

9月13日托福预测 9月13托福口语预测 托福口语预测



  Task 1

  1.Describe something that once annoyed you. Explain why it annoyed you and your reaction toward it.

  Well, talking about something that once annoyed me. I remember, it was last year that our university was renovating the trail on campus. Frankly, it was a nice thing to do since there used to be lots of mud when it rained and it was pretty messy. However, the noise produced by the construction was really annoying and lots of students including me found it hard to concentrate on our study since the trail was right behind the library. I decided to sign a petition, so I called up lots of classmates and friends, most of whom agreed with me. Afterward, we showed the petition to the university life committee, eventually, they discontinued the construction during school hours.

  2. Describe a decision you made. How you made that decision?

  I am going to share with you my decision making process on whether to go to study in the US or not. I dwelled upon both the advantages and disadvantages to study for graduate program in the USA. for the advant...

