

雅思考试 雅思写作 雅思备考


  “Some people think the most important thing about being rich is that it gives an opportunity to help other people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”








  If being rich is being happy, can helping others be a super-happiness? Theresounding answer is yes. The rich would feel even a higher degree of happiness, particularly when they are giving for causes that they are passionate about.




  (2)resounding 响亮的

  (3)giving 给予;捐献;奉献

  (4)be passionate about... 对......充满激情


  Generally, those who are happiest are those who give the most to others, according to ancient wisdom and new research. It makes conventional sense that helping other people in need is a path to everlasting happine...



雅思写作范文 雅思写作话题 雅思写作


  Task:The leaders or directors of organizations are often older people. But some people say that young people can also be a leader,to what extent do you think?

  Sample answer:

  It is true that many leaders and senior executives in global companies are elderly people. However, I would argue that those superb young people are also eligible to take important positions in today’s world.

  On the one hand, compared to the young generation,elderly people possess more edges.First and foremost, they have better cognitive skills, such as big-picture thinking and long-term vision. This is because years of work experience and failures teach them to take every aspect into consideration before making important decisions. By contrast, due to alack of social experience, young leaders seem to make shortsighted decisions sometimes. Moreover, since the old have already overcome countless difficulties and challenges prior, they can quickly adjust their mood in turmoil and lift the morale of the whole organisation.

  On the other hand, there are two reasons why younger directors are also competent to be leaders in important positions. In the first place, with well-educated backgrounds, young leaders are more likely to have a deep understanding of cultural difference, and they can empathize with other employees and clients much better. Today, empat...



雅思大作文范文 雅思写作范文 雅思写作


  Task:In some countries, Young people are not only richer but also safer and healthier than ever before. However, they are less happy. Reasons and solutions.


  1. 第一个理由是,年轻人们生长在一个物质充沛的时代,他们早就习惯一种安逸的,便利的生活,所以他们对于生活水平的进步并不敏感。此外,年轻人都野心勃勃地追求金钱名利,这让他们每天都挣扎在工作压力和加班之中,这自然降低了它们的幸福感。

  2. 第二,很多年轻人从小就被父母溺爱,他们变得自私,无同情心。他们只关心自己的利益,而缺乏仁爱之心去帮助他人。结果是,他们也无法获得的他人关爱,并每天都感觉到被隔离和孤独。

  3. 解决之道需要年轻人改变自己。举例,他们不应该成为追求名利的工作狂,而应该把更多的时间和注意力放到家庭之中,这能恢复一种工作和生活的平衡。此外,主动参加聚会和集体体育运动,这些和他人的互动能恢复他们的活力,积极的生活态度,以及好的情绪。


  Nowadays, with the development of technology and economy, living conditions of youngster have been improved substantially. However, it is surprising that the level of their happiness does not grow correspondingly. In this essay, I will give possible reasons and solutions to this issue.

  Firstly, as the young generation grow up and live in a time when there is much more abundant materials, they take for granted their high living standard and become less sensitive to any improvement in this regard. On the other hand, their spiritual need cannot satisfy due to the loss of traditional values. They strive for fame and profit and suffer from high stress every day, but get disoriented in a fast-changing world and have no idea about the ultimate goal of their lives.

  In addition, as many...



雅思写作范文 雅思优秀范文 雅思写作赏析


  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

  Present a written argument or case to an educated non-specialist audience on the following topic.

  Are computers an essential feature of modern education? What subjects can be better taught using computers? Are there aspects of a good education that cannot be taught using computers?

  You should write at least 250 words.


  Computers are now essential in many areas of life – modern banking, retail and information exchange among others. However, this is not true for education. At a simple level some subjects may be better taught using computers, but to explain important concepts a human teacher is still indispensable. - Introduction shows main idea

  There are some subjects in which a computer can be used successfully to teach. Elementary mathematics, elementary language leaning, any area which requires a student to memorize basic facts through repetition is well suited to computer learning. The computer can be programmed to provide an endless number of simple questions, and as the student answers these questions the facts are learned and reinforced. - Why computers do well, with examples

  However, in the learning and practice of more complex ideas, the computer is not adequate. A computer can evaluate an answer as right or wrong, but it cannot determine why. It cannot find out why a stude...



雅思写作优秀范文 雅思写作范文 雅思写作


  Task:More and more people are busy with work and do not have enough time to spend with their families and friends. Why does this happen? What are the effects on family and society as a whole?


  1. 工作竞争太大。人们不得不经常的加班来确保他们有一个好的工作表现,同时玩命工作也代表了对于企业的忠心。

  2. 新科技也提升了人们的工作预期。举例,电灯的发明让工人在晚上工作成为可能,手机则更是模糊了工作和休息的界限。在私人时间,如周末和假期,一个来自公司或是老板的电话就让人们不得不进入工作状态。

  3. 这带来了负面的影响。第一,人们和家人的沟通会减少,家庭亲情会淡漠。更严重的是,家庭纽带的破裂会带来社会问题,如离婚率增加,青少年犯罪增加,甚至是员工自杀率上升。


  Nowadays, there has been a heated social trend that the whole life of people tends to be surrounded by work, so that they are lack of time for the personal lives. In the following words, I will give possible relevant causes, and the negative influences on the community.

  This phenomenon stems from many causes, and the first one is about employment. In fact, limited job positions, in conjunction with the overpopulation and a declined economy, make the job competition increasingly fierce. For the security of jobs, all employees have to devote themselves into work to keep a good performance. Besides, working hard also represents their loyalty and values to the companies.

  Another direct cause is driven by new technologies which serve a function of enhancing the working expectation among employees today. For example, t...



雅思写作优秀范文 雅思写作范文 雅思写作


  Task:Discuss the advantages and disadvantages that pocket money brings for the growth of children.



  1. 支付日常所需。

  2. 培养理财能力。


  1. 培养懒惰和啃老思维。

  2. 购买垃圾食品,影响健康。

  3. 购买娱乐和玩具,影响学习。

  4. 携带金钱的小孩容易成为社会犯罪袭击目标。


  In a fast-paced age full of intense competition, parents have become used to giving children pocket money for supporting daily life, and whether the children are considerable enough to make correct use of these money or not has been an heated social issue. Some people think money spending can build up some positive personalities like self-reliance and economic mindfulness. Others, however, hold an opposed view that money abuse might be very risky. In my opinon, I am in favor of the former, and I will explore possible reasons as below.

  Firstly, Pocket money provides more opportunties for children to be engaged in real-world socilaztion. For example, when paying for bus fares, food, stationery and books, students would consciously observe, compare and learn basic social products and services, as well as talk and listen to bus drivers, shop clerks and other customers. These experience by spending money helps to foster independence of students, from self-care conciousness to decision-making ability to i...



雅思写作优秀范文 雅思写作高分范文 雅思写作备考


  Happiness is considered very important in our life. Why it is difficult to define? What factors are in achieving happiness?

  It has been widely noted that happiness is very important to our life. However, what is happiness? It seems difficult to define, for different people have different ideas. Some people are brought up that most important thing in their life. They obtain happiness from seeking fame and profit. Other people are in pursuit of mental edification. They serve people heart and soul and find happiness from it.

  In my view, according to philosophy, everything is in process of development including happiness. We spare no effort to achieve our goal and obtain happiness from success. However, after that we have another new aim to achieve. There is no limit to gaining lasting happiness.

  Then how to obtain happiness? I think true happiness can be got in the following ways:

  In the first instance, true happiness comes from hard work. A student is very happy when he has gotten high score in his examinations. His happiness is the result of his hard and patient study. Thus, happiness abounds in hard work.

  Secondly, happiness is rooted in optimistic attitude. In our daily life, we should face a lot of problems, which may lead to setbacks. If these defeatist sentiments seize us, happiness will be far away from us. The only way is right attitude and ...



雅思作文 雅思写作范文



雅思考试 雅思写作 雅思写作范文


  Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this is happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?

  I think it is true that in almost every country today each household and family produces a large amount of waste every week. Most of this rubbish comes from the packaging from the things we buy, such as processed food. But even if we buy fresh food without packaging, we still produce rubbish from the plastic bags used everywhere to carry shopping home.

  The reason why we have so much packaging is that we consume so much more on a daily basis than families did in the past. Convenience is also very important in modern life, so we buy packaged or canned food that can be transported from long distances and stored until we need it, first in the supermarket, and then at home.

  However, the amount of waste produced is also a result of our tendency to use something once and throw it away. We forget that even the cheapest plastic bag has used up valuable resources and energy to produce. We also forget that it is a source of pollution and difficult to dispose of.

  I think, therefore, that governments need to raise this awareness in the general public. Children can be educated about environmental issues at school, but adults need to take action. Governments can encourage such a...




  University students always focus on one specialist subject, but some people think universities should encourage their students to study a range of subjects in addition to their own subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

  Before elaborating my perspective about whether universities should teach students to be vertically or horizontally developed, I feel necessary to categorize higher education into two spans: the one for Associate or Bachelor Degree, and the one for Master as well as Ph.D.

  As to the first one, the institutions of higher education, I consider, are more suggested to structure a teaching package covering a wide range of curricula. It is quite common that the generality of students in this stage are not sure about the professions they are genuinely curious about or talented in. Therefore, more choices of disciplines should be given to them for comparison and selection.

  However, as for the second, by mentioning which I mean the postgraduate period, trainees ought to be guided to study limited areas. On one hand, a trainee in this stage has been academically mature and he, taking a mathematical expert for example, would know which subject is his life-long pursuance, topology or discreet. Thus, it would be a waste of their time and energy if teaching staff still attempt to make them weird versatile creatures arbitrarily. On the other hand, students in this phase are able to have their understanding abou...

