
2018-01-23 21:44:54 佟敏 出国旅游意大利旅游旅游攻略

  圣方济会荣耀圣母教堂是在14世纪完成了一个哥特式教堂。与圣马可大教堂相比,外部是最小的,因为建造它的方济会修士希望建筑物仿效他们的生活贫穷的信仰。内饰是一个不同的故事。 在里面你会看到提香,贝利尼的作品和Vivarini等着名艺术家,价格比城市的威尼斯艺术博物馆便宜。最近的游客对此表示赞赏,以及它远离圣马可广场的疯狂事实。



  In 1516, Jews in the Venice were forced to move to a small northwestern section of the island. Considered to be the world's first ghetto, residents were only allowed to leave the neighborhood during the day and were then locked up at night and guarded. Today, this area is a part of the Cannaregio sestiere (district) and is filled with restaurants and shops (some offering kosher products), a Jewish museum as well as several synagogues, which are open for touring. Although it's free to wander around the neighborhood — and you might want to do just that — the synagogue tours do cost. For a deeper understanding of the ghetto's history, recent travelers recommend booking a walking tour through Venice Tours or another tour agency.

  1516年,威尼斯的犹太人被迫搬到了西北部的小岛上。被认为是世界上第一个贫民窟,白天只允许居民离开附近居民,然后在晚上被锁起来并被守卫。今天,这个地区是卡纳雷吉奥区(地区)的一部分,充满了餐厅和商店(一些提供犹太产品),一个犹太博物馆以及几个犹太教堂,这是开放的旅游。虽然它可以随意在附近游荡 - 你可能想要这样做 - 犹太教堂之旅费用。为了深入了解贫民窟的历史,最近的旅行者建议通过威尼斯旅游团或其他旅行社预订步行游览。



  Expat American art collector Peggy Guggenheim dedicated her life to gathering this impressive body of 20th century contemporary art together. The collection, which is housed in the Palazzo Venier dei Leoni on the Grand Canal (also Peggy's former home), contains works by artists such as Magritte, Picasso, Pollock, Chagall and Dalí. In the sculpture garden, you can pay your respects to the late Peggy herself, as well as her beloved dogs, who are buried beside her.Many travelers agree the Peggy Guggenheim Collection is well worth the visit. Some visitors were keen to point out that getting to know Peggy's life, on top of seeing great art, made the experience more unique than merely visiting a museum. Others who also enjoyed the museum said it's a nice break from the traditional Renaissance paintings often seen in other top, European museums.The Guggenheim Collection is open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. but closed on Tuesdays. Admission fees are 15 euros for adults (about $18) and 9 euros (about $10.80) for students younger than 26 and free for children younger than 10.

  外籍美国艺术收藏家佩吉·古根海姆致力于将这一令人印象深刻的20世纪当代艺术品收藏起来。该集合,它坐落在宫Venier代莱尼在大运河 (也佩吉故居),包括艺术家,如马格利特,毕加索,波洛克,夏加尔和达利的作品。在雕塑花园里,你可以向已故的佩吉本人以及埋在她旁边的心爱的狗们致敬。许多旅客同意佩吉古根海姆博物馆是值得的访问。一些参观者热切地指出,在看到伟大的艺术之后,了解佩吉的生活,使得这个经历比单纯参观博物馆更加独特。其他人也喜欢博物馆说,这是从其他顶级的欧洲博物馆经常看到的传统的文艺复兴时期的绘画的一个很好的休息。古根海姆收藏馆每天上午10点至下午6点开放,但每周二关闭。入场费为成人(约18美元)15欧元,26岁以下的学生9欧元(约合10.80美元),10岁以下儿童免费。



  The Correr Civic Museum, also known as the Museo Correr, is a large museum that displays art and artifacts from Venezia's history as well as the former quarters of old royals. If you're also planning to visit the (the former government seat and leader's residence), the standard ticket includes entry to this attraction. Many recent travelers reported that's how they ended up at the Correr Museum. Those who got into the museum with the dual ticket said they were pleasantly surprised at how much they enjoyed the visit considering it wasn't on a lot of visitors to-do lists in Venice. Those who go in the summer be forewarned: there is no air-conditioning. Prices are 20 euros (about $23.90) for adults and 13 euros (about $15.60) for kids 6 to 14. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5-7 p.m. daily depending on the season.

  科雷尔市民博物馆也被称为Museo Correr博物馆,是一个大型的博物馆,展示威尼斯历史上的艺术品和古代皇室的旧作。如果你也计划去拜访(前政府所在地和领导人的住所),标准票包括进入这个景点。许多最近的旅客报告说,他们是如何在科勒博物馆结束。那些进入博物馆的双重机票说,他们很高兴地惊讶于他们喜欢这次访问,因为它不是在威尼斯的许多旅客待办事项列表。夏天去的人应该预先警告:没有空调。成人价格为20欧元(约合23.90美元),儿童6-14美元为13欧元(约合15.60美元)。


  #1 The Gritti Palace, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Venice豪华精选格瑞提皇宫酒店

  #2 JW Marriott Venice Resort & Spa万豪威尼斯度假村

  #3 San Clemente Palace Kempinski Venice威尼斯圣克莱门特皇宫凯宾斯基酒店


  Stick to walking You can enjoy the Venetian ambiance by walking rather than taking a boat, andyou'll save quite a few euros, too.

  Stick to the bus Take an ATVO bus (rather than a water taxi) from Venice Airport into Venice proper to save about 100 euros.Book in advance Gondola rides are a must in Venice, yet they're quite expensive. If you aren't traveling with a group, or don't want to share with strangers to split the cost, tour companies like Viator often offer rides for half the price.





  Unlike Rome, Venice's economy is largely dependent on its very strong tourism industry. So, keep in mind that you'll likely be sharing your Venice trip with loads of other vacationers. To Italians, everything from a person's dress to his or her actions and manners should be beautiful, or bella figura. First impressions are especially lasting for Italians, who, while warm and helpful, do hold outward appearances in very high regard.

  与罗马不同,威尼斯的经济在很大程度上依赖于其强大的旅游业。所以,请记住你可能会和其他的度假者一起分享你的威尼斯之旅。对意大利人来说,从一个人的衣着到他或她的行为举止都应该是美丽的,或者是bella figura。对意大利人来说,第一印象尤其持久,他们虽然热情而乐于助人,但在很大程度上确实能保持外表。


  With such close ties to the water, it should come as no surprise that fish is the main component of Venetian cuisine. Cuttlefish (sepia), clams (vongole), and sea bass (branzino) are popular ingredients, which can be found in many of the area's most well-known dishes, including frutti di mare. Tramezzini is another Venetian specialty: These triangular sandwiches, with a range of fillings from cheese to meats, can be found at cafes throughout the city. Wash it all down with prosecco, a sparkling (and local) white wine.

  这个城市与水有如此紧密的联系,鱼是威尼斯美食的主要成分就不足为奇了。墨鱼(乌贼)、蛤蜊和鲈鱼都是很受欢迎的食材,在许多当地最著名的菜肴中都能找到,包括frutti di mare。Tramezzini是另一种威尼斯特产:这些三角形三明治,从奶酪到肉类都有各种各样的馅料,可以在整个城市的咖啡馆里找到。用prosecco,一种闪闪发光的(本地的)白葡萄酒,把它洗干净。


  Venice is largely a very safe destination. Travel experts say that you can walk Venice's dark alleys at midnight and still be safe, but you might get lost considering how often street names change.Don't freak out if you get lost — everyone does, and it's even part of the Venice experience. Keep in mind that there's no way to walk off of Venice: The compilation of islands is surrounded by a lagoon. You should also note that signs with the word "Per," an arrow and an attraction name are pointing you in the right direction. You shouldn't pay attention to graffiti directions, which may or may not have been written to confuse tourists.



  The best way to get around Prague is on foot or by public transportation. Exploring this city on foot is a treat for the eyes, plus many of the most noteworthy attractions are within walking distance of one another. There is an extensive public transportation system that includes bus, tram and subway lines. To get into the city from the Václav Havel Airport Prague (PRG), you can take the No. 119 bus to Nádraží Veleslavín metro station on the green line (line A) to the city center. You could also spring for a taxi, which will cost you about 500 to 600 korun (about $20 to $25) to the city center, but be aware that many taxis have a reputation for overcharging.

  布拉格的最佳方式是步行或乘坐公共交通工具。步行探索这个城市是一种享受,还有很多最值得一提的景点都在步行距离之内。有一个广泛的公共交通系统,包括公共汽车,电车和地铁线路。要从布拉格瓦茨拉夫 ·哈维尔机场进入城市,您可以乘坐119路公共汽车前往 市中心的绿线(A线)的NádražíVeleslavín地铁站。 你也可以乘坐出租车,这将花费大约500至600克朗(约20至25美元)到市中心,但要注意的是,许多出租车都可能会多收费。






















