在托福核心词汇中“Kangaroo Mother Care袋鼠式护理法”到底是什么意思呢?是不是充满了疑惑又十分好奇?哈哈,和出国留学网小编一起来看一下吧,相信你会豁然开朗!
"Kangaroo Mother Care" (KMC) involves skin-to-skin contact between the baby's front and the "mother's" chest. This contact has improved the survival rate of premature babies. KMC has been widely used in the US, Japan and Europe, yet in China premature infants are often put in incubators from birth.
To mimic the atmosphere of the womb, "kangaroo mothers" must sit still for a whole hour without going to the bathroom or breathing heavily.
It's a 24-7 job, but night shifts are the most energy-consuming. Some babies can die of respiratory arrest in their sleep, so staff must be alert to give emergency treatment or go to the hospital.