


  They can't be that dangerous, they're only women

  Female foreign fighters are framed as delusional, emotionally unstable, and naïve jihadi brides in search of a husband. This narrative can be dangerous, explains Ester Strømmen at PluriCourts.Our understanding of women interferes with how we view them as terrorists, suggest a new study from PluriCourts.Throughout 2016 Ester Strommen followed cases of women who have left their homes to join Da’esh. Some have returned, and some are still not accounted for. Tracing movements in the media and the judiciary, as well as the national discussions regarding their action, Strømmen noticed specific trends.- In a sample of the cases I’ve looked at, women who join IS/Da’esh receive a lower sentence than their male counterparts, says Strømmen and continuesGender Bias,Differentiated understandings of female and male extremism are not a new phenomenon. Existing literature on female extremists show that women’s actions are often interpreted as outliers. Their actions are explained by characterizing them within personal feminized terms: either as failed mothers, psychologically ill, or sexual deviants, a theory developed by Laura Sjoberg and Caron Gentry in their seminal work ‘Mothers, Monsters, Whores’.However, stories of the women that leave to join Da’esh resemble the stories of the men that leave. Trends in the societies they come from, including discrimination and a search for belonging and adventure, can draw people into extremism. Individuals have various reasons for joining extremist groups, and these need to be further analyzed and discussed, rather than simplified by gendered narrativesWomen and their stories,In the study, Strømmen looked closely at four high profile cases. Given their high profile, detailed information was available, including reporting around court cases and publicly available court documents, judgements and commentary.In three of these cases, women received lesser sentences than average in their home countries. In the reasoning, gendered perceptions of participation, motivation and roles were often central.Women were presented and discussed as misled, lured, emotionally hysterical and as UiO jihadi bridesUiO on the search for male partners, or tricked by male IS members. They were also presented as mentally unstable and vilified for bringing their children to IS, if they had done so, rather than for joining the group themselves, anchoring their activity to their specific gender roles.Important security perspective,Why does it matter that women are discussed and treated differently on their return?If one disregards women joining IS simply as victims without investigating their specific cases and circumstances further, this constitutes a major gap in protection and precedent.Strømmen emphasizes that the key is not to have long sentences, but to understand the situation. Prevention and rehabilitation should be given more weight.With regards to prevention, policies should reflect efforts to reduce fragmentation in society. UiO OtheringUiO , explained as feeling excluded from society, grows in the face of policies directed at specific groups, and can increase drives towards extremism. Further studies are also needed on the tipping point from when an individual or a group turns non-violent to violent.


  女性外国战士被视为妄想,情绪不稳定,天真的圣战新娘寻找丈夫。这个叙述可能是危险的,EsterStrømmen解释并提出了PluriCourts的一项新研究。在整个2016年期间,Ester Strommen跟随已经离开家园加入Da'esh的妇女的案件。有些已经回来了,还有一些还算不算。追踪媒体和司法机构的运动,以及有关其行动的国家讨论,斯特温曼注意到具体的趋势。- 在我看过的案例样本中,加入IS / Da'esh的女性比男性同龄人的判刑低一些,Strømmen说道。性别偏见,女性和男性极端主义的差异化理解不是新现象。关于女性极端主义分子的现有文献显示,妇女的行为通常被解释为异常值。他们的行为是以个人女性化的术语来表征的:无论是失败的母亲,心理上的病态,还是性偏见,劳拉·斯芙博格和卡龙·绅士在他们的奥斯陆大学母亲,怪物,妓女奥斯陆大学的开创性工作中开发的理论。然而,离开加入大安的妇女的故事就像离开的男人的故事。他们来自社会的趋势,包括歧视和寻求归属和冒险,可以使人们陷入极端主义。个人有种种原因加入极端主义团体,这些需要进一步分析和讨论,而不是通过性别叙述来简化。妇女及其故事:在研究中,Strømmen仔细观察了四个高调的案例。鉴于他们的高调有详细的资料,包括法庭案件的报告和公开的法庭文件,判决和评论。在其中三起案件中,妇女在本国受到的刑期低于平均水平。在推理中,对参与,动机和角色的性别认知往往是中心的。女性被引诱和讨论为误导、诱惑、情感歇斯底里以及吉他新娘奥斯陆大学,寻找男性伴侣或被男性IS成员欺骗。如果他们这样做,他们也被认为是精神上不稳定和被诋毁的孩子,而不是加入小组本身,将他们的活动纳入其特定的性别角色。重要的安全观点:为什么在回归时对妇女进行讨论和对待不同呢?如果无视进一步调查其具体案件和情况的情况下,不加入奥斯陆大学公约奥斯陆大学的妇女成为受害者,这在保护和先例方面构成重大差距。Strømmen强调关键是不要有任何的偏见 ,而是要了解情况。预防和康复应该给予更大的重视。在预防方面,政策应反映减少社会分散化的努力。解释为被排除在社会之外的奥斯陆大学其他奥斯陆大学在面对特定群体的政策面前增长,并可能增加对极端主义的驱动力。从个人或团体变成非暴力的转折点也需要进一步的研究。


  In the future, solar cells can become twice as efficient by employing a few smart little nano-tricks.Researchers are currently developing the environment-friendly solar cells of the future, which will capture twice as much energy as the cells of today. The trick is to combine two different types of solar cells in order to utilize a much greater portion of the sunlight.奥斯陆大学These are going to be the world’s most efficient and environment-friendly solar cells. There are currently solar cells that are certainly just as efficient, but they are both expensive and toxic. Furthermore, the materials in our solar cells are readily available in large quantities on Earth. That is an important point,UiO says Professor Bengt Svensson of the Department of Physics at the University of Oslo (UiO) and Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology (SMN).Svensson is one of Norway’s leading researchers on solar energy, and for many years, he has headed major research projects at the Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory (MiNaLab), which is jointly owned by UiO and the Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (Sintef). Using nanotechnology, atoms and molecules can be combined into new materials with very special properties.The physicists are now making use of the very best of nanotechnology and will develop new solar cells in the European research project, Solhet (High-performance tandem heterojunction solar cells for specific applications), which is a collaborative project involving UiO, the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) at Kjeller, Norway and the University Polytehnica of Bucharest, together with two other Romanian institutions. The Solhet team at UiO comprises Raj Kumar (Post-doctor), Kristin Bergum (Researcher), Edouard Monakhov (professor) and Svensson.Modern solar cells,Their goal is to utilize even more of the spectrum of sunlight than is possible at present. Ninety-nine per cent of today’s solar cells are made from silicon, which is one of the most common elements on Earth. Unfortunately, silicon solar cells only utilize 20 per cent of the sunlight. The world record is 25 per cent, but these solar cells are laced with rare materials that are also toxic. The theoretical limit is 30 per cent. The explanation for this limit is that silicon cells primarily capture the light waves from the red spectrum of sunlight. That means that most of the light waves remain unutilized.The new solar cells will be composed of two energy-capturing layers. The first layer will still be composed of silicon cells.UiO The red wavelengths of sunlight generate electricity in the silicon cells in a highly efficient manner. We’ve done a great deal of work with silicon, so there is only a little more to gain.UiO The new trick is to add another layer on top of the silicon cells. This layer is composed of copper oxide and is supposed to capture the light waves from the blue spectrum of sunlight.UiO We have managed to produce a copper oxide layer that captures three per cent of the energy from the sunlight. The world record is nine per cent. We are currently working intensely to increase that percentage to twenty per cent. The combination of silicon cells in the one layer and copper oxide cells in the other means that we’ll be able to absorb far more light and thereby reduce the energy loss. With this combination, we can utilize 35 to 40 per cent of the sunlight,UiO emphasizes Bengt Svensson.There will also be other layers in the solar cell panel. On the back surface, a protective glass layer will be deposited, along with a metal layer that conducts the electricity out of the solar cell. The front side will have an antireflective coating, so that the light rays are captured rather than reflected away.The solar cell panel will be very thin. The thickness of the individual layers will vary between a hundred and a thousand nanometres. A thousand nanometres equals one micrometre. A single hair is ten times thicker. One of the trickiest moves is to create a special layer that will be as thin as one to two nanometres. Apollon will have more to say about that, but first a few theoretical explanations are in order.All solar cell materials are composed of semiconductor materials. Semiconductors have very special electrical properties. These electrical properties are determined by the band gap.The band gap gives an indication of how much energy will be required in order to create conducting electrons.Materials without any band gap width conduct electricity. Materials with a big band gap do not conduct electricity. Semiconductors are materials with a moderate band gap, which means that they only partially conduct electricity.Nanotechnology is used to design materials with a very specific band gap.When the photons, i.e. light particles from the sun, strike the solar cell, energy is delivered to the solar cell. This energy impels an electron through the band gap and into what is called the conduction band, where the electrons can be gathered up and removed as energy.The electrons leave behind electron holes. Both the electron and the electron hole can conduct electricity.UiO The challenge is to develop cobber oxide with a band gap that is precisely large enough so that the electrons can be captured before they fall One of the unsolved problems in the new solar cells is the boundary areas between the different layers.UiO When the layers are deposited on top of each other, chemical reactions take place that reduce or in the worst case destroy the solar cells.UiO One problem is the boundary surface between the solar cell layer that captures energy from the blue light and the outermost layer of zinc oxide that both protects the cell and conducts the electricity out of the cell. Unfortunately, the electrons die at this boundary surface.The biggest challenge is the boundary surface between the silicon layer, which captures energy from the red light, and the copper oxide layer, which captures energy from the blue light.The two solar cell layers each function well on their own, and that is where Apollon gets to the point. The problem arises when the layers are deposited together. That is when the adverse chemical changes occur.UiO The chemical changes can change the band gap. When the band gap is wrong or defective, the electron holes are filled again before the electrons can be captured.UiO One possibility is to deposit other substances between the layers so that the chemical changes are minimized.There are many ways to create this buffer layer.UiO We want to use a hydrogen-rich material. That can pacify the chemical changes and increase the lifetime of the electrons and electron holes.UiO Another possibility is to lace the buffer with gallium oxide, but this substance is not exactly environment-friendly. Pure gallium is toxic.By making the buffer as thin as just one to two nanometres, the chemical effect is minimized.UiO The thicker the intermediate layer, the more electrons will be inhibited underway. That destroys the electrical capacity. If the electrons are inhibited in the buffer layer, the solar cells no longer function.UiO The theoretical modelling about how the buffer layer ought to appear is done at the University Polytehnica in Bucharest.UiO They are very good at theoretical modelling,UiO says Bengt Svensson.Professor Laurentiu Fara at the University Polytehnica in Bucharest tells Apollon that, among other things, they have calculated and simulated the optimal thickness of the solar cell layers, the best possible way for the layers to be deposited together, and how it is theoretically possible to extract the greatest possible amount of electricity.UiO We have great expectations that the solar cells can become reliable and profitable, but we’re very aware that a great deal of hard work still remains,UiO emphasizes Laurentiu Fara.UiO We have an enormous resource in the sun. If we could utilize the sunlight one hundred per cent, an hour of the annual sunlight would meet all the energy needs on Earth. Thus, the potential is enormous. In principle, it is possible to meet the whole world’s energy needs with sunlight. Solar energy is actually the renewable energy source that has the greatest potential of all. That is what we want to utilize,UiO says Bengt Svensson.

  在未来,太阳能电池可以通过采用几个聪明的小型纳米技巧来提高效率的两倍。研究人员目前正在开发未来的环保型太阳能电池,将占据今天电池的两倍。诀窍是组合两种不同类型的太阳能电池,以便利用更大部分的阳光。奥斯陆大学这些将成为世界上最有效和最环保的太阳能电池。目前,太阳能电池当然也是有效的,但它们既昂贵又有毒。此外,我们的太阳能电池中的材料在地球上很容易获得。这是重要的一点,奥斯陆大学奥斯陆大学物理系(UiO)和材料科学与纳米技术中心(SMN)的Bengt Svensson教授说。斯文森是挪威领先的太阳能研究人员之一,多年来,他在微型和纳米技术实验室(MiNaLab)开展了主要研究项目,该研究项目由UiO和挪威研究所科学与工业研究基金会共同拥有。技术(Sintef)。使用纳米技术,原子和分子可以组合成具有非常特殊性质的新材料。物理学家正在利用最好的纳米技术,并将在欧洲研究项目Solhet(特定应用的高性能串联异质结太阳能电池)中开发新的太阳能电池,这是一个涉及UiO,能源研究所的合作项目挪威Kjeller和布加勒斯特Polytehnica大学的技术(IFE)以及另外两家罗马尼亚机构。UiO的Solhet团队包括Raj Kumar(博士后),Kristin Bergum(研究员),Edouard Monakhov(教授)和Svensson。现代太阳能电池,他们的目标是利用比目前可能的更多的阳光。今天的百分之九十九的太阳能电池由硅制成,这是地球上最常见的元素之一。不幸的是,硅太阳能电池只能使用20%的阳光。世界纪录是25%,但是这些太阳能电池也是有毒的稀有材料。理论上限为30%。这个限制的解释是,硅电池主要捕获来自太阳光的红色光谱的光波。这意味着大部分的光波仍未被利用。新的太阳能电池将由两个能量捕获层组成。第一层仍将由硅电池组成。奥斯陆大学阳光的红色波长以高效率的方式在硅电池中发电。我们已经做了大量的工作与硅,所以只有一点点获得。奥斯陆大学新的技巧是在硅单元的顶部添加另一层。该层由氧化铜组成,并被认为是捕捉来自蓝色光谱的光波。奥斯陆大学我们已经设法生产出一个氧化铜层,可以从阳光中捕捉到3%的能量。世界纪录是9%。我们目前正在大力加强这一比例,达到百分之二十。一层中的硅电池和氧化铜电池的组合意味着我们能够吸收更多的光,从而降低能量损失。通过这种组合,我们可以利用35%至40%的阳光,奥斯陆大学Bengt Svensson强调。在太阳能电池板中也将有其他层。在后表面上,将保护玻璃层与将太阳能电池导出的金属层一起沉积。前侧将具有抗反射涂层,使得光线被捕获而不是被反射。太阳能电池板将非常薄。单个层的厚度将在一百和一千纳米之间变化。千纳米等于一微米。单发是十倍厚。最棘手的举措之一就是创建一个特别的层,其厚度可以是一到两毫米。阿波隆会更多地说这个,但是首先是理论上的解释是有序的。创建导电电子,所有太阳能电池材料均由半导体材料组成。半导体具有非常特殊的电气特性。这些电性能由带隙决定。带隙给出了为了产生导电电子需要多少能量的指示。没有带隙宽度的材料导电。具有大带隙的材料不会导电。半导体是具有中等带隙的材料,这意味着它们仅部分导电。纳米技术用于设计具有非常特定带隙的材料。当光子,即来自太阳的轻微颗粒撞击太阳能电池时,能量被传递到太阳能电池。这种能量通过带隙推动电子进入所谓的导带,其中电子可以作为能量被收集和去除。电子留下电子空穴。电子和电子孔都可以导电。奥斯陆大学挑战在于开发具有足够精确的带隙的木质氧化物,使得电子在它们回落到其电子空穴之前被捕获。我们一直在为此工作多年,我们开始明白如何做到这一点。奥斯陆大学虽然时间很少,但是有一束光线:如果电子从电子空穴中移除超过一毫秒,就有可能捕获它们。层之间的混乱新太阳能电池未解决的问题之一是不同层间的边界。奥斯陆大学当层叠在一起时,发生化学反应,减少或在最坏的情况下破坏太阳能电池。奥斯陆大学一个问题是捕获来自蓝光的能量的太阳能电池层和氧化锌的最外层之间的边界表面,其均保护电池并将电力导出电池。不幸的是,电子在这个边界表面死亡。最大的挑战是捕获来自红光的能量的硅层与从蓝光捕捉能量的氧化铜层之间的边界面。两个太阳能电池层各自独立起作用,这就是Apollon到达的地步。当层叠在一起时,会出现问题。那就是发生不利的化学变化。奥斯陆大学化学变化可能会改变带隙。当带隙错误或有缺陷时,电子可以被俘获之前再次被填充。一种可能性是在层之间沉积其他物质,使得化学变化最小化。创建此缓冲层有许多方法。奥斯陆大学我们想要使用富含氢的材料。这可以缓解化学变化并增加电子和电子空穴的寿命。奥斯陆大学另一种可能性是用氧化镓花边缓冲液,但这种物质不是完全环境友好的。纯镓有毒。通过使缓冲液尽可能薄到只有一到两纳米,化学效果最小化。奥斯陆大学中间层越厚,电子将被抑制越多。这破坏了电力。如果电子在缓冲层中被抑制,则太阳能电池不再起作用。奥斯陆大学从理论到实践,关于缓冲层应该出现的理论模型是在布加勒斯特大学Polytehnica大学完成的。

  奥斯陆大学非常擅长理论建模,奥斯陆大学Bengt Svensson说。布加勒斯特Polytehnica大学的Laurentiu Fara教授告诉Apollon,除其他外,他们已经计算和模拟了太阳能电池层的最佳厚度,这些层是最好的层叠方法,以及理论上如何可能提取最大的电量。Laurentiu Fara强调:奥斯陆大学我们对太阳能电池可以获得可靠和有利可图的期望非常大,但我们非常清楚,还有很多艰苦的工作仍然存在。奥斯陆大学UiO正在进行实验部分的工作。IFE将开发大量生产太阳能电池的原型。此外,IFE是整个研究项目的主要协调员。奥斯陆大学与挪威太阳能电池行业合作,我们已经与硅基太阳能电池技术合作多年。现在,我们将研究如何将两个太阳能电池层相互适应,以便从整个太阳能电池中获得最大的功率,以及两个电池如何在光学上和电气上相互影响,奥斯陆大学肖恩Erik Foss和ØrnulfNordseth在IFE。他们告诉我们,很多研究人员和技术公司现在正在使用新型太阳能电池,底层有硅片,顶层有一层奥斯陆大学更具异国情调的材料奥斯陆大学。罗马尼亚太阳能电池公司瓦特罗(Wattrom)打算表明可以制造新的太阳能电池。Bengt Svensson说:奥斯陆大学该技术价格便宜,可以轻松地扩大到大容积,而且生产太阳能电池的铜氧化物比硅片的成本不贵。他认为,由于光谱的利用率高,太阳能电池的生产将非常有利可图。奥斯陆大学太阳能电池行业效率的提高甚至提高了百分之十,但是我们在这里谈论的效率要大幅提高。奥斯陆大学此外,太阳能电池即使在地球上太阳低的地方,例如斯堪的纳维亚半岛,也能发挥良好的作用。他说,高效的太阳能电池可以改变未来对能源的整体思考。奥斯陆大学我们在阳光下有巨大的资源。如果我们可以利用百分之百的阳光,一年的阳光将满足地球上所有的能源需求。因此,潜力是巨大的。原则上,可以用阳光满足全世界的能源需求。太阳能实际上是具有最大潜力的可再生能源。这就是我们想要利用的,奥斯陆大学Bengt Svensson说。


  – The Norwegian government understood the Ebola epidemic both as a humanitarian crisis and as a security threat.The Ebola epidemic of 2014-2015 killed over 11,000 people, 99.9% of which lived in three West-African countries: Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.Antoine de Bengy Puyvallée has just finished his master’s thesis on the Ebola crisis. He argues that bringing a security dimension to the crisis allowed the Norwegian government to mobilize more resources, in a more flexible way. However, he also found that this made the response heavy-handed, expensive and less effective.– Norway's largest contribution consisted in setting-up a field hospital in Moyamba, Sierra Leone, for NOK 110 million. The 100-beds facility admitted 33 Ebola patients over three and half months, of which 18 died. The epidemiology, much less dramatic than forecasted, is key to explain these disappointing results. I suggest however that the government's high security requirements made the project more secure for the volunteers, but heavy handed, less effective and more expensive than NGOs' contributions, he says.Norwegian health worker infected by Ebola,One event played a critical role to Norway’s engagement in the crisis: the infection of a Norwegian health worker by Ebola. In the newspapers, we could witness spectacular images of her journey back to Norway and admission to the main hospital of Oslo. This context led the government to react strongly by pledging NOK 250 million in a week (NOK 500 million altogether) - an unprecedented amount for a humanitarian crisis!– The government’s response to Ebola was set-up both to satisfy the public’s demand to 奥斯陆大学do somethingUiO against the ongoing tragedy in West Africa and to contain the spread of the epidemic – i.e., protect Norway, says de Bengy Puyvallée.That is also the conclusion that the Norwegian Directorate of Health states in its report on the Ebola crisis; UiO The motivations for the Norwegian contribution were thus both humanitarian and selfishUiO .The consequences of framing the Ebola crisis as a security threatThe return of the Ebola infected health worker raised fears in the Norwegian public opinion and led the Ministry of Health to perceive the epidemic as a potential a public health crisis.The government’s response or at least parts of it – was set-up as a mean to ensure Norway’s health security. Framing Ebola as a security threat legitimized the mobilization of large resources with an uncommon flexibility, says de Bengy Puyvallée.The increasing use of security arguments to legitimize humanitarian operations clearly raises ethical questions. Can this response lead to a shift in the development agenda towards issues with a potential to affect our security but with lesser impact on the most vulnerable?, he asks.According to Save the Children, all the money spent internationally to fight the Ebola epidemic during one year could have financed three years of universal health coverage in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia and considerably improve people’s lives.

  挪威政府将埃博拉疫点理解为人道主义危机和安全威胁。2014-2015年埃博拉流行病造成11000多人死亡,其中99.9%居住在三个西非国家:几内亚,利比里亚和塞拉利昂。安东尼·本·比·普埃瓦利(Antoine de BengyPuyvallée)刚刚完成了埃博拉危机的硕士论文。他认为,为危机带来安全层面,挪威政府可以更灵活地调动更多的资源。不过,他也发现这样做的反应很笨重,价格昂贵,效果不好。挪威最大的捐款包括在塞拉利昂莫桑巴市设立一家实地医院,总额为1.1亿挪威克朗。超过三个半月的艾滋病病毒患者共有100个床位,其中18人死亡。流行病学比预测要少得多,是解释这些令人失望的结果的关键。不过,我建议政府的高安全性要求使得志愿者的项目更加安全,但是比非政府组织的贡献更为重要,效率更低,更昂贵。被埃博拉感染的挪威卫生工作者,一个事件对挪威参与危机起着至关重要的作用:埃博拉感染挪威卫生工作者。在报纸上,我们可以看到她的旅程的壮观图像回到挪威,并进入奥斯陆的主要医院。这一背景使得政府在一星期内承诺2.5亿挪威克朗(总共5亿挪威克朗),这是一场前所未有的人道主义危机! 政府对埃博拉的反应是为了满足公众对西非持续悲剧的奥斯陆大学做某事奥斯陆大学的要求,并遏制了这一流行病的蔓延:即保护挪威,德本吉·普伊瓦利(de BengyPuyvallée)说。这也是挪威卫生局在其关于埃博拉危机的报告中所说的结论。因此,挪威的贡献动机既是人道主义的,也是自私的。将埃博拉危机视为安全威胁的后果,埃博拉病毒感染的卫生工作者的返回引起了挪威舆论的担忧,并导致卫生部将这一流行病视为潜在的公共卫生危机。政府的回应 - 或至少部分内容 - 是为了确保挪威的健康安全而设立的。de BengyPuyvallée说,将埃博拉作为安全威胁的框架使合并了大量资源的动员具有不寻常的灵活性。越来越多地使用安全论据使人道主义行动合法化,显然提出了道德问题。这个回应是否会导致发展议程转向有潜力影响我们的安全的问题,但对最弱势人群的影响较小?他问。据奥斯陆大学拯救儿童拯救儿童奥斯陆大学统计,在一年内花费在国际上打击埃博拉疫区的所有资金可能资助了几内亚,塞拉利昂和利比里亚三年的全民健康保险,并大大改善了人们的生活。




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