People's Liberation Army (PLA) Honor Guard takes part in the rehearsal for the Sept 3 military parade in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II at Beijing's Tian'anmen Square, Aug 23, 2015.
Several types of military uniforms were displayed at the rehearsal on Sunday of the military parade which will commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Beijing on Sept 3.
“军服”用英文military uniform表示,有时也用army uniform 表示,是军队制式服装,陆、海、空三军服装各有特色。
阅兵彩排期间亮相的服装包括三军仪仗队礼宾服(clothing for guard of honor)、抗战时期服装(uniforms in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression)、女兵时尚裙服(female dress clothing )以及各种迷彩服(different camouflage clothing)。
此次参阅军服以抗战时期着装和07式服装(Type-07 uniforms)为参照,多个品种是全新设计、首次装备,所有阅兵服装都是逐人量体裁衣(the parade uniforms have been tailored according each member's measurements),三军女兵仪仗队(female guards of honor)的服装还加入许多时尚元素(fashion elements),更好地展现了官兵们的飒爽英姿。此外,新式军靴(military boots)也更加轻便,更透气舒适(more fit and with better ventilation)。
阅兵联合指挥部联勤保障组组长张建设表示,此次阅兵军服的全景展示,必将展现人民军队在强军目标引领下蓬勃向上、开拓奋进的良好形象,向全世界奉献一场最精彩、最具特色的阅兵盛典(The display of the new uniforms will definitel...