Sample Interview
I = Interviewer C = Candidate
Stage 1
I Good morning my name is Clive. Could you tell me your full name, please.
C My name is Xiao Ying. But you can call me Margaret.
I That's great and who gave you that name?
C My former English teacher gave that to me. She said I reminded her of Margaret Thatcher.
I Interesting. Can you tell me where you're from?
C Sure. I'm from Beijing.
I May I see your identification please?
C Here you go.
I Now just to start out, I'd like to ask a few questions about you. Are you currently working or are you a student?
C I am currently a student at university.
I Right and what is your major?
C My major is in Engineering.
I Why did you choose to study engineering? Did you make the choice by yourself?
C Well in a way but I was also steered that way by my parents. They uh,uh_uh wanted me to have a good techna technical job.
I Well, even though you were influenced by them, do you still like your major?
C Yes I do. An engineer is a creator and a manager at the same time. I like learning about how to solve new problems.
I Is there anything about your major that you don't particularly like?
C Well at times I found it a bit uh,uh,uh tedious, because you have to study a lot of technical terms and informations.
I Well how about when you are not s...