韩国有着丰富多样的文化,作为一个到韩国的外国人,相信大家都想体验不一样的韩国文化。作为一所整体综合竞争力排名全韩国第8的名牌私立大学,中央大学为留学生准备了丰富多样的文化体验活动,包括首尔观光巴士游览、民俗村参观、三星电子博物馆、华城以及青瓦台的参观游览,还有传统音乐演奏、利川陶瓷村、跆拳道等文化体验活动,这些活动每月至少一次,让留学生充分的探索和体验韩国的传统与现代文化,在学习之外也得到不也一样的体验。下面是出国留学网 m.liuxue86.com 为大家整理的中央大学丰富多彩的文化体验活动,供大家参考。
Culture Experience 文化体验活动
The cultural activities for international students are sponsored by the Division of Performing Arts & Film · Video of Chung-Ang University, with funding from the Ministry of Education and Science Technology of the Republic of Korea.
Field Trips 参观游览活动
For maximum exposure to the traditional and modern Korean culture, the International Center organizes field trips for international students to various historic sites and tourist attractions in the country at least once a month.
Seoul CityTour
Well-known tourist hub cities like New York, Sydney, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Paris, and London all have their own city tour buses. Like these cities, Seoul, where the annual visitors exceed 5,000,000, has Seoul City Tour Bus. Specifically designed for touring around Seoul, Seoul City Tour Bus offers its passengers a unique and enjoyable way of learning about Seoul and of sampling everything it has to offer. Students will enjoy visiting the major land...