

英语四级真题及答案 2014年英语四级真题及答案







英语四级听力真题及答案 2014年英语四级真题及答案



  Short conversations

  1.Woman: When was the last time you dusted the apartment?

  Man: When was the last time my mother came over?

  Question: What does the man imply?

  2.Woman: Hurry up Mark, there’s a bus coming now.

  Man: Why run? There’ll be another one in 2 or 3 minutes.

  Question: What does the man mean?

  3.Man: Laura, it seems that you are up to your neck in work, how come you’ve been so busy?

  Woman: Ms Smith has asked for a sick leave, and I have to take over her work for a couple of days.

  Question: What do we learn about the woman?

  4.Woman: Washing dishes at the cafeteria every day is really boring.

  Man: Why don’t you quit and deliver the flowers with me?

  Question: What does the man suggest the woman do?

  5.Woman: Rod, you said you’d take this package to the post office yesterday.

  Man: Oh, no, it must have slipped my mind.

  Question: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?

  6.Man: I’m not surprised th...



英语四级真题及答案 2014年英语四级真题及答案



  Bike store owners put their spin on new bike

  New Yorkers, albeit many of them grudgingly, aregradually getting used to more pedaling passengers on those blazingblue Citi Bikes.

  But what about local bike shops? Is Citi Bike rolling up riders attheir expense?

  At Gotham Bikes in Tribeca, a manager who gave his name as “Ben W.”said the shop has seen an increase in its overall sales due to thebike-share program.

  “It’s getting more people on the road, more people learning aboutthe sport and getting involved,” he said.

  An employee at Danny’s Cycles in Gramercy said Citi Bike is a goodoption for people to ease into biking in a city famed for itsvehicular congestion and aggressive drivers.

  “They can try out a bike without committing to buying one,” JamesRyan said. “It makes a more comfortable biking environment in thecity because there are a lot more bikes, too.”

  Business at Danny’s Cycles has increased as well since the adventof bike-share.

  “A lot of people come in for bike gear, and we’ve sold a lot ofhelmets,” he noted.

  Rentals are not a big part of the business at either Gotham Bikesor Danny’s Cycles. But for Frank’s Bike Shop, a small business thathas been at its current Lower East Side location on Grand St. since1976, the bike-share program has been bad news....



英语四级真题及答案 2014年英语四级真题及答案


  【第一篇:the cost of childcare】



  56. A The ever-rising children prices

  57. C Why children workers' pay has not increased with the rising childcare costs

  58. B Strict government regulations

  59 D Each teacher is allowed to care for more kids

  60 B Less elaborate rules about childcare might lower costs

  【第二篇:Alex Pang‘s new book】



  61. D can hardly tear themselves away from the Internet

  62. D Examine the influence of technology on the human mind

  63. A It enables people to work more efficiently

  64. B It somewhat restrains architects' productive thinking

  65. C They exercise self-control over their time online








英语四级真题及答案 2014年英语四级真题及答案


  Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the blank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

  Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.

  As an Alaskan fisherman. Timothy June, 54, used to think that he was safe from industrial pollutants (污染物)at his home in Haines-a town with a population of 2,400 people and 4,000 eagles, with 8 million acres of protected wild land nearby. But in early 2007, June agreed to take part in a 36 of 35 Americans from seven states. It was a biomonitoring project, in which people’s blood and urine(尿)were tested for 37 of chemicals-in this case, three potentially dangerous classes of compounds found in common household 38 like face cream, tin cans, and shower curtains. The results- 39 in November in a report called “Is It in Us?” by an environmental group-were rather worrying. Every one of the participants, 40 from an Illinois state senator to a Massachus...



英语四级真题及答案 2014年英语四级真题及答案



  中国的互联网社区是全世界发展最快的。2010年,中国约有4.2亿网民( netizen ),且人数还在迅速增长。互联网的日渐流行带来了重大的社会变化。中国网民往往不同于美国网民。美国网民更多的是受实际需要的驱使,用互联网为工具发电子邮件、买卖商品、规划旅程或付款。中国网民更多是出于社交原因使用互联网,因而更广泛地使用QQ、聊天室等。



  1. 互联网社区:Internet community

  2. 日渐流行:increasingly popular/prevalent;

  Increasing popularity

  3. 受实际需要的驱使:be driven by practical needs

  4. 重大社会变革:major social change;

  significant social change

  5. 不同于:be different from; differ from... ; other than;

  6. 规划旅程:plan the journey;

  付款:pay for the bill; cover the cost

  7. 出于:for the purpose of..; out of ...

  8. 社交:social contact; social intercourse


  The internet community in China is developing at the fastest speed around the world. China has about 420 million netizens in 2010, and the number is still growing quickly. The increasing popularity of internet has produced the major social change. And netizens in China are often different from that of America.American netizens are more driven by practical needs, using the internet to send e-mails, buy and sell goods, plan the journey or pay for the bill. However, Chinese netizens are using internet for the purpose of social contact. Consequently, they are...



英语四级答案 2014英语四级真题及答案 2014英语四级答案



  Suppose a foreign friend of yours iscoming to visit your hometown/ campus/China, what is the place would you show him or her andwhy?

  The most interesting place

  Dear Pacival,

  I am thrilled to know that you are going to visit my hometown and I can’t wait see you again. I miss everything that happened when I was in your city, and your parents and you were so kind to me that I will try my best this time to make your stay an enjoyable and memerable one.

  My home town,Changsha, is the capital of Hunan province and best known as the star city for its well developed entertainment industry and tourism. There are numerous places and attractions worth recommending, and Yuelu Mountain is the first one that I’d like to introduce to you. Firstly, in the foot of Yuelu Mountain is the prominent Yuelu Academy. It has an exceedingly long history and its architecture is characteristic of Song Dynasty. Then, after a half hour, we will reach the Bird Forest. There are various rare birds there, and they can sing, perform, and interact with us. After about an hour, we will arrive at the peak, Baiyun Summit. The scenery there is spectacular and we can have a wonderful...

