Mouse potato (网虫)跟couch potato(电视虫)走到一起;google正式成为一个动词;drama queen(小题大做、大惊小怪的人)终于得到关注。
这些词语终于登堂入室,从通俗文化行列转入英语主流语言。近日,100个热门新词被收入 2006年新版的美国畅销词典《韦氏大词典》中。 现从中挑选出一些献给读者。
empty suit- bad boss
google-look for information on the Internet in a quick way
himbo- attractive,vacuous male
mouse potato - someone who spends a great deal of time on the computer
电脑虫(跟couch potato<电视虫>有异曲同工之妙)
ring tone - the sound made by a cell phone to signal an incoming call
spyware - software that is installed in a computer without the user’s knowledge and transmits information about the user’s computer activities over the internet
avian influenza - a highly variable mild to fulminant influenza of birds that is caused by strains of the influenza A virus which may mutate and be transmitted to other vertebrates —— also called bird flu
biodiesel - a fuel that is similar to diesel fuel and is derived from usually vegetable sources
gastric bypass - surgical bypass operation that typically involves reducing the size of the stomach and reconnecting the smaller stomach to bypass the first portion of the small intestine so as to restrict food intake and reduce caloric absorption in cases of severe obesity