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  Looking back at my younger years, I am sometimes amazed at how life has turned out. Nothing is exactly what I had originally planned for. The only thing that stays the same is who I am, my values, and my interests. If I could go back in time and hang out with my younger self for a day, here's what I would tell her.


  1. Everything happens for a reason.


  Without mistakes and failure, you would never have learned. Without pain, you would never have grown. Once you understand this,you will know that everything comes in to serve a purpose. So don't stress or think that life is unfair, because everything happens for a reason. And only time will tell what it will teach us.


  2. Focus on one thing at a time. You can have it all but not all at once.


  It is not surprising that many of us are doing too many things at once. We need to make ends meet. But if you are working three jobs at a time, it is not likely that you will succeed at any of them. You have to keep your eyes on the big picture. You have to ask yourself what exactly do you want to achieve for the next 10 years? Focus on one thing at...

