分成两组,30组,30组每天喝150毫升的红三叶草提取物,12周,另外30组喝了一组假的安慰剂。”12周后,我们再次进行了测试,并对数据感到无语。这比我们所希望的效果要大得多。马克斯诺曼坦德拉兰伯特说。Bendix Jeppesen还强调,研究项目避免了只依赖“自我报告”,这可能是对治疗是否奏效的调查的一个重要来源。例如,在这项研究中,女性的“热潮”症状是用一种叫做“皮肤导体”的方法来测量的,这种装置被应用到手腕的底部,可以根据汗液的分泌来确定数量的热冲洗事件和它们的严重程度。同样,红三叶草提取物对骨骼健康的影响也通过对脊柱和臀部的所谓的DXA扫描测试。所有的测量方法都采用相同的方法,在12周的治疗之前和之后;这提高了研究结果的可信度,因为更年期症状特别难以测量。
New insight into the research on memory
Researchers from Denmark and England critically discuss the results of the research worldwide of the mechanisms underlying emotional learning and memories in the mammalian brain.Throughout decades, researchers have tried to understand how the brain forms and stores memories. It is now well known that changes in so-called synaptic strength (synaptic plasticity) underlie the formation and storage of memories. In particular, researchers have examined how neuronal activity controls the strength of communication between neurons, at sites called synapses. Synapses are key sites affected by diseases of cognition. Therefore, a large part of basic research aims to better understand the mechanisms underlying synaptic plasticity to help elucidating the causes of age-related dementias like Alzheimer's disease. Such understanding will eventually help providing treatments that prevent or mitigate brain diseases.In a new study just published in the journal Neuron, researchers from Denmark and England have added new insights into the neurobiological mechanisms of memory by discussing how emotional learning and memories are formed in the mammalian brain. The studies reviewed suggest that learning and memory are stored and retrieved via changes of synaptic weights in oscillatory neuronal circuits, and that synaptic plasticity underlies the formation and the disruption of engrams (memory traces).First, synaptic plasticity that is long lasting functional changes in the brain occurs when we learn new things or memorize new information. Then, network oscillations are a series of rhythmic electrical waves generated by the synchronous activity of several (hundreds) nerve cells. Their occurrence in certain areas of the brain (such as the hippocampus and the amygdala) signals that learning and memory has taken place. Finally, the phenomen ofengram formation also occurs. In this event, subsets of nerve cells that are activated during learning and reactivated during memory recall of the learning experience.
The zebrafish is an important animal model
Humans and zebrafish have more in common than you would think. Therefore, zebrafish are used more and more, for example, to study the function of genes, to create animal models for human diseases and to develop new human drugs.At first, it may seem strange that an ordinary Danish aquarium fish has become the researchers' new favorite. Nevertheless, this is the case for the small zebrafish (Danio rerio), which is currently used for studying the function of genes to create animal models for human diseases and to develop new human drugs. We have much more in common with the zebrafish than you might think, and zebrafish are naturally equipped with a number of properties that make them very suitable in the research laboratory.The zebrafish is similar to humans anatomically and genetically,From the outside, the similarities between humans and zebrafish are limited, but with a few exceptions – such as mammary glands, placenta and lungs – virtually all human organs are also found in zebrafish. Generally, the organs consist of the same cell types as in humans, and in the cells, largely the same genes dictate the identity and function. For 71 percent of all human genes, a corresponding zebrafish gene has been identified, and when looking at genes associated with human disease, the number is as high as 80 percent. Not surprisingly, the mouse is more similar to us, as there are mouse versions of 83 percent of the human genes, whereas in chicken is it 64 percent.Useful characteristics of the zebrafish.Some of the characteristics that make the zebrafish well suited as an animal model are its high fertility, fast embryonal development outside the parent fish and a transparent embryo that allows for cell development to be examined from the outside. Assuming optimal environmental management, water quality and health, a single pair of zebrafish can produce 200 fertilized eggs by just a single weekly crossing, which can take place every week all year round.In the days leading up to the crossing, males and females are kept separated. When the females and males are together again, the females spawn within ten minutes, and the males fertilize the eggs immediately. The fact that the zebrafish eggs are fertilized outside the mother, and that the embryo remains transparent for several days, means that each cell can be monitored continuously in real time by ordinary light microscopy within the living embryo.In addition to the embryonic development, the transparency also enables detailed studies of the early larval stages.This is a huge advantage as this means that the phenotypes – which might not be readily visible in, for example, a mouse – can be detected. There are also pigment-free zebrafish lines which allow light microscopic studies of the inside of even the adult fish, although the size, of course, limits the light penetration into the underlying tissue.Manipulation of gene function in zebrafish.In order to study the function of a gene, the activity of the gene or its products (RNA, proteins) is manipulated. With the technology available in zebrafish, it is possible to turn off or turn down a specific gene, to increase the gene or even introduce foreign genes.It is also possible to create specific mutations and other changes in the genome exactly where you want.Zebrafish in clinical research,In addition to basic research into the function of genes and developmental biology, zebrafish are used to study the genetic basis of a wide range of human diseases - such as cardiac arrhythmias, neurodegenerative diseases, endocrinological disorders and hematological disease.In addition, zebrafish are also used in studies of the genetic and neurological basis of depression, drug addiction and learning.Also, the zebrafish is becoming a recurring model animal in studies where large libraries of low molecular weight substances are screened for medicinal properties against specific diseases or disease processes.Screening of new drugs。A major reason for the use of zebrafish in drug screening is the availability and size of the embryos, and the fact that the embryos can absorb the test substances directly from the water. The small size means that embryos can be kept in very small volumes, even in 96-or 384-well ELISA trays.Therefore, large libraries of test compounds can be screened in a living organism in a very manageable format, and the consumption of expensive test substances is minimal.Toxicological studies,By screening new drugs in a living organism, you get information about the pharmacological effects as well as important knowledge about possible toxic effects: Do the embryos survive, is the heart function affected, is hepatic necrosis induced or is the respiration affected? Such information is not obtained in experiments with cultured cells, and the information is considerably more expensive and often more complex to achieve in mammals. Therefore, the zebrafish is an ideal supplement, where toxic effects are examined in zebrafish embryos before they are tested on rodents and larger mammals. Also, data from mice can also be followed by high-resolution real-time analysis of dynamic processes in zebrafish, such as cell migration, angiogenesis or axonal outgrowth.Housing of zebrafish.As the zebrafish is a schooling fish, they are kept in groups with a recommended density of up to five adult fish per liter. This allows them to live out their natural schooling behavior. In the standard configuration of a standard commercial aquarium system for zebrafish, there is room for more than 900 adult fish in an area corresponding to a standard mouse shelf for 75-150 mice.This helps to make zebrafish relatively inexpensive to work with, and you therefore get more research for less money.The embryonic development of the zebrafishThe embryonic development of the zebrafish is extremely fast: approx. 3 hours after fertilization the embryo has 1,000 cells, after about 18 hours after fertilization, the embryo begins to move, and about 22 hours after fertilization, the heart beats.
你会偶尔想到人类和斑马鱼有更多的共同之处,。因此人们越来越多地使用斑马鱼来做研究,例如为人类疾病创造动物模型而研究基因的功能,开发新的人类药物。起初,普通的丹麦水族馆鱼已经成为研究人员的新宠,这似乎很奇怪。然而,目前用于研究基因功能以创造人类疾病动物模型和开发新的人类药物的小斑马鱼(Danio rerio)的情况就是这种情况。我们与斑马鱼有更多的共同之处,而且斑马鱼自然配备了一些使其非常适合研究实验室的物业。斑马鱼与人类在解剖和遗传上类似,从外部,人与斑马鱼之间的相似之处是有限的,但除少数例外,如乳腺,胎盘和肺 - 几乎所有的人类器官也都在斑马鱼中发现。通常,器官由与人类相同的细胞类型组成,并且在细胞中,基本上相同的基因决定了身份和功能。对于所有人类基因的71%,已经鉴定了相应的斑马鱼基因,当观察与人类疾病相关的基因时,数量高达80%。毫不奇怪,鼠标与我们更相似,因为有83%的人类基因的鼠标版本,而在鸡中是64%。斑马鱼的有用特征,使斑马鱼作为动物模型非常适合的一些特征是其高生育力,母体外的快速胚胎发育和允许从外部检测细胞发育的透明胚胎。假设最佳的环境管理,水质和健康,一对斑马鱼可以通过一个每周一次的过路点产生200个受精卵,这可以每周进行一次。在交叉口的日子里,男性和女性被分开。当女性和男性再次在一起时,女性在十分钟内产卵,男性立即对卵进行施肥。事实上,斑马鱼卵在母亲外受精,胚胎保持透明几天,这意味着每个细胞可以通过活体胚中的普通光学显微镜实时监测。除了胚胎发育,透明度还可以对早期幼虫阶段进行详细的研究。这是一个巨大的优势,因为这意味着可以检测到例如在小鼠中不容易看到的表型。还有无颜色的斑马鱼线条,允许对成年鱼内部进行光学显微镜研究,虽然大小当然是操纵斑马鱼基因功能,为了研究基因的功能,操纵基因或其产物(RNA,蛋白质)的活性。利用斑马鱼中的技术,可以关闭或调低特定基因,增加基因甚至引入外来基因。也可以在基因组中准确地创建特定的突变和其他变化。斑马鱼临床研究,除了对基因和发育生物学功能的基础研究外,斑马鱼还用于研究广泛的人类疾病的遗传基础,如心律失常,神经退行性疾病,内分泌疾病和血液疾病。此外,斑马鱼也用于研究抑郁症,吸毒成瘾和学习的遗传和神经学基础。此外,斑马鱼正在成为研究中的重复模式动物,其中筛选出低分子量物质的大型文库用于针对特定疾病或疾病过程的药用性质。筛选新药,使用斑马鱼进行药物筛选的主要原因是胚胎的可用性和大小,以及胚胎可以直接从水中吸收测试物质的事实。小尺寸意味着胚胎可以保持在非常小的体积,甚至在96孔或384孔的ELISA托盘中。因此,测试化合物的大型文库可以以非常易于管理的形式在活体中进行筛选,并且消耗昂贵的测试物质是最小的。毒理学研究,通过在有机体中筛选新药,您可以获得有关药理作用的信息以及有关可能的毒性作用的重要知识:胚胎是否存活,受影响的心脏功能是肝脏坏死还是受到呼吸影响?在培养细胞的实验中不能获得这样的信息,并且信息相当昂贵并且在哺乳动物中实现更复杂。因此,斑马鱼是一种理想的补充剂,在对斑马鱼胚胎进行啮齿动物和较大型哺乳动物测试之前,会对其进行毒性检测。斑马鱼作为其他模型生物的补充,斑马鱼也具有很大的研究价值,作为其他模式生物的补充。有利的协同作用的一个例子是斑马鱼可用于筛选由高分辨率相对快速和低成本地获得特定遗传操作而产生的表型变化。然后可以将该数据用于指导具有相同基因改变的小鼠的表型,因此斑马鱼可用于指导未来的哺乳动物实验。可以鉴定斑马鱼中的表型,否则在小鼠中被忽视。此外,来自小鼠的数据还可以通过高分辨率实时分析斑马鱼中的动态过程,如细胞迁移,血管生成或轴突生长。斑马鱼作为其他模型生物的补充,斑马鱼也具有很大的研究价值,作为其他模式生物的补充。有利的协同作用的一个例子是,斑马鱼可用于相对快速,便宜地筛选,并且具有高分辨率用于由特定遗传操作引起的表型变化。然后可以将该数据用于指导具有相同基因改变的小鼠的表型,因此斑马鱼可以成为哺乳动物未来实验的跳板。因此,可以鉴定斑马鱼中的表型,否则在小鼠中被忽视。此外,来自小鼠的数据还可以跟踪斑马鱼动态过程如细胞迁移,血管生成或轴突生长的高分辨率实时分析。斑马鱼的住房,由于斑马鱼是一名学校养鱼,所以他们被保持在一起,建议密度高达五只成人鱼每升。这样就可以让自己的自然教育行为生活。在用于斑马鱼的标准商业水族箱系统的标准配置中,在对应于75-150只小鼠的标准小鼠架的区域中,存在900多只成年鱼的空间。这有助于使斑马鱼与合作相对便宜,因此您可以减少更多的研究。斑马鱼的胚胎发育,斑马鱼的胚胎发育非常快:受精3小时后,胚胎有1,000个细胞,受精后约18小时,胚胎开始移动,受精后约22小时,心脏跳动。
A new international study carried out by researchers from Denmark, Germany and the USA has discovered that the cells of connective tissue are being exploited by HIV to establish the infection in the body. The discovery may lead to new forms of treatment that can prevent HIV infection.When HIV is sexually transmitted from one person to another, the virus must break through a protective layer of cells that are known as the mucous membrane. If the mucous membrane is damaged, for example during sexual intercourse or via other infections in the tissue, HIV can break through and infect the underlying immune cells.In the new study, which has just been published in the international journal PLOS Pathogens, the researchers used a model of the mucous membrane and the surrounding tissue to understand how HIV establishes an infection. Using the model, the researchers discovered that the connective tissue cells, which are the most common types of cells in the tissue, actually had a very strong effect on the HIV infection of the immune cells."We investigated connective tissue cells from the vagina, uterus, intestine, foreskin and urethra. In all cases, we observed that the connective tissue cells increased the effectiveness of the HIV infection, with up to 100 times greater infection in relation to our models that did not include connective tissue cells," says one of the Danish contributors to the project, Associate Professor Martin Roelsgaard Jakobsen from the Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University.HIV glues itself onto the cells,The researchers continued working to understand the basic mechanisms of the connective tissue cells and how they could explain why HIV suddenly had an increased ability to infect immune cells."We learned that HIV glues itself to the surface of the connective tissue cells without infecting them. Then the connective tissue cells subsequently very effectively transfer HIV on to the immune cells. The scientific name for the process is trans-infection, but it is not previously been proved that any cells are able to do this as well as the connective tissue cells do," says Martin Roelsgaard Jakobsen.According to the researcher, more knowledge on a molecular level may help to find a new way of fighting HIV infection, and for this reason the collaboration with the researchers from J. Gladstone Institute in San Francisco will also continue."If we can find the molecule or molecules which the connective tissue cells use to glue the HIV onto themselves, then it will be possible for us to develop new drugs that can stop this from happening. This can hopefully mean that HIV will not be able to spread in the tissue," explains Martin Roelsgaard Jakobsen.
来自丹麦,德国和美国的研究人员进行的一项新的国际研究发现,结缔组织的细胞正在被艾滋病毒开发以在体内建立感染。这种发现可能导致新的治疗方式,可以预防艾滋病毒感染。当HIV从一个人性传播到另一个人时,病毒必须突破被称为粘膜的细胞的保护层。如果粘膜受损,例如在性交期间或通过组织中的其他感染,HIV就可以突破并感染潜在的免疫细胞。在刚刚在国际期刊PLOS病原体发表的新研究中,研究人员使用了粘膜和周围组织的模型来了解艾滋病毒如何确定感染。研究人员利用该模型发现,组织中最常见的结缔组织细胞实际上对免疫细胞的HIV感染具有非常强的作用。“我们研究了阴道,子宫,肠,包皮和尿道的结缔组织细胞,在所有情况下,我们观察到结缔组织细胞增加了HIV感染的有效性,相对于我们的模型,感染率高达100倍没有包括结缔组织细胞,“这个项目的丹麦贡献者之一说,奥胡斯大学生物医学系的Martin Roelsgaard Jakobsen副教授。艾滋病病毒将其自身粘附到细胞上,研究人员继续努力了解结缔组织细胞的基本机制,以及如何解释为什么艾滋病毒突然增加感染免疫细胞的能力,“我们了解到,艾滋病毒胶粘在结缔组织细胞的表面,而不会感染它们,然后结缔组织细胞随后非常有效地将HIV转移到免疫细胞上,该过程的科学名称是反式感染,但不是之前已经证明,任何细胞都能做到这一点以及结缔组织细胞都能做到这一点,“Martin Roelsgaard Jakobsen说。据研究人员介绍,更多关于分子水平的知识可能有助于找到一种打击艾滋病毒感染的新方式,因此与旧金山J. Gladstone研究所研究人员的合作也将继续。“如果我们可以找到结缔组织细胞用来将艾滋病毒粘连到自己身上的分子或分子,那么我们有可能开发可以阻止这种情况发生的新药,这可能意味着艾滋病毒将无法实现在组织中传播,“Martin Roelsgaard Jakobsen解释说。
The Buildings and the University Park
The buildings of Aarhus University are gathered in and around the University Park, and through the years they have multiplied considerably. The first building, which stood ready in 1933, was originally prepared to accommodate medical science classes. It is situated on a protruding promontory on the moraine ravine's eastern side and houses many of the social sciences' subjects.With only minor modifications, the building style in the University Park has remained consistent since the architects Kay Fisker, C.F. Møller and Povl Stegmann won the architectural competition in 1931. Since 1939, the architectural firm C.F. Møller has been responsible for building activities. In a harmonious interplay with the rolling hills of the park, the uniform buildings create an attractive campus, which has achieved international renown.The characteristic yellow brick buildings in the University Park have a total floor area of 246,000 m 2 . Beyond this, the University has at its disposal a series of buildings outside of the park with a total floor area of 59,000m 2 .For three decades Prehistoric Archaeology, Medieval Archaeology and Ethnography have been based at the old Moesgård Manor south of Aarhus, and since the mid 1970's several subjects within the Faculty of Arts have been located at the Trøjborg complex.Since 1998 the former Langelandsgade Barracks have provided the setting for the aesthetic subjects, and in 1999 the language subjects moved into the Nobel Park complex's new buildings on the street corner of Randersvej and Nordre Ringgade.In the year 2000 the Faculty of Theology moved out of the main building and into the former Orthopaedic Hospital and the IT Park was inaugurated on the street named Åbogade. During the same year the former maternity home was reopened as the Health Sciences Library under the name of the Victor Albeck Building.A new building in the University Park with five lecture theatres was put in use in 2001. Its interior is extensively decorated by the artist Per Kirkeby.
奥胡斯大学的建筑物聚集在大学公园内和周围,多年来,建设了相当多的建筑群。1933年准备的第一座建筑物原本准备好容纳医学课程。它位于碛沟山东东部的突出海角并拥有许多社会科学科目。建筑师Kay Fisker,CFMøller和Povl Stegmann正是由于该建筑在1931年获得了建筑设计比赛,所以大学园区的建筑风格一直保持不变。自1939年以来,建筑事务所CFMøller一直负责建筑活动。在与公园连绵起伏的和谐相互作用中,制服建筑创造了一个有吸引力的校园,取得了国际知名度。三十年史前考古学、中世纪考古学和人种学研究所位于奥胡斯以南的旧莫斯加尔庄园,自1970年代中期以来,艺术学院的几个科目已经在Trøjborg大学顺利开展。自1998年以来,前兰格兰德斯堡军营已经为审美学科提供了相应的位置。1999年,诺德尔公园综合大楼Randersvej和Nordre Ringgade街角的新建筑语言学开始在该建筑内开始教学。2000年,神学院迁离了主楼,进入了前骨科医院,IT公园在名叫gade的街道上正式开放。在同一年,前生育家园以维克多·阿贝克大楼的名义重新开放为健康科学图书馆。大学公园一座新建的五座剧院在2001年投入使用,其内部由艺术家佩尔柯克比设计装饰。
她培养的校友包括玛格丽特二世、弗雷德里克王储等王室成员,北约秘书长及丹麦首相安诺斯·福格·拉斯穆森,丹麦驻华大使戴世阁马士基集团首席执行官Nils Smedegaard Andersen,乐高集团首席执行官Jørgen Vig Knudstorp,诺和集团董事长Sten Scheibye,Dong Energy能源公司首席执行官Henrik Poulsen,作者导演尼尔斯·马尔姆洛斯,诺贝尔化学奖得主延斯·克里斯蒂安·斯科,带领哈佛团队成功冻结住光的Lene Vestergaard Hau,美国国家工程院理事Jens K. Nørskov, C++编程语言发明人比雅尼·斯特劳斯特鲁普,谷歌地图联合创始人Lars Rasmussen,Chrome JavaScript V8引擎开发者Lars Bak, 2001年哥德尔奖得主Carsten Lund,提出GARCH模型的计量经济学家Tim Bollerslev,提出“国家属性变化论”的国际关系学者George Sørensen,古植物学权威傅睿思,中丹科技合作纳米科学家弗莱明·贝森巴赫,以及原清华大学校长顾秉林。