﹝河北省﹞ 北平忌端午节打井水,往往于节前预汲,据说是为了避井毒.市井小贩也于端午节兜售樱桃桑椹,据说端午节吃了樱桃桑椹,可全年不误食苍蝇.各炉食铺出售"五毒饼",即以五种毒虫花纹为饰的饼.滦县已许聘的男女亲家咸于端午节互相馈赠礼品.赵县端午,地方官府会至城南举行聚会,邀请城中士大夫宴饮赋诗,称为"踏柳".
Beijing in Hebei Province to fight the Dragon Boat Festival free water, often in pre-pre-absorbed, is said to be well in order to avoid toxicity. Street hawkers selling on the Dragon Boat Festival Mulberry Cherry, Dragon Boat Festival is said to eat a cherry mulberry can be eaten throughout the year does not fly. Shop the sale of the oven fresh " cake", that is, worm pattern in five of the cake for decoration. Luanxian employed men and women have many relatives Chatham each other gifts on Dragon Boat Festival. Dragon Boat Festival, local officials will gather for a retreat to the South, the city invited literati feast, known as the "Tap Liu."