With the arrival of the president, Shirley Ann Jackson, came the "Rensselaer Plan" announced in 1999. Its goal is to achieve greater prominence for Rensselaer as a technological research university.Various aspects of the plan include bringing in a larger graduate student population and new research faculty, and increasing participation in undergraduate research, international exchange programs, and "living and learning communities". So far, there have been a number of changes under the plan: new infrastructure such as the Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies, Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center, and Computational Center for Nanotechnology Innovations (CCNI) have been built to support new programs, and application numbers have increased.In 2017, Rensselaer received a record number of applications: 19,485. According to Jared Cohon, president of Carnegie Mellon University, "Change at Rensselaer in the last five years has occurred with a scope and swiftness that may be without precedent in the recent history of American higher education."
Institute Centers:Center for Architecture Science and Ecology,Center for Automation Technologies and Systems,Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies,Center for Computational Innovations,Center for Future Energy Systems,Center,for Materials, Devices, and Integrated Systems,Center for Modeling, Simulation and Imaging in Medicine,Cognitive and Immersive Systems Lab @ EMPAC.Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center,Rensselaer Exploratory Center for Cheminformatics Research.
学院中心:建筑科学与生态学中心、自动化技术和系统中心、生物技术和跨学科研究中心、计算创新中心、未来能源系统的中心、材料、设备和集成系统的中心、医学建模,模拟和成像中心、认知和沉浸式系统实验室@EMPAC、实验媒体和表演艺术中心、玛格丽特a和David M.Darrin的40个淡水研究所、执行董事里克信;主任桑德拉Nierzwicki-Bauer、网络科技中心、伦斯勒理工学院数据探索与应用研究所、科学计算研究中心、Lally管理学院、金融研究中心、保罗和凯瑟琳m塞维里诺科技创业中心、学校的建筑、照明研究中心、马里亚纳g . Figueiro、工程学院、地震工程模拟中心、流体物理和控制中心、基础设施、交通和环境中心、超宽区域弹性电力传输网络中心、Gaerttner线性加速器中心、照明系统和应用程序启用、人文、艺术和社会科学学院、深深的倾听中心、学校的科学、巴鲁克中心生化太研、究中心、空,董事;而拉克希米科学领袖、大学前教育活动中心、中心的逆问题、数据科学研究中心、纽约中心天体生物学、纽约州聚合物合成中心、伦斯勒理工学院化学信息研究中心。
In Energy, Environment, and Smart Systems, we explore renewable technologies, energy efficiency, and the understanding of global environmental change to preserve the bio-diversity of the planet.
In Biotechnology and the Life Sciences, we are creating new routes to drug discovery and development, and understanding the fundamental mechanisms of disease, from Alzheimer’s and diabetes to cancer.
Research in Media, Arts, Science, and Technology facilitates new approaches to networking, advanced visualization, sensor design, haptics, and multiscale modeling and simulation, which are supported by the core capabilities of EMPAC.
Enabled by the capabilities of the CCI, Rensselaer has developed important programs in Computational Science and Engineering focused on high performance computing, big data, and data analytics, which supports research and innovation across a broad front.
Our excellence in Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials builds from the fundamental understanding—experimental, theoretical, and computational - of the underlying atomic and molecular properties of a wide range of nanostructured materials. We now are developing robust, affordable, and sustainable methods for manufacturing new.
我们在纳米技术和先进材料方面的卓越性从广泛的纳米结构材料的基本原子和分子特性的基本理解实验、理论和计算 构成。我们现在正在开发强大的、经济实惠的和可持续的制造新功能混合材料的方法以及基于它们的分层系统和产品。
Rensselaer is classified by The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching as a university with higher research activity.[88] Rensselaer has established six areas of research as institute priorities: biotechnology, energy and the environment, nanotechnology, computation and information technology, and media and the arts.[89] Research is organized under the Office of the Vice President for Research, Jonathan Dordick, who reports directly to the institute's president Shirley Ann JacksonRensselaer also hosts the Tetherless World Constellation, a multidisciplinary research institution focused on theories, methods, and applications of the World Wide Web. Research is carried out in three inter-connected themes: Future Web, Semantic Foundations and Xinformatics. At Rensselaer, a constellation is a multidisciplinary team composed of senior and junior faculty members, research scientists, and postdoctoral, graduate, and undergraduate students. The faculty of each constellation includes three or more outstanding stars in a particular research field. The three professors at TWC are James Hendler, Deborah McGuinness and Peter Fox. Faculty alumni of TWC includes Heng Ji (Natural Language Processing) [1]. In 2016, the Constellation received a one million dollar grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for continuing work on a novel data visualization platform that will harness and accelerate the analysis of vast amounts of data for the foundation’s Healthy Birth, Growth, and Development Knowledge Integration initiative
Rensselaer是由卡内基基金会进行的,它是一所具有较高研究活动的大学。renssel理工学院已经建立了六个领域的研究领域:生物技术、能源和环境、纳米技术、计算和信息技术、媒体和艺术。89项研究是在副校长Jonathan Dordick的办公室里进行的,他直接向研究所的校长雪莉安杰克逊汇报。在2017年,Rensselaer运营了34个研究中心,并维持了每年1.03亿美元的赞助研究支出。
一个蓝色的基因/p超级计算机,类似于伦斯勒的计算创新中心:Rensselaer还主持了一个多学科的研究机构,它是一个多学科的研究机构,专注于万维网的理论、方法和应用。研究是在三个相互关联的主题中进行的:未来的网络、语义基础和新形式。在伦斯勒理工学院,一个多学科的团队由高级和初级教师、研究科学家、博士后、研究生和本科生组成。每个星座的人都在一个特定的研究领域里有三个或更多的杰出的恒星。TWC的三位教授是James Hendler、黛博拉麦吉尼斯和彼得福克斯。TWC的教师包括Heng Ji(自然语言处理)1。2016年,星座从比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会获得了100万美元的赠款,用于继续研究一个新的数据可视化平台,该平台将利用并加速对该基金会健康的出生、增长和发展知识整合倡议的大量数据的分析。在与星座的合作中,Rensselaer运营着计算创新中心,这是由伦斯勒、IBM和纽约州之间的1亿美元合作的结果,以进一步的纳米技术创新。该中心目前拥有世界上最强大的私立大学超级计算机,它的超级计算机在世界上排名最强大,能够执行超过1.1万亿次的超级计算机。该中心的主要工作重点是减少与纳米材料和设备的开发相关的成本,如半导体行业的使用。该大学还利用生物技术、医学、能源和其他领域的跨学科研究中心。另外,伦斯勒尔还运营着一个核反应堆和测试设施——这是纽约州唯一的大学运行的反应堆——以及Gaerttner线性加速器。该加速器目前正在美国能源部的944万美元的资助下进行升级。