2.作品集要求Portfolio Requirements
A portfolio documenting music technology experience in the form of two-to-four-minute demonstrations and/or live concert performances.
Examples of software projects (code) or hardware (schematics) of past projects.A drawing and write-up of a creative, futuristic new musical interface of your own design (see proceedings of the conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression for examples).An artistic statement discussing why technology is an important part of your musical and artistic process.
3.MTIID申请人作品集提交要求Portfolio Submissions MTIID Applicants
We prefer that you use our online portfolio submission system. The online system accepts MP3s, documents, images and video. Once your portfolio is uploaded, it can be viewed and rearranged until the final submission is made. No changes can be made following the final submission of your portfolio. There is a fee for each portfolio submission you make through the online system. Be sure to submit your portfolio to the correct degree level and program. If you experience technical difficulties while uploading your portfolio, you may send an email to support@slideroom.com for technical support.