
  Faculty of Engineering—工程学院

  The tables list all tuition fees for new students in the 2018–2019 academic session, the fees for continuing students will be published as soon as the relevant inflationary measures have been released. Please note that fees are charged by year of entry to the College and not year of study. To find your fee, please select your course level and department and then check the fee for your year of entry.

  The fees for continuing students will increase annually by the RPI value for the April of the calendar year in which the session commences; fees for subsequent years of study may be higher than the fee listed here.

  Except where otherwise indicated, the fees for continuing part-time students will increase annually by an amount linked to inflation as above including for part-time students on modular programmes; the fee paid for subsequent years of study may be higher than the fee listed here.

  Department of Aeronautics

  All Programmes

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 12,500.00£ 6,250.00£ 30,000.00£ 15,000.00

  Department of Bioengineering

  All Programmes

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 12,500.00N/A£ 30,000.00N/A

  Department of Chemical Engineering

  PGCert/PGDip/MSc Process Automation and Control

  PGCert/PGDip module

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 CohortN/A£ 2,550.00N/A£ 3,000.00

  MSc Project

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 CohortN/A£ 5,100.00N/A£ 6,000.00

  Students on this part-time modular course can exit with a PGCert by completing four modules, a PGDip by completing eight modules or an MSc by completing eight modules plus the project. A condition of entry to each level is satisfaction of the requirements for the previous level.

  All Other Programmes

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 12,500.00£ 6,250.00£ 30,000.00£ 15,000.00

  Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

  All Programmes

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
 FTTwo-Year PTThree-Year PTFTTwo-Year PTThree-Year PT
2018 Cohort£ 12,500.00£   6,250.00£ 4,167.00£ 30,000.00£ 15,000.00£ 10,000.00

  Department of Computing

  All Programmes

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 14,000.00N/A£ 30,500.00N/A

  Department of Earth Science and Engineering

  MSc Metals and Energy Finance

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 21,000.00N/A£ 34,500.00N/A

  All Other Programmes

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 16,250.00N/A£ 33,000.00N/A

  Department of Electrical Engineering

  All Programmes

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 12,500.00£ 6,250.00£ 30,000.00£ 15,000.00

  Department of Materials

  All Programmes

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 12,500.00N/A£ 30,000.00N/A

  Department of Mechanical Engineering

  MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
 FTTwo-Year PTThree-Year PTFTTwo-Year PTThree-Year PT
2018 Cohort£ 12,500.00£ 6,250.00£ 4,167.00£ 30,000.00£ 15,000.00£10,000.00

  Energy Futures Laboratory

  All Programmes

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 12,500.00N/A£ 30,000.00N/A

  Faculty of Medicine—医学院

  The tables on pages on the left list all tuition fees for new students in the 2018–2019 academic session, the fees for continuing students will be published as soon as the relevant inflationary measures have been released. Please note that fees are charged by year of entry to the College and not year of study. To find your fee, please select your course level and department and then check the fee for your year of entry.

  The fees for continuing students will increase annually by the RPI value for the April of the calendar year in which the session commences; fees for subsequent years of study may be higher than the fee listed here.

  Except where otherwise indicated, the fees for continuing part-time students will increase annually by an amount linked to inflation as above including for part-time students on modular programmes; the fee paid for subsequent years of study may be higher than the fee listed here.

  Postgraduate Certificate Programmes

PGCert Allergy£ 5,300.00£ 16,250.00
PGCert Cardiovascular and Respiratory Healthcare£ 5,300.00£ 16,250.00
PGCert Genes, Drugs and Stem Cells - Novel Therapies£ 5,300.00£ 16,250.00
PGCert Genomic Medicine£ 4,000.00£ 16,250.00
PGCert Health Policy£ 6,900.00£ 14,000.00
PGCert Innovations in Cardiological Science£ 6,900.00£ 16,250.00
PGCert Paediatrics and Child Health£ 5,300.00£ 16,250.00
PGCert Patient Safety£ 6,900.00£ 16,250.00
PGCert Reproductive and Developmental Biology£ 5,300.00£ 16,250.00
PGCert Surgical Innovation£ 5,300.00£ 16,250.00

  The PGCert Genomic Medicine is offered on a full-time (four month) or part-time (eight month) basis, the fee presented here is the total fee for the programme for either mode of attendance. Please note, students on the full-time variant of the PGCert are not eligible to pay fees in instalments.

  Postgraduate Diploma and Masters Level Programmes

  MSc Allergy

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
 PGDipMSc Two-Year PTMSc Three-Year PTPGDipMSc Two-Year PTMSc Three-Year PT
2018 Cohort£ 5,300.00£ 5,300.00£ 5,300.00£ 16,250.00£ 16,250.00 £ 16,250.00

  Two-year PT MSc students pay the PGCert fee in year one and the difference between the PGCert fee and the full MSc fee (currently £10,600 Home/EU, £32,500 Islands/Overseas) as adjusted for inflation in year two.

  Three-year PT MSc students pay the PGCert fee in year one, 60% of the balance of fees as adjusted for inflation in year two and the remaining balance of fees as adjusted for inflation in year three. Students will only pay inflationary increases on those elements of the programme for which they have not yet been billed.

  MSc Healthcare & Design

Academic Year of EntryHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 CohortN/A£ 6,900.00N/A£ 16,250.00

  MSc Health Policy

Academic Year of EntryHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 CohortN/A£ 6,900.00N/A 16,250.00

  PGDip/MSc Genomic Medicine

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
 Full-Time PGDipPart-Time PGDipFull-Time MScPart-Time MScFull-Time PGDipPart-Time PGDipFull-Time MScPart-Time MSc
2018 Cohort £ 8,000.00 £ 4,000.00 £ 12,000.00 £ 6,000.00 £ 26,000.00 £ 16,250.00 £ 32,500.00 £ 16,250.00

  Part-time PGDip students pay the PGCert fee in year one and the difference between the PGCert fee and the PGDip fee as adjusted for inflation in year two.

  Part-time MSc students pay the 50% of the full-time MSc fee in year one and the balance of the MSc fee as adjusted for inflation in year two. PGDip/MSc Paediatrics and Child Health

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
 PGDipMSc Two-Year PTMSc Three-Year PTPGDipMSc Two-Year PTMSc Three-Year PT
2018 Cohort£ 5,300.00£ 5,300.00£ 5,300.00£ 16,250.00£ 16,250.00 £ 16,250.00

  PGDip Students pay the PGCert fee in year one and the difference between the PGCert fee and the PGDip fee (currently £8,480 Home/EU, £26,000 Islands/Overseas) as adjusted for inflation in year two.

  Two-year PT MSc students pay the PGCert fee in year one and the difference between the PGCert fee and the MSc fee (currently £10,600 Home/EU, £32,500 Islands/Overseas) as adjusted for inflation in year two.

  Three-year PT MSc students pay the PGCert fee in year one, the balance between the PGCert fee and the PGDip fee as adjusted for inflation in year two and the balance between the PGDip fee and the MSc fee as adjusted for inflation in year three. Students will only pay inflationary increases on those elements of the programme for which they have not yet been billed.

  PGDip/MSc Patient Safety

Academic Year of EntryHome/EUIslands/Overseas
 PGDipMSc Two-Year PTPGDipMSc Two-Year PT
2018 Cohort£ 6,900.00£ 6,900.00£ 16,250.00£ 16,250.00

  PGDip Students pay the PGCert fee in year one and the difference between the PGCert fee and the PGDip fee (currently £11,040 Home/EU, £26,000 Islands/Overseas) as adjusted for inflation in year two.

  Two-year PT MSc students pay the PGCert fee in year one and the difference between the PGCert fee and the MSc fee (currently £13,800 Home/EU, £32,500 Islands/Overseas) as adjusted for inflation in year two. Students will only pay inflationary increases on those elements of the programme for which they have not yet been billed.

  PGDip/MSc Surgical Innovation

Academic Year of EntryHome/EUIslands/Overseas
 PGDipMSc Two-Year PTPGDipMSc Two-Year PT
2018 Cohort£ 5,300.00£ 5,300.00£ 16,250.00£ 16,250.00

  PGDip Students pay the PGCert fee in year one and the difference between the PGCert fee and the PGDip fee (currently £8,480 Home/EU, £26,000 Islands/Overseas) as adjusted for inflation in year two.

  Two-year PT MSc students pay the PGCert fee in year one and the difference between the PGCert fee and the MSc fee (currently £10,600 Home/EU, £32,500 Islands/Overseas) as adjusted for inflation in year two. Students will only pay inflationary increases on those elements of the programme for which they have not yet been billed.

  All Other Programmes

Academic Year of EntryHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 10,600.00£ 5,300.00£ 32,500.00£ 16,250.00

  Faculty of Natural Sciences—自然科学学院

  The tables on pages on the left list all tuition fees for new students in the 2018–2019 academic session, the fees for continuing students will be published as soon as the relevant inflationary measures have been released. Please note that fees are charged by year of entry to the College and not year of study. To find your fee, please select your course level and department and then check the fee for your year of entry.

  The fees for continuing students will increase annually by the RPI value for the April of the calendar year in which the session commences; fees for subsequent years of study may be higher than the fee listed here.

  Except where otherwise indicated, the fees for continuing part-time students will increase annually by an amount linked to inflation as above including for part-time students on modular programmes; the fee paid for subsequent years of study may be higher than the fee listed here.

  Centre for Environmental Policy

  MSc Sustainable Retirement Investment and Management

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 15,000.00£ 7,500.00£ 15,000.00£ 7,500.00

  All Other Programmes

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 11,500.00£ 5,750.00£ 26,000.00£ 13,000.00

  Department of Life Sciences

  MSc Applied Biosciences and Biotechnology

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 10,800.00N/A£ 28,000.00N/A

  MSc Bioinformatics and Theoretical Systems Biology

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 9,800.00N/A£ 28,000.00N/A

  MSc Conservation Science

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 10,800.00N/A£ 22,600.00N/A

  All Other Programmes

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
 FTTwo-Year PTThree-Year PTFTTwo-Year PTThree-Year PT
2018 Cohort£ 9,800.00£ 4,900.00£ 3,267.00£ 22,600.00£ 11,300.00£ 7,533.00

  Department of Mathematics

  MSc Mathematics and Finance

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 30,500.00£ 15,250.00£ 30,500.00£ 15,250.00

  MSc Statistics

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 11,500.00N/A£ 26,000.00N/A

  All Other Programmes

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 10,000.00£ 5,000.00£ 26,000.00£ 13,000.00

  Department of Physics

  MSc Physics with Extended Research

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 7,900.00N/A£ 19,400.00N/A

  Fees for this course are fixed for both years and will not increase with inflation.

  MSc Theory and Simulation of Materials

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 12,700.00N/A£ 29,500.00N/A

  MSc Quantum Engineering

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
                                               FT                PT          FT               PT             
2018 CohortTBAN/ATBAN/A

  All Other Programmes

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 10,500.00£ 5,250.00£ 26,500.00£ 13,250.00

  Imperial College Business School

  The tables on pages on the left list all tuition fees for new students in the 2018–2019 academic session, the fees for continuing students will be published as soon as the relevant inflationary measures have been released. Please note that fees are charged by year of entry to the College and not year of study. To find your fee, please select your course level and department and then check the fee for your year of entry.

  The fees for continuing students will increase annually by the RPI value for the April of the calendar year in which the session commences; fees for subsequent years of study may be higher than the fee listed here.

  Except where otherwise indicated, the fees for continuing part-time students will increase annually by an amount linked to inflation as above including for part-time students on modular programmes; the fee paid for subsequent years of study may be higher than the fee listed here.

  MBA Programmes

  Full Time MBA

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 51,000.00N/A£ 51,000.00N/A

  Executive MBA

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 CohortN/A£29,350.00N/A£29,350.00

  Fees for this course are fixed for both years and will not increase with inflation.

  Cohorts are per Academic Year (October - September), thus, students entering in February 2018 will be in the 2017 Cohort.

  Weekend MBA

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 CohortN/A£23,700.00N/A£23,700.00

  Fees for this course are fixed for both years and will not increase with inflation.

  Cohorts are per Academic Year (October - September), thus, students entering in April 2018 will be in the 2017 Cohort.

  Global Online MBA

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 CohortN/A£ 17,800.00N/A£ 17,800.00

  Fees for this course are fixed for both years and will not increase with inflation.

  Cohorts are per Academic Year, thus, students entering in either September 2017 or January 2018 will be in the 2017 Cohort.

  MSc Climate Change, Management & Finance

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 16,000.00N/A£ 27,500.00N/A

  MSc Business Analytics (Online)

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 27,500.00N/A£ 27,500.00N/A

  MSc Finance

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 33,500.00N/A£ 33,500.00N/A

  MSc Finance and Accounting

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 33,500.00N/A£ 33,500.00N/A

  MSc Investment and Wealth Management

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 33,500.00N/A£ 33,500.00N/A

  MSc Risk Management and Financial Engineering

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 33,500.00N/A£ 33,500.00N/A

  MSc Management

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 29,000.00N/A£ 29,000.00N/A

  All Other Programmes

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 27,500.00N/A£ 27,500.00N/A

  Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication

  The tables on pages on the left list all tuition fees for new students in the 2018–2019 academic session, the fees for continuing students will be published as soon as the relevant inflationary measures have been released. Please note that fees are charged by year of entry to the College and not year of study. To find your fee, please select your course level and department and then check the fee for your year of entry.

  The fees for continuing students will increase annually by the RPI value for the April of the calendar year in which the session commences; fees for subsequent years of study may be higher than the fee listed here.

  Except where otherwise indicated, the fees for continuing part-time students will increase annually by an amount linked to inflation as above including for part-time students on modular programmes; the fee paid for subsequent years of study may be higher than the fee listed here.

All Programmes

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 9,600.00£ 4,800.00£ 21,600.00£ 10,800.00

  Centre for Co-Curricular Studies

  Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication

  All Programmes

Entry CohortHome/EUIslands/Overseas
2018 Cohort£ 9,600.00£ 4,800.00£ 21,600.00£ 10,800.00























