Everyone has thought about killing someone, one way or another, be it your own or the hand of God.
I'm not feeling guilty eating anything! 我是吃货我自豪!能吃是福!
老汉: I miss will. 人家想小茶杯了。
史达琳探员: You're obsessed with Will Graham. 老汉,欲壑难填回头是岸!
老汉:I'm intrigued. 人家就是想见他【娇羞】
史达琳: Obessively. 死心吧别看人家是小茶杯你也装不满的。你都奔五十了人家才正当年。醒醒啊!
老汉:Will is my friend. He sees his own mentality as grotesque but useful. Like a chair of antlers. He can't repress who he is. 人家就要跟小茶杯做朋友!人家跟小茶杯同步率100%好嘛!人家上得厅堂下得厨房360无死角穿搭天天不一样审美一级棒还会做鹿角工艺品你说他为什么不和我做朋友呢为什么?
史达琳:What can't you repress Hannibal? 祝你们幸福【为什么老娘要趟这浑水为什么中二病高龄老汉谈什么恋爱老娘是心理医生不是爱情咨询专家啊啊啊!!】
老汉: Hello Will. 小茶杯你好。
茶杯:Dr. Lecter. 痴汉。
老汉:Lost in thought? 想我了吗?
茶杯:Not lost, not anymore. 想你妹!
I used to hear my thoughts inside my skull, with the same tone, timbre, accent, as if the words were coming out of my mouth. Now my inner voice sounds like you, I can't get you out of my head. 好吧确实有一点想!但是!完全是因为你一直给我洗脑!洗得我甩都甩不掉你这张痴汉脸!
老汉:Friendship can sometimes involve a breach of individual separateness. 【内心狂喜表面装淡的...