Application process
Research assistants and staff PhD candidates are appointed via a job application (vacancy announcement). All other PhD candidates must choose a Graduate School of Wageningen University in whose research programme the intended PhD research fits.
Step 1: Orientation
Before applying for a PhD position at Wageningen University, it is important that you have thoroughly read the information about the PhD programme on this website.
Step 2: Application
Research assistants and staff PhD candidates are recruited via vacancy announcements on Academic Transfer. If you are not employed by Wageningen University you start by selecting a Graduate School of Wageningen University in which research programme your intended PhD research fits.
Accordingly you submit an application to that graduate school which includes:
研究助理和员工博士候选人在Academic Transfer的出缺公告上被聘用。如果还未被瓦赫宁根大学聘用,可以从选择符合自己博士研究意愿的研究生院开始。
1.Cover letter describing your motivation to apply.
2.Preliminary research proposal (approximately two pages), ...