首先,我们来整理一下雅思议论文审题的思路。专家分析认为,一般雅思议论文的题目都由两部分组成:“背景 + 指令”,前者决定了文章所写的内容,后者决定了论文的文体。如"Some people believe that the charity organisations should give aid to those in greatest need, wherever they live. Some people believe that the charity organisations would better concentrate on helping people who live in own country instead. Discuss both views, and give your opinion." 背景涉及的是慈善援助问题,讨论是应该不顾地域限制,援助最需要救助的人?还是优先帮助本国人?指令则要求写一篇辩论型的文章。只有对题目的两个要求都作出准确的回应,在内容和文体上完美的结合,才能取得理想的分数。官方对于"Task Achievement"的9分规定就指出"fully satisfies all the requirements of the task; clearly presents a fully developed response"(完全满足所有题目要求,清晰地给出充分的回应)。
① 不理解题目意思
以下面这道真题为例"Today there is a great increase in anti-social behaviour and lack of respect to others. What are the causes of this? What measures can be taken to reduce this problem?" 许多考生反映题目难以理解,这主要是源于对"anti-social behaviour"的定义不清,于是把重点放在了后半句"lack of respect to others"上,有人大书特书当今年轻人不尊重老年人,有人着重描写偷盗等极端犯罪行为,将原因归结为贫穷缺钱。尽管两者之间存在一定联系,但绝对不能将其片面地理解为诸如“谩骂他人,不给老年人让座”的狭隘例子。"Anti-social behaviour is behaviour that lacks consideration for others and that may cause damage to society, whether intentionally or through negligence, as opposed to pro-social behaviour, behaviour that helps or benefits society (B...