

雅思 本文





雅思 题目
本文来自雅思作文网liuxue86.com《2007年雅思作文全面解析》。 作者:牛俞鑫
















练习的侧重点应该是两方面: 1 、积累观点(即文章的内容或分论点); 2 、纠正语法,积累常用词汇(这点对最后的得分最重要)

经过这几年的研究,我发现雅思考题经常是换汤不还药,也就是说,看似题目不一样,但是写的内容可以互相借鉴的,所以我挑出 10 篇很有代表性的文章让大家练一下,大家最好是灵活运用,不要死背,就算考题不一样,很多内容和词汇都可以借用的!


Schools should teach children some academic subjects which will be beneficial to their future careers. Therefore, other subjects such as music and sports are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

In order to improve the quality of education, high school students should be encouraged to evaluate and criticize their teachers, but others think it will result in loss of respect and discipline in classroom. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Children who grow up in families which are short of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children who are brought up by wealthy parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Many people think that public libraries should only provide books to readers and shouldn’t waste their limited funds on expensive high-tech media, such as computer software, DVD or videos. To what extent do you agre...




  With the development of science and technology, the cars have already become the important component in our daily life gradually. Cars make our life convenient and swift. However, too many cars have caused very serious social problems. Some people claim that the disadvantages of car are more than the advantages. I doubt whether the argument can bear much analysis.

  Since one century [ago], the auto industry has [been] developed at full speed worldwide, and has brought the enormous progresses to our life. For example, the car is the most convenient tool of transportation. We can [be] on and off duty by car every day, we can go to travel by car on the vacation, we can utilize the cars to deal with some emergency too. The car [is] playing an important role in our daily life. They make our rhythm of life faster and faster, make our business become more and more efficient.

  On the other hand, the development of the automobile has brought a lot of infant industry to people, Give people countless employment opportunities too. Such as, manufacturing industry, repairing industry and maintaining industry. We are enjoying the convenience that the cars bring to us; at the same time we can utilize the auto industry to support ourselves.However, we can not ignore that too many cars cause enormous social problems, for example, traffic jam, air pollution, traffic accident, to which we have to find a solution.

  In a word, the cars have br...


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  Discuss the difference between fast food and traditional food, such as nutrition, and recipe?

  Living in a fast-paced society, the modern eaters are not longer interested in the contents of their food, but focused on whether a convenient meal is available at hand to devour. Statistics indicate that even housewives spend much shorter time at kitchen than their predecessors. This writing will compare and contrast advantages and disadvantages of fast food and traditional food.

  Traditional food has its unshakable position in the human culture both in the social and historical context. Historically, chefs have gone to all lengths to experiment on novelties, invent cooking skills to gratify guests' hunger. Hence, traditional food has secured its incomparable value with a complex of tantalising features, including the variance, flavour, and taste. Its unique charms can nurture social relations as well. A family is accustomed to prepare a traditional feast to serve their guests at weekend or on holiday, such as Christmas.

  Further, traditional food is favourably nutritious and balanced, compared with fast food. Dieticians have suggested audience through millions of televised courses that traditional food can retain more nutrition before being served on the table, for in general, they are cooked ...


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  Some people believe that schools should only teach children subjects which are beneficial to their future career and thereforeothers subjects such as music and sports are not important.

  To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  题目类型&回答策略:同意(原因)? 同意(结论)?


  I tend to think it ridiculous that the schools simplyeducate the children subjects beneficial to their future career. This is partly because few people would be one hundred percent sure what careers the children with different life goals or backgrounds would develop or whether they would change their minds. So I doubt whether the good attemptof schools would end up taking effect.

  However, the main concern is that only teaching some of the subjects would be unfairto most children who not only have a burning desire for academic knowledge but also are more interested in art or outdooractivities. Instead, modern school children should be given a wide range of subjects whether the schools think them useful for children’s future career, which can be compared to the fact that diversefoods are positive to people’s physical health.

  This means that some subjects like music and sports are quite necessary in today’s schools that are expected to help with developing children in many ways. Children would go out of classroom to playground and breathe fresh air that is goo...


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  写作题目为:Some countries have an ever-increasing proportion of population who are aged 15 and younger. What is your opinion of the current and future effects it may have in those countries?

  雅思写作Task 2真题范文

  Some countries have witnessed a rise in the proportion of the population under the age of 15. This essay will examine its current and future effects on those countries.

  To begin with, a rising proportion of the young population will bring a greater economic burden on families. It is acknowledged that education, especially when parents want to offer their children high-quality education, will cost parents a large amount of money. The increasing proportion of youngsters means that parents need to spend more money on education. As a result, families may not have the budget to improve other aspects of their life.

  In addition, juvenile delinquency may become a societal issue. When there are more children in a family, parents may face the challenge of balancing work and family. Since many children and te...


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  Nowadays, more and more people would like to move to other countries and settle down for better natural environment, and more educational opportunities. Whether these new settlers should accept new countries’ values and lifestyles has become a public focus. Before presenting my own opinion, I think it is essential to analyze both sides of the issue.

  People in favor of acceptance to new values claim that once you live in a new environment, you have to adapt yourself to the new community. If not, you would feel psychologically isolated. Moreover, getting yourself in the new environment, you can develop a better career, for your employer will consider you to be an adaptable person. And your family also can get themselves involved in the new community. Last but not least, as you accept the new values and lifestyles, you can learn something new apart from your own culture.

  Those who are against, however, argue that if the settlers accept new values and culture, they are considered to betray their own countries, so they no longer belong to their countries. Furthermore, new settlers are supposed to keep their own styles. For instance, their eating habits, religion believes, and so on. Last of all, it is a good way to preserve their tradition and culture, especially the ethnic, who are in minority of people.

  Personally speaking, I tend to side with the former view. Though people should...
